January 1, 3054, State of the Unit
I wanted to take a minute to report on the state of the unit. We have successfully reconfigured into a pair of SLDF Reinforced Battalions. We still have some gaps to close in order to reach full planned strength within the constraints of what our transports will bear. The end of 3053 saw us in improved financial shape with cash on hand slightly exceeding 135MM C-Bills. This is up from just under 97MM C-Bills at the same time in 3052.
From an equipment perspective after the market here in January we will be missing just one planned combat vehicle, though will still be looking for 7 support vehicles. I was able to acquire a MASH truck at standard rates. Vehicle details below. For Aerospace fighters, we have replaced the Stuka and Shilone with an extra Stingray and Transit each. Speed profiles match allowing for the one mixed lance deployment. All three of the Stingrays have been upgraded to the newer F-92 models, taking advantage of the local engineering expertise and facilities.
Battle Armor is an area of need, though need is perhaps a strong term. Fortunately I've been in touch with Colonel Carlyle of the GDL and they've agreed to continue to supply us with additional suits. We'll be able to purchase a squad a month meaning it will take 15 months for us to reach our target compliment of 3 platoons, perhaps longer depending on transit times.
We still have room for one more platoon of infantry, but I want to be choiceful in that selection. Major Bray has some ideas as does Major Kronwall who's requesting field guns. We'll see what makes sense.
Our largest outage at this point is personnel. We're still short one aerospace pilot. Neither Captain Clark or myself have found a strong candidate. Our largest outage is with vehicle crews. We are expanding slowly as we're looking for soldiers who will fit in with the Rangers, but may need to look for raw recruits to help fill things out. Fortunately as the bulk of our fighting strength is in our 'Mech Battalion, we have flexibility on timing for the vehicle crews.
This year saw the addition of an excellent hyperspace navigator and our naval assets and personnel remain a strength.
I feel the Rangers are well positioned to take on the Cavalry missions around which we've been designed as well as branch out to other promising contracts on a limited basis when a good fit.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about our readiness or status.
Colonel Kato Yamamori Atayde, Commanding Officer, Numenorean Rangers
Appendix: Combat Vehicle Plan
Combat Vehicle Lances
1. Artillery (Long Tom, Marksman, Thumper, Partisan Air Defense Tank)
2. Indirect Fire Support (Chapparal, Rhino, LRM Carrier, SRM Carrier)
3. Harrasser (2 Saladin, 1 Pegasus, 1 Demolisher (Gauss))
4. Transport (Target: 4 Maxims)
For support vehicles we have been able to add a MASH truck. This brings our support vehicles to the following:
Engineering Vehicle
In an ideal world we would add more repair vehicles like the Paramour and Wayland. Right now, they're not being produced, but will continue to look for them.