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Author Topic: Operation KESTREL Unit Record; July 3047 - May 3050  (Read 3347 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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Operation KESTREL Unit Record; July 3047 - May 3050
« on: December 20, 2018, 01:01:03 PM »

1 March, 3047
Unit lifts off from Athenry

As of 1 March, Unit pays $6,300,000 C-bills for Transport Costs

As of 1 March, each Lance receives a disbursement for $484,210 C-bills (Advance Payment)
As of 1 March, the Unit receives a disbursement for $2,421,043 C-bills (Advance Payment)

1 May, 3047
Age all Unit Members 1 year; make all retirement checks

25 May, 3047
Current Administrator Assignments
Command (4) (+1 initiative during combat assignments) 3+1 total

Logistics (5) (-1 to IntroTech Availability TNs)
Support Lance

HR (5) (each Tech gains +30 extra Repair minutes per day)

21 July, 3047
Somerset reached.

Unit CO assigns the following Roles:
Scout:(x3 minimum)
Defend:(x5 minimum)
Fight: (x2 minimum)

Training: (x0 minimum)
Training rotation will be alphabetical starting with
Bright through August
(then Crusher August to September,
Dancer Semptember to October and so on for,
Dunedain (If the support lance doesn't engage before this time, the first Dunedain slot will go to our support lance),
and Wolverine)
Bright lance will replace the training lance in Defend or Scout roles as needed

25 July, 3047
Make planetfall.  Begin contract.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 10:02:00 PM by Darrian Wolffe »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL Unit Record; July 3047 - 3050
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2018, 10:16:10 PM »

Monthly Lance Leader Pay Disbursement: $229,655 CB
Monthly Unit Pay Disbursement: $1,143,270 CB

1 August, 3047
Special Event: hire one Recruit Type of your choice (unit)
Bright Lance enters Training

1 September, 3047
Special Event: Comstar Planetary Interdiction.  +2 to all Availability TNs for remainder of contract
Crusher Lance enter Training
Bright Lance moves to Scout, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 October, 3047
Dancer Lance enters Training
Crusher Lance moved to Defend, gains +5 Xp to all Lance Members
Bright Lance moves to Defend

1 November, 3047
Special Event: Recover a lost Mech.  TR-A-1 Toro is added to the Unit Reserve
Dragon Lance enters Training
Dancer Lance moves to Scout, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 December, 3047
Support Lance enters Training
Dragon Lance moves to Defend, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 January, 3048
Freya Lance enters Training
Support Lance moved to Unassigned, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 February, 3048
Special Event:
(3048-02-10) New Avalon [FCNS] - Today the Federated Commonwealth unveiled a brand new design, developed by Team Banzai and the NAIS, the new Axman is the follow up to the iconic Hatchetman BattleMech. The new Axman weighs significantly more than its predecessor but is otherwise very similar. Both 'Mechs wield massive hatchets and are armed with large-bore auto-cannons for destroying other 'Mechs and both designs have a top speed of nearly 65 km/h and jump jets. The biggest difference between the Axman and the Hatchetman, other than their size, is the inclusion of rediscovered Lostech on the Axman: one of the first Mechs produced with LosTech off the production line.
Ice Lance enters Training
Freya Lance moves to Scout, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 March, 3048
Midnight enters Training
Ice Lance moves to Defend, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 April, 3048
Phoenix Lance enters Training
Midnight lance moves to Scout, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 May, 3048
Special Event
Rim Collection Charter Signed
(3048-05-14) Gillfillan's Gold [CNB] - CNB has just received news from the Periphery that six former Rim Worlds Republic planets have signed the Rim Collection Charter. The Charter bands these six planets together into a mutual defensive pact and the six member states hope their alliance will allow them to better defend against pirate predation and pool their resources to improve the conditions on their planets. Speaking on behalf of the new Periphery nation, Planetary Councilman Roberts explained the new nation’s goals to “Improve the living conditions for the residents of the Rim Collection planets, through improved security, pooling resources, and expanding trade with neighboring nations.” Here at CNB we wish the new Rim Collection the best.

Reaper Lance enters Training
Phoenix Lance moves to Unassigned, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 June, 3048
Special Event
Devastator Unveiled
(3048-06-28) Loxley [FCNS] - The Federated Commonwealth unveiled a new construction line at the Norse-Storm manufacturing plant on Loxley today. A news conference held at the plant wowed reports by showing off the impressive Devastator assault 'Mech. The Devastator is rumored to have been designed by Aleksandr Kerensky himself, just prior to the Amaris Coup, which resulted in only a handful of prototypes ever making it off the factory floor before the design was lost to history. The Devastator wasn't rediscovered until forces from the Federated Suns discovered blue prints in an abandoned Star League facility on Hoff in 3023. Unfortunately, the advanced materials and parts required meant that the Devastator would not see production for another two-decades, with full production only beginning earlier this year.

Skaraborg Lance enters Training
Reaper Lance moves to Defend, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 July, 3048
Wolverine Lance enters Training
Skaraborg Lance moves to Defend, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 August, 3048
Bright Lance enters Training
Wolverine Lance moves to Fight, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 September, 3048
Crusher Lance enter Training
Bright Lance moves to Scout, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 October, 3048
Dancer Lance enters Training
Crusher Lance moves to Defend, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Bright Lance moves to Defend

1 November, 3048
Special Event:
Avenger Dropship Upgraded
(3048-11-02) Delavan [FCNS] - Today the Federated Commonwealth unveiled the first of many upgrades to the realm's Dropship fleet. The first Avenger-class Assault DropShip has completed an upgrade using rediscovered weapon and cooling systems to greatly increase its combat effectiveness. The Commonwealth Admiralty reports that they expect upgrades to begin over the next few years of all Commonwealth Dropships and Jumpships.

Dragon Lance enters Training
Dancer Lance moves to Scout, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 December, 3048
Dunedain Lance enters Training
Dragon Lance moves to Defend, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Oberon Confederation forces land on-planet and engage defenders on 12-22-3048
« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 04:03:17 PM by Darrian Wolffe »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL Unit Record; July 3047 - 3050
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2019, 04:08:23 AM »

22 December, 3048
SOLO MISSION: Midnight - Recon Raid (Defender)
RESULT: Victory - no effect on contract score
After-Action Report: Pirate forces moved into Midnights area of operations in two discrete forces: the heavy units along the eastern flank (Force 1) and several fast scouting units along the west (Force 2).  Force 1 advanced in a bid to pin Midnight's forces in place while the western group would have free reign to break through and accomplish their scouting mission.  Midnight Lance countered by detailing SGT Roark in her Shadow Hawk to keep Force 2 pinned down while the remainder of LT Atayde's lance engaged Force 1.  The danger of SGT Roark's LBX autocannon successfully kept Force 2 from committing to a push for most of the action.  Force 1 and Midnight engaged in what could be described as a "cautious melee"; LT Atayde was willing to give up ground in exchange for minimizing damage to his outnumbered force, and over quite a long time managed to wear Force 1 down to where it was no longer a combat-effective unit.  Force 2 eventually made a break to try and get past SGT Roark, who promptly blew the pirate Ferret VTOL out of the sky.  At this, the pirate forces retreated, leaving behind several destroyed vehicles, a trio of damaged but salvageable Mechs, and Midnight Lance's Vindicator with a destroyed gyroscope.

22 December, 3048
SOLO MISSION: Dancer - Probe (Defender)
RESULT: Victory - no effect on contract score
After-Action Report:  Dancer entered recon area and was confronted by 2 lances of Oberon Confederation forces led by Talia Grimm.  Taking a defensive position around and on the largest hill in area, Dancer maintained the initiative and destroyed 4 pirate mechs while taking light damage themselves.  The remaining Oberon mechs began to withdraw and Dancer applied moderate pressure to ensure that they left the area.  Talia Grimm and her Crab did get away to fight another day.

22 December, 3048
SOLO MISSION: Freya - Civilian Escort (Defender)
RESULT: Victory - no effect on contract score
After-Action Report:  Henrik Grimm's forces made an airdrop assault on Freya Lance and its Somerset Academy trainee escorts almost exactly at the mid-point of their journey from the Academy Repair & Refit Depot to the Academy Grounds proper.  Hostile intent was confirmed early enough that MGST Vicious was able to shift her Wasp LAM into Fighter Mode and prepare an attack run on the airdropping Mechs, and the trainees were instructed to huddle to the south while the heavy Freya Lance units formed a picket line between their position and the estimated pirate LZ.  The severe weather played havoc with the landing; several pirate Mechs were blown off-course and into hard landings, though no truly significant damage resulted from the misdrops.  While the extreme cold clearly assisted the pirate Mechs - equipped as they were with single heat sinks - the mixed swirling snow, punctuated by ravening blasts of lightning, would prove a harrowing experience for both sides.  Indeed, immediately after a hard landing, a pirate Stinger was struck by a tremendous Force 6 lightning bolt that blew clean through its chest and SCRAMed the reactor.  The battle quickly devolved into a close-range action, as much a result of the blowing snow as the combatant's mutual desire for a decisive engagement.  To the northeast, MSGT Vicious landed her LAM and converted to BattleMech Mode, engaging and destroying a pirate Wasp and Commando in a protracted but otherwise isolated engagement.  In the center, SGT Callahan and LTSG Hartmann's Grasshoppers held off the main pirate strength; an Archer, Orion, Crusader, and Thunderbolt.  To the west, the pirate Wolverine and several light Mechs attempted to force a flanking action around the newly-promoted LTJG Boyle's upgraded Crusader.  In a brutal close-range melee, the Grasshoppers prevailed, though at a cost of severe armor damage and a blown-off limb of SGT Callahan's Mech.  The western flank eventually collapsed, and the trainees were put into action against pirates not too much more experienced than the trainees themselves.  The LoggerMech had its leg destroyed by a particularly persistent Stinger, and the Powerman took several hard hits from the Wolverine before SGT Boyle brought the pirate down.  However, the genuine tragedy of the day came when the hitherto-undamaged CattleMaster Hunter was itself struck by another Force 6 lightning bolt (one of almost two dozen recorded Force 6 strikes on the battlefield during the engagement), blowing its head clean off and killing the pilot.

In the end, Freya Lance and the trainees held the field; two pirates fled, and the exhausted Rangers let them go; unwilling to continue the battle when they could instead take shelter from the weather.  The pirate captain, Amari Riebero, a man uncommonly skilled at the use of improvised melee weapons (notably the severed arm of SGT Callahan's Grasshopper) was captured unconscious after the battle, and the pirate Crusader and Orion were taken as salvage.

22 December, 3048
MISSION: Dragon, Skaraborg, Crusher - Base Assault (Defender)
After-Action Report:

{Cue hilarious commentary about announcing you are taking control of a battle when in range of a Vulcan...}
« Last Edit: January 23, 2019, 12:42:02 AM by Darrian Wolffe »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL Unit Record; July 3047 - 3050
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2019, 11:14:07 PM »

Monthly Lance Leader Pay Disbursement: $229,655 CB
Monthly Unit Pay Disbursement: $1,143,270 CB

1 January, 3049
Special Event: Employer Military Surplus Sale - some units are 50% off in the Unit Market
Special Event:
(3049-01-05) Marcus [FCNS] - Announced to much fanfare, the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth christened two new Regimental Combat Teams; the 11th and 12 Federated Commonwealth RCTs will be stationed on Skye and Marcus respectively.  The new commands are staffed by soldiers from throughout the Federated Commonwealth and will assist in the defense of the Sarna March.

Freya Lance enters Training
Dunedain Lance moved to Defend, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 February, 3048
Ice Lance enters Training
Freya Lance moves to Scout, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 March, 3048
Midnight Lance enters Training
Ice Lance moves to Defend, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Pirate Activity is again on the rise!

3 March, 3049
SOLO MISSION: Freya - Hide and Seek (Attacker)
RESULT: VICTORY- no effect on contract score
After-Action Report: Freya Lance was on a routine scout patrol when sensors picked up a very large concentration of units not far ahead of them.  LT Hartmann pushed forward to determine what they were facing, only to realize that Freya was heavily outnumbered and facing a pirate combined-arms company.  Unwilling to expose her heavy units to the concentrated fire of pursuing Hetzers, she decided to engage the enemy more closely, pushing forward and into the enemy's reverse-slope position.  Using her pair of Grasshoppers to hold the bulk of enemy attention by staying close to but just on the near side of the ridge, she sent SGT Montgomery and MSGT Vicious on a flanking maneuver along the south end of the ridgeline, hoping to turn the flank and isolate and destroy the enemy's Hetzer lance before the oncoming reinforcements arrived.  However, the flankers got bogged down in a brutal close-range firefight with several light jumping pirate Mechs, and pulled back so that the mutually-supporting Grasshoppers could lend assistance.  In a grinding battle of attrition, the Javelin and [i[Grasshoppers[/i] isolated one enemy unit at a time in the dense forest and smashed it before help could arrive.  The pirates eventually formed up in a circle on the south end of the ridgeline - LT Hartmann decided that she had sufficient combat power to take on this formation, and exploited the blind spots of the front-mounted autocannon on the Hetzers to engage and destroy them at point-blank range.  Unsuited for a close-range brawl, LT Hartmann dispatched MSGT Vicious to fly her LAM east and perform screening duties against the incoming pirate reinforcements.  She did so admirably, diverting them north and away from positions where they could lend long-range fire support to the brawl going on on the ridgeline.  With 11 of the original 12 pirate units destroyed, and the reinforcements well out of position to catch up, MSGT Vicious took off at top speed to rejoin the remainder of Freya Lance, and LT Hartmann withdrew from the area in good order.  Salvage included two Hetzers, a shut-down and legless Vulcan unable to sink its heat, and the unconscious pirate commander and her Guillotine.

4 March, 3049
SOLO MISSION: Bright - Assassination Run (Defender)
After-Action Report:

6 March, 3049
SOLO MISSION: Phoenix - Probe (Attacker)
RESULT: VICTORY - no effect on contract score
After-Action Report:  The pirate forces' mechs surged forward as quickly as possible while the vehicles maneuvered at speed into flanking and eventually rear positions.  Phoenix Lance maneuvered for heavy woods and in the case of his CO ensured there were enough woods immediately behind to eliminate rear shots unless the units were in the woods.  Early fire between the two sides at range was largely ineffectual with the respective COs inflicting minor damage on the opposing forces.  As they continued to close each of the two Phoenix mechs were swarmed by six units, with the closer brutal exchange resulting in a smoking Skulker, heavily damaged Scorpion and an XO forced to steady his unit (PSR) from the weight of incoming fire.  Shortly thereafter the Phoenix CO blew the head off a Wasp, damaged another Scorpion and finished off the damaged Scorpion with a kick.  The Phoenix XO managed to kick the leg off the Hornet, again while sustaining significantly concentrated fire on it's left arm and right leg from the Striker and Shadow Hawk among others.  In the final decisive moments of the battle the Phoenix XO destroyed the remaining Skulker while the Phoenix CO legs the remaining Wasp.  The Striker tried hard to down the heavily damaged Marauder of the XO pouring more fire into the right leg, destroying a foot actuator and heat sink but was unsuccessful in coordinating enough fire against it or the damaged left arm.  With the Phoenix CO's Marauder only lightly damaged and the XO's Marauder still fully combat effective, the pirate forces withdrew (Ryan declared Victory) leaving behind the two downed Wasps and Hornet.

6 March, 3049
SOLO MISSION: Wolverine - Stand Up (Attacker)
RESULT: VICTORY - no effect on contract score
After-Action Report: Wolverine Lance was sent to clean out any resistance in a town nearby. We ran into heavy resistance from several vehicles and 2 mechs.  The lance entered from the West and enemy resistance approached from the East. We deployed in two groups of two units, LTSG Charikov in the Wolverine II and SGT Morley in the Wolverine as one, LTJG Adamson in the Griffon and SGT Chadwick in the Gladiator as the other. The enemies deployed in a similar fashion. LTJG Adamson and SGT Chadwick tried to flank from the South, but were outflanked by hover tanks deployed more towards the Northern half of the battlefield. The first weapons attack that did damage occurred 20 seconds into the encounter, inflicting mild damage, and the enemies also fired, but hit each other.  30 seconds into the encounter major damage was inflicted on one Pegasus hover tank and SGT Morley’s Wolverine sustained a shoulder hit. Enemy friendly fire locked one of the Scorpion tanks turrets in the rear facing direction and two buildings were also destroyed by weapons fire. 40 seconds into the battle LTSG  Charikov destroyed 1 Pegasus Hover Tank while staying on top of the Scorpion Tanks. SGT Morley caused the Scorpion mech to fall and receive an ammo explosion, but SGT Morley lost control of his Wolverine  and fell taking heavy damage in return. The Wolverine lost its Large Laser while falling.  After 50 seconds LTSG Charikov destroyed one of the Scorpion tanks. The LTJG Adamson and SGT Chadwick inflicted decent damage on the enemy Griffon mech. The Wolverine lost the Medium Laser in its left arm due to weapons fire.  One minute passed, and SGT Morley then moved away from the center of the battle due to damage. LTSG Charikov killed the second Scorpion tank while LTJG Adamson and SGT Chadwick the immobilized the remaining Pegasus Hover Tank.  Enemy reinforcements arrived after 1 minute and 10 seconds. LTSG Charikov killed the Harasser tank, which was part of the reinforcements and LTJG Adamson, SGT Morley, and SGT Chadwick inflicted massive damage on the enemy Griffon, but failed to destroy it. SGT Chadwick killed the immobilized Pegasus with a kick. After that an offer was made for the pirates to leave and they took it, ending the engagement.

7 March, 3049
MISSION: Dunedain, Reaper, Bright - Base Assault (Attacker)
After-Action Report:  The Oberon Confederation's outright attack on Somerset in December of 3048 was a disaster; its initial multi-front assault on isolated Ranger units accompanied by an airdrop on their operating base itself was completely smashed, and the few remaining forces escaped off-world. Henrik' Grimm's pride would lead to another attempt on Somerset in March of 3049; this time, his idea was to essentially sneak onto the planet, and build up a force (using the volume of academy traffic as a shield against detection) strong enough to make a concentrated ground assault in order to punch out the Rangers.

However, less than a month after establishing their own hidden operating base, the Oberoni forces were discovered through happenstance, and an immediate counterassault was made on their facility, going significantly out of their way to circle the base and strike it from a nontraditional direction, meaning that the considerable base defenses which the pirates had set up would mostly be on the wrong side of the base. Additionally, because they were mounting an attack with some level of strategic surprise on their side, the pirates were caught wrong-footed and unable to screen their buildings; the fight would occur to the north of the base, after the Rangers had passed through the buildings, rather than to the north of the base like the pirates had expected.

The engagement began with the Rangers occupying a broad front to the south of the base, with Reaper and Dunedain Lances on the east of the Ranger line, and Bright Lance and the accompanying Federated Commonwealth (FC) Lance to the west. Expecting some level of pirate chicanery, they intended to bypass the built-up areas and strike the pirates on both sides. This would hopefully cause at least one flank to collapse, allowing the speedy Ranger units to envelop the enemy position. Ice Lance, as the designated Reinforcement Unit, would support and exploit any penetration of the pirate line.

The pirates, meanwhile, had a pair of AC/20 turrets hidden in the clusters of woods to the north of the base, and deployed into a defensive line anchored in mixed forest. The local pirate security lance for the base took cover amidst the buildings; including a Stinger dropping prone on top of a building to spot for support fire.  oth Ranger Lances advanced north at speed. Dunedain Lance slowed somewhat to start scanning amidst the buildings for any hidden turrets, and its Firestarter was promptly caught in the blast radius of the first IED. This had the intended effect of slowing and breaking up the Ranger advance. Dunedain fell back to move away from the buildings, while Reaper continued north alone.

On the western side of the field, the Stinger on top of the building survived to spot for LRM fire for a shockingly long time before having its head blown off by the FC Lance Ostsol. However, this accurate spotting allowed for a fair amount of damage to be put into FC Lance by the pirate LRM units on that side of the field, and the revelation that some buildings were booby-trapped slowed them down even more. While the pirate support vehicles fled the battlefield to the north at top speed (losing only the Sherpa), the Demolisher and Bulldog played hide-and-seek against the three attacking lances, with nobody willing to move past the (possibly explosive) buildings in order to get to where the vehicles were hiding. This stalemate continued with desultory fire for several turns, until the FC Lance, cursing the cowardly mercenaries, charged forward, braving the Demolisher's fire, and hammered it flat in a single salvo.

Ice Lance also authorized a scorched-earth policy on the Ranger left; methodically blowing apart the buildings in their way just in case they contained explosives. The liaisons saw this, and didn't much care.  eaper Lance continued at top speed down the pirate left flank (east), and became embroiled in a close-range knifefight with pretty much all of the pirate medium and light Mechs, supported by the Archer and Rifleman. Reaper took quite a lot of damage very quickly, and Dunedain mostly abandoned its scouting duties to job east away from the buildings and bail Reaper out. Colonel Saultier himself engaged in melee with multiple lighter enemy units, and mulched through them quickly. The outcome of this engagement to the pirate left was never in doubt; the only serious setback the Rangers had occurred when a hidden AC/20 turret revealed itself, promptly had Sniper smoke  dropped on it to conceal it further, and terrorized the flank for three turns before being kicked to death by both Crusaders and the Dunedain Shadow Hawk.

About this time, the Ranger forces to the west had killed the pirate vehicles and were looking to push into the shortened pirate right flank (shortened to provide support to the fight against Reaper and Dunedain on the left), when they ran face-first into their worst fear. The concealed triple AC/20 turret. In heavy woods. With a Sniper smoke round further concealing it. The turret crippled an FC Lance Grasshopper, crippled the Bright Lance Grasshopper, crippled LT SG Brightsword's custom Marauder, and blew the gyro out of Bright Lance's Griffin when the Griffin ran directly in front of it during movement and it revealed itself.

So it was that the Rangers finally managed to overcome the pirate forces. With 8 heavy Mechs hitting the pirate right flank, the line collapsed completely, and after a few turns of fire , victory was declared and the battle ended with a pirate retreat off-world. However, the cost was severe. Bright Lance's Marauder and Griffin would require 5 months of repair between them. Colonel Saultier's Mech had lost its expensive XL engine completely while the western forces were bogged down on the turret, and his Firestarter and other Crusader were badly damaged. Reaper 2's Gladiator was a complete loss, cored through by a particularly persistent pirate Wolfhound. A half-dozen pilots suffered serious injuries.

Salvage was modest; the previous mission had resulted in almost no salvage at all, given that everything which died exploded, so they had a lot of salvage value "banked". A half-dozen pirate Mechs were salvaged, including the upgraded Rifleman and Orion.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 02:06:12 AM by Darrian Wolffe »


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« Last Edit: February 08, 2019, 08:32:52 PM by Darrian Wolffe »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL Unit Record; July 3047 - 3050
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2019, 08:32:59 PM »

Monthly Lance Leader Pay Disbursement: $229,655 CB
Monthly Unit Pay Disbursement: $1,143,270 CB

1 April, 3049
Special Event: Employer Military Surplus Sale - some units are 50% off in the Unit Market
Midnight Lance leaves Training, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Phoenix Lance enters Training

1 May 3049
Phoenix Lance leaves Training, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Reaper Lance enters Training

1 June, 3049
Reaper Lance leaves Training, gains +5 Xp to all Lance Members
Skaraborg enters Training

1 July, 3049
Wolverine Lance
Skaraborg Lance leaves Training, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members

1 August, 3049
Wolverine Lance leaves Training,  gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Bright Lance enters Training

1 September, 3049
Bright Lance leaves Training,  gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Crusher Lance enters Training

1 October, 3049
Crusher Lance moves to Defend, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Dancer Lance enters Training

1 November, 3049
Dancer Lance leaves Training, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Dragon Lance enters Training

1 December, 3049
Dragon Lance leaves Training, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Dunedain Lance enters Training

1 January, 3050
Dunedain Lance leaves Training, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Freya Lance enters Training

1 February, 3050
Freya Lance leaves Training, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Ice Lance enters Training

1 March, 3050
Ice Lance leaves Training, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Midnight Lance enters Training

1 April, 3050
Special Event: Reinforcements
(04-08-3050) Elements of the 8th Arcturan RCT and the 2nd New Ivaarsen Chasseurs land on Somerset, having been kicked off of the worlds of Here and Anywhere (respectively) by uncommonly well-equipped and competent pirate forces.  Communication with higher authorities instruct defending forces to hold in place and take no strategic offensive action until more information can be gathered.
Midnight Lance leaves Training,gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Phoenix Lance enters Training

1 May, 3050
Phoenix Lance leaves Training, gains +5 XP to all Lance Members
Reaper Lance enters Training
Special Event: Invasion
(05-07-3050) A massive jump bloom appears at the Somerset system's Nadir jump point, multiple JumpShips and a massive vessel estimated at 750,000 tons have entered the system and refuse all hails on their drive towards the planetary surface.


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Re: Operation KESTREL Unit Record; July 3047 - 3050
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2019, 01:01:58 PM »

Reaper lance is recalled from Training to Scout after the March 9th battles.
All training rotations cease effective March 9.


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Re: Operation KESTREL Unit Record; July 3047 - 3050
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2019, 04:29:54 PM »

Dancer lance transferred to fight from January to April. Dunedain takes the scout slot temporarily.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL Unit Record; July 3047 - 3050
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2019, 11:45:09 PM »

9 May, 3050
MISSION: Dragon, Crusher, Dancer - Base Assault (Attacker)
After-Action Report: The Federated Commonwealth cadets began in a central position on the Somerset Academy parade grounds, desperately holding the line while reinforcements streamed onto the board from the south in attempt to help. 8th Arcturan heavy Mechs and the first group of Ranger heavy Mechs, spearheaded by Dragon Lance, moved in and established a line to the cadets right flank.

While the cadets bravely held the line, they were mostly decimated by the long range fire of the oncoming Clan units. The Ranger forces on the cadet right flank try to tie down a heavy group, including an Executioner and Hellbringer, with long-range fire. Several of the clan units declared duels against multiple Inner Sphere targets leaving several clan units with no fire to declare.  The cadet line failed almost as soon as it made contact with Dragon Lance and the 8th Arcturan, falling back behind the heavy structures mid-grounds, while the Falcons continued their broad-front advance.  Midnight, Dancer, and Crusher lances shore up the weak Ranger left flank, slowing but failing to stop a Clan flanking action through the structures in that area.  Meanwhile, Dragon and the 8th trade point-blank fire against a heavy Clan star, while the surviving cadets pour fire into the engagement from moderate range.  Eventually, the Falcons use shielding terrain to work a jump-capable star through the defenders line of battle and penetrate the Ranger left flank. At this point the battle essentially becomes a large swirling melee. Individual fights go to the person with the better luck or the bigger guns. Star Colonel Nicholai Malthus gets behind Dragon Lance's Orion and blows out its gyro at close range.  Cadet forces broke and ran at this point, with few survivors.  Captain Atayde of Midnight Lance earned special distinction, picking up survivors from his and other lances at great personal risk, and eventually negotiated an orderly withdrawal for the Rangers, ceding the grounds to the Jade Falcons.  Casualties were heavy: Dragon Lance's deployed Mechs were essentially wiped out.  Midnight and Crusher Lances both took 50% casualties, and Dancer Lance withdrew with no losses, but 75% of the lance crippled.  Of the cadet forces, only 2 pilots survived in condition to return to the campaign, and the 8th Arcturan had but a single survivor.  The Ranger first contact with the Clans was complete, and the survivors gave thanks for their lives.

9 May, 3050
MISSION: Dunedain, Wolverine, Freya, Phoenix - Convoy Attack (Defender)
After-Action Report: Clan Jade Falcon forces airdropped in a position to interdict the second-largest concentration of Ranger Mech forces on the planet (after the Academy Grounds) and annihilate a convoy of military material.  At the first sign of the airdropping troops, Ranger and convoy forces fell back to buy some time and space.  The convoy vehicles took what cover they could behind shielding terrain, while the 8th Arcturan forces formed the center of a line of battle, Dunedain and Phoenix Lances took the right flank, and Freya and Wolverine took the left.  The Clan forces dropped conservatively, allowing the Rangers, using their space efficiently, to deploy a sustained barrage of smoke rounds from their supporting artillery forces, blanketing the area some 100 meters ahead of their battle line with dense smoke.  

This smoke wall served to effectively negate the Clan range advantage.  The Clan forces split into two "wings", attacking to either flank, but became strung out and were engaged one at a time on the Ranger left as the smoke began to burst.  On the Ranger right a trio of Clan Mechs found a ridgeline where they could fire over the smoke, but this fire was largely desultory and aside from the freak ammunition explosion which destroyed Phoenix Lance's No.2 Marauder, had little effect.  Unable or unwilling to mass to punch through the smoke (the Rangers interior lines meant that they could more efficiently move concentrated force to wherever the Clan forces burst through the smoke), the Clan forces simply withdrew slightly to the north and ceded the initiative to the Rangers.

The Rangers, meanwhile, reformed the convoy column on their far left flank (away from the ridgeline), and punched north, screening the convoy vehicles with their Mechs.  The Clans were engaged a few at a time by a dozen Mechs at once.  Seeing LTSG Cherikov's badly-damaged Wolverine II about to be destroyed by the Falcon Warhawk, LTSG Elsa Hartmann charged the Clan assault machine and the Hellbringer next to it.  Her lasers blew off the left side of the Hellbringer and shut down the Mech's engine, while in an impressive display of piloting she nimbly pivoted and kicked the leg clean off of the Warhawk, dropping two Clan heavy Mechs in a single round.  

Things looked positive for the Rangers at this point, until the delaying action Dunedain Lance was holding against the Clanners on the Ranger right flank went awry.  COL Aaron Saultier was automatically ejected from his Crusader after an ammunition explosion, and was engaged on the ground by the single, badly-damaged survivor of an Elemental point.  The Elemental unloaded his entire arsenal, enduring freak miss after freak miss (as Saultier burned Edge to stay alive). After missing with both SRMs and the small laser, the Elemental switched his AP weapon to semi, aimed carefully, heedless of the unarmored man frantically snapping back shots with his Sternschnacht, and put a single 7.62 round through the good Colonel's head.  The armored behemoth was duly reduced to a greasy stain by Dunedain Lance's Firestarter, but the deed was done, and the Ranger's CO was dead.  

At this point in the battle things started collapsing quickly for the Rangers as the Dire Wolf, accompanied by several point of Elementals and two Summoner Primes, finally emerged from the smokey woods and tore into the Ranger center and left flank at point-blank range.  Two Wolverine Lance Mechs were crippled almost instantly, and Freya Lance's Rifleman was blown completely through and through by the entire payload of the Clan assault Mech.  The surviving 8th Arcturan Mechs were unable to reposition quickly enough to assist, and the Ranger left flank nearly collapsed, exposing the convoy to the Falcon's withering fire.  When one of the Summoners went down, however, the Clan forces ceded the field and withdrew in good order; had they continued their attack, even for a very short time, it was a certainty that the convoy would have been annihilated and the bulk of Freya and Wolverine Lance completely destroyed.  As it stood, the butcher's bill was bad enough.

11 May, 3050
MISSION: Reaper, Skaraborg, Ice - Hold the Line (Defender)
RESULT: DRAW (strategic victory)
After-Action Report:  Falcon forces were advancing on the planetary evacuation point to the southeast of Hollyfield.  To buy time for the evacuation, Reaper, Skaraborg, and Ice lances were ordered into line alongside Andrew Steiner and the bare remnants of the 8th Arcturan and 2nd New Ivaarsen Chausseurs.  Freya and Bright Lances, the two remaining heavy forces in anything resembling a coherent order after the action, moved to reinforce the line from the heavy attack which was surely coming.  And the Clans did not disappoint.  The initial attacking binary's light forces moved far around the Ranger left flank, opposed initially by Reaper Lance, before running face-first into the onrushing Freya heavy units.  Along the ridgeline where the 2nd had set their defensive line, reinforced by Ice Lance, the heavies strokes fell.  Skaraborg Lance held a small plateau slightly to the west of the main defense line, and, firing from smoke, made a tremendous contribution to the battle.  Blowing the head off of a Jade Falcon Turkina as soon as it came in range, this kill attracted the main force of Jade Falcons, exposing their onrushing flank to vicious fire from the defense line.  Much of the battle would be fought in the pocket which formed here, the ever-attriting Skaraborg and Reaper Lances on the left, the 2nd Chausseurs and Ice Lance on the right, and the Falcon heavy forces attempting to force their way through the center of the pocket.

On the far right, the 8th Arcturan maintained a watch on a network of low hills, ensuring that the Ranger right flank could not be turned. In the event, it was lucky they were there, for a Clan medium binary attempted exactly that, leading to a point-blank melee along the north slopes of the hills.  Bright Lance reinforced the 8th just as the Clans made close contact, and the outnumbered Ranger forces were able to use their superior maneuverability to tie down the Falcon forces here. 

There was no stopping every Falcon Mech, of course.  Roughly 8 Falcon Mechs, exclusively light and medium units, broke through, taking down Andrew Steiner's Wolfhound and capturing him, before going on to wreak havoc in the Ranger rear areas, the last Ice Ferret finally being gunned down almost underneath a DropShip.  The battle came to a climax when Nicolai Malthus himself broke through the pocket and tore into the weakened 2nd Chausseurs Mechs, taking down several.  He was met in a challenge by LT SG Elsa Hartmann, who brought the Star Colonel's Summoner crashing down with a gyro hit and a missing leg.  Thinking quickly, she offered to spare his life in exchange for withdrawal off the field and for the Rangers to take their destroyed Mechs with them.  The Clan commander agreed, and the battle came to a close.  Ranger casualties were fairly light, with a half-dozen Mechs crippled, but with the loss of only Ice Lance's Javelin (and SGT Kelly Ross, the pilot), Skaraborg Lance's Thug, and the death in-cockpit of Freya Lance's SGT Natalie Boyle.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 01:26:36 PM by Darrian Wolffe »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL Unit Record; July 3047 - 3050
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2019, 02:42:12 PM »

Unit receives disbursement of $2,286,540
Lance Leaders recieve disbursement of $459,310 each
Unit receives $49,788,864 CB for Transport Costs.
Any Lance Leaders who lost Mechs during the contract receive 40% of that Mech's base retail sale price in BLC.

Unit Reaches Jump Point on 5-14-3051 (4.12 days)

Unit Gains
MechWarrior Alexei Baidavletov (5/6, 20 years old, Medium-rated, Edge 4, Wpn Spec cERPPC)

Salvage Value: 181,500,000 C-bills in salvage value.  The FedCom units confiscate all the Clan salvage you reported, along with any captured Clan pilots.  However, you have the option to swap this value for the following, up to the maximum value of your Salvage.  Each item may be selected only once.  Once purchased, parts may be divided between Lance Leaders as the Unit CO deems fit. Salvage Value not used is lost.

(The value of in parenthesis is the value applied against your Salvage Total)

$50,000,000 C-Bills
$50,000,000 C-Bills

x20 PPCs ($5,000,000)
x20 PPCs ($5,000,000)
x10 Large Lasers ($1,500,000)
x10 Large Lasers ($1,500,000)
x20 Medium Lasers  ($1,000,000)
x10 Medium Lasers ($500,000)
x10 Small Lasers ($500,000)
x10 Small Lasers ($500,000)
x10 LRM-10  ($1,500,000)
x10 LRM-15  ($2,500,000)
x10 LRM-20  ($3,500,000)
x20 SRM-6 ($500,000)
x20 SRM-4 ($500,000)
x20 SRM-2 ($500,000)
120 tons of standard SRM ammo in any mix of sizes ($4,000,000)
120 tons of LRM ammo in any mix of sizes ($4,000,000)
x10 SRM-2 Streak  ($500,000)
50 tons of SRM-2 streak ammo ($4,000,000)
x10 ER Large Laser ($5,000,000)
x10 Large Pulse Laser ($5,000,000)
x10 Gauss Rifle ($6,000,000)
50 tons of Gauss Rifle Ammo
x10 AC/20 ($6,000,000)
x10 AC/10 ($4,000,000)
30 tons of AC/20 ammo ($500,000)
30 tons of AC/10 ammo ($500,000)

COM-2D Commando ($2,500,000)
COM-2D Commando ($2,500,000)
FS9-H Firestarter ($3,500,000)
JVN-10N Javelin ($3,000,000)
JR7-D Jenner ($3,000,000)
LCT-1S Locust ($2,000,000)
PNT-9R Panther ($2,500,000)
PNT-9R Panther ($2,500,000)

PXH-1K Phoenix Hawk ($4,500,000)
PXH-1K Phoenix Hawk ($4,500,000)
SHD-2K Shadow Hawk ($5,500,000)
SHD-2K Shadow Hawk ($5,500,000)
VL-2T Vulcan ($4,500,000)
BJ-2 Blackjack ($6,500,000)
CN9-D Centurion ($12,000,000)
CRB-27 Crab ($6,000,000)
HCT-5D Hatchetman ($7,000,000)
HCT-5S Hatchetman ($9,500,000)

ARC-2R Archer ($9,500,000)
ARC-2R Archer ($9,500,000)
AXM-1N Axman ($15,000,000)
BL-7-KNT Black Knight ($13,000,000)
CPLT-C1 Catapult ($11,000,000)
CRD-5S Crusader ($11,500,000)
MAD-5D Marauder ($19,000,000)
MAD-5D Marauder ($19,000,000)
MAD-5S Marauder ($19,000,000)
QKD-5K Quickdraw ($11,000,000)
TDR-7M Thunderbolt ($12,500,000)

ZEU-6T Zeus ($15,000,000)
ZEU-9S Zeus ($19,000,000)
VTR-9B Victor ($15,500,000)
THG-10E Thug ($16,000,000)
STK-3H Stalker ($15,000,000)
STK-3H Stalker ($15,000,000)
STK-5S Stalker ($22,000,000)
LGB-0W Longbow ($16,000,000)
CGR-1A1 Charger ($13,000,000)
CGR-1A1 Charger ($13,000,000)
BLR-3M Battlemaster ($22,000,000)
AS7-S Atlas ($22,000,000)

1 Lance of Manticore Heavy Tanks ($14,000,000)
1 Lance of Rommel Heavy Tanks ($12,000,000)
1 Lance of LRM Carriers ($6,000,000)
1 Lance of Demolisher Tanks ($12,000,000)
1 Lance of Partisan AAA Tanks ($10,000,000)


Crusher Lance

"For showing bravery in combat above and beyond the call of duty."
Your award comes with a $100,000 CB bonus

Dancer Lance

"For showing bravery in combat above and beyond the call of duty."
Your award comes with a $125,000 CB bonus

Dragon Lance

"For showing bravery in combat above and beyond the call of duty."
Your award comes with a $100,000 CB bonus

Dunedain Lance

Lyran Excellence Recognition Ribbon (Posthumous)
"For commanding a unit which struck a significant blow to the enemies of the Lyran Commonwealth."
As a posthumous award, this carries no bonus.

Freya Lance (Elsa uses Title 5 Trait [Steiner] to increase award by 1 level)

Lyran Combat Action Ribbon
"For showing singular and distinctive bravery during a Planetary Assault or Defense."
Your award comes with a $125,000 CB bonus and 20 tons of Mech supplies.

Midnight Lance
Lyran Meritorious Service Ribbon
"For showing bravery in combat above and beyond the call of duty."
Your award comes with a $125,000 CB bonus

Skaraborg Lance

Lyran Defense Service Ribbon
"For significant bravery during the defense of the Lyran Commonwealth, to a higher degree than the Combat Action or Meritorious Service Ribbon."
Your award comes with a $225,000 CB bonus, and you may roll once on the 3025 Lyran Mech RAT (your choice of Medium, Heavy, or Assault class due to roll MoS)

« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 03:00:14 PM by Darrian Wolffe »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL Unit Record; July 3047 - 3050
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2019, 03:17:35 PM »

Damn, forgot.  Unit BV Cap is raised to 6050.