None of the June contracts are outstanding winners. Of the contracts, I see JUPITER and TOWER STRIKE as being the best of the bunch for us (others may have differing opinions).
1. JUPITER is a cadre mission, so we would be acting as instructors to new mechwarriors and interacting with the locals more than we have as an offensive force. It is light duty, go out on patrol, teach kids to shoot, try not to step on the mayor's petunias during exercises, etc. Very much a Kittery Training Battalion scenario with every lance leader having opportunities to make rolls on career soldier, leadership, etc. and contract success being dependent on those rolls. The upside is that it is basically garrison duty, so you go on patrol and then come back to your cot at night (even scouts get maintenance facilities for repairs). We would also have easy market access each month. The downside is crappy salvage and opportunities for escort missions. Get the Wasp across the map vs. A rated opponents...
2. TOWER STRIKE is an objective raid where we will attack forces on planet. The catch is that it is home to the Taurian Flight School, so they will probably have something to say about us being on their planet. It is a high reward mission because of the transport fee, which would lead to the unit pocketing ~37 million on transport alone. Plus we will probably raid the TFS base which could lead to interesting salvage, maybe. In any event, the Taurians will likely get significant BSP support in the form of airstrikes.
3. Do you see something worthwhile in the other contracts? Let us know.
4. Wait for July contract market and continue refitting on Wallis.
Note: We have 3 renegotiation opportunities which will be used to improve transport terms for JUPITER and command rights for TOWER STRIKE.
June contract market thread