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Author Topic: Operation SOVNYA Mission 5 - 6-25-54  (Read 10462 times)


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Re: Operation SOVNYA Mission 5 - 6-25-54
« Reply #30 on: June 18, 2022, 10:00:46 PM »

Awesome 9m3 cored by nuke
Griffin tsm cored by nuke

Lynn and Milton both killed because bs 1d6+1 radiation inside of cockpit

Looks like Milton is only one who died after all as Lynn's mech still lived.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 03:54:49 PM by Ice »
Die Clanner!!!!

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Re: Operation SOVNYA Mission 5 - 6-25-54
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2022, 08:04:40 AM »

SGT Cassius Cavel KIA

Gladiator GLD-4RDxS destroyed from battle damage
Griffin GRF-1NDMx Destroyed from battle damage

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation SOVNYA Mission 5 - 6-25-54
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2022, 01:37:33 PM »

Nuclear effects, just to ensure we're all on the same page.

1) 750 base damage, -35 pts per hex away from Ground Zero.  Taken in groups of 10 on the full-body table.  Piloting skill rolls for damage/actuator/gyro damage as a result are still required.

2) If a Mech is destroyed (by any means, including XLFE kills, ammo detonation, double-legged, etc) it is completely unsalvagable. It must be capable of walking away under its own power (even if shutdown as a result of 4, below).

3) If any Mech on the battlefield is cored out by the damage, or all of the armor on the head is breached (ie, only Internal Structure remains in the head) prior to or as a result of the blast damage, the piloting MechWarrior takes 1d6+1 pilot hits.  This may cause a Major Wound, as described on page 14 of the HM,WT v4.5 ruleset. Note that the MechWarrior CAN spend Edge to reduce the number of pilot hits.

4) All BattleMechs within the damaging blast radius immediately set their heat scale to 25, requiring shutdown and ammunition explosion checks as listed on the Heat Table.  All BattleMechs outside the damaging blast radius but still on the battlefield immediately set their heat scale to 15, requiring shutdown and ammunition explosion checks as listed on the Heat Table.  Heat occurs after damage, so if a Mech shuts down as a result of the heat effect, it will NOT automatically fall as a result of the blast effect damage.

5) Any BattleMech on the battlefield has its sensors blasted out and is irradiated.  All piloting and weapon attack rolls in the turns following the nuclear detonation are at a +2 penalty until the Mech is decontaminated.  The decon process requires 1 full day from a Mech Tech (480 minutes), and requires a roll of 9+ on 2d6.  This time and TN cannot be modified.  The process requires 1,000,000 CB** per Mech affected.  You cannot start repairs on the Mech until decon is complete.  Don't irradiate your Techs.

6) Any infantry units not in a sealed environment on the table - including ejected pilots - are killed immediately.

7) The Burnt Edge cost to survive death as a result of a nuclear strike is 2 points of Edge.

**I may have said something different at the game table; if so I apologize. Long day.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 01:42:00 PM by Darrian Wolffe »


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Re: Operation SOVNYA Mission 5 - 6-25-54
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2022, 01:51:45 PM »

ISO for note 5 mentions the roll passing, regardless of the roll, but you add 4 hours for each point you failed by. It starts on 169. I can get the wording if you want to use that when I get home.

"Units crippled- but not destroyed- by the effects of a nuclear attack may be salvaged later, but will require decontamination performed on them before technicians can begin repairing and replacing parts.  This decontamination cycle takes 24 hours and requires the supervising technician to make a successful, unmodified Skill check. If the roll fails, the decontamination will still succeed, but the cycle is extended by another 4 hours for every point by which the roll fails."
p 174, last paragraph under "Salvage"
« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 03:18:26 PM by deadlyfire2345 »


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Operation SOVNYA Mission 5 - 6-25-54
« Reply #34 on: June 20, 2022, 01:02:53 AM »

Post Mission Summary
Note: Updated for Ice correction.

Bright Lance
Thunderbolt TDR-5SbLC - Destroyed
Atlas AS7-DxL2 - Destroyed

None killed, no destroyed units

KIA - SGT Milton Long

Awesome AWS-9M3 - Destroyed
Griffin TSM - Destroyed

KIA - SGT Daniel Young
KIA - SGT Orkut Comert

Marauder IIC - Destroyed
MAD 5D Marauder - Destroyed
PNT-9RRx Panther - Destroyed

KIA - SGT Cassius Cavel

Gladiator GLD-4RDxS - Destroyed
Griffin GRF-1NDMx - Destroyed
« Last Edit: June 21, 2022, 11:27:54 AM by Hat »


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Re: Operation SOVNYA Mission 5 - 6-25-54
« Reply #35 on: June 20, 2022, 07:21:23 AM »

Post Mission Summary

Bright Lance
Thunderbolt TDR-5SbLC - Destroyed
Atlas AS7-DxL2 - Destroyed

None killed, no destroyed units

KIA - LTJG Lynn Richmond

Awesome AWS-9M3 - Destroyed
Griffin TSM - Destroyed

KIA - SGT Daniel Young
KIA - SGT Orkut Comert

Marauder IIC - Destroyed
MAD 5D Marauder - Destroyed
PNT-9RRx Panther - Destroyed

KIA - SGT Cassius Cavel

Gladiator GLD-4RDxS - Destroyed
Griffin GRF-1NDMx - Destroyed

Correction Milton Long was KIA Lynn's marauder didn't die in any of listed conditions to prompt the d6 roll so she actually lived.

However she is at 2 head hits im at 5
« Last Edit: June 20, 2022, 08:02:56 AM by Ice »
Die Clanner!!!!


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Operation SOVNYA Mission 5 - 6-25-54
« Reply #36 on: June 21, 2022, 12:23:35 PM »

I was reminded about awarding unit replacements in the wake of the end of this Mission.  So, I'm going to start with the awarding of units and then explain my rationale and thoughts on things moving forward.  The unit has the following in its reserves:

Guillotine GLT-4PDS
CPLT-C1 Catapult
RFL-5M Rifleman
Wolverine WVR-6M
CRB-27 Crab
PLG-3Z Pillager

Phoenix, having sustained the heaviest losses is awarded the Pillager.  Bright, Ice and Reaper will each be awarded a single mech of the remaining.  Ideally they will come to an agreement.  Priority will be given to a lance who will field the unit.  If two or more will be using a unit for the same purpose, we'll randomly determine and go from there.

I will start this by saying that in reviewing the status of member lances post mission/contract and before opening unit stores, the only lance that is questionable on being able to deploy is Phoenix.  Two of Ryan's 4 mechs are crippled/being repaired, the Spartan needing a few more parts to be fully functional.  Hopefully the Marauder is salvageable.  It is repairable, but includes the loss of a torso with an XL engine in it, so we'll see.  Phoenix also only has 4 pilots now, his PC, 1 heavy and 2 light.  Assuming 4 functional units, Phoenix is deployable, but may suffer from weight mismatch penalties.  Every other lance on mission (Bright, Freya, Ice, Reaper) I believe could be deployed at the start of a new contract given that would be at least a couple of months out with at worst the same mismatch of weight.  I am not claiming that all or any of those lances would be BV optimized or running in ideal conditions.  They'd be playable though. 

I am going forward with providing each lance that lost 2 Mechs 1 in compensation for 3 reasons.  First, the unit has 6 mechs in stores and they are kept for when they can help.  Second, the BLC on this contract is 10% which make the losses harder to swallow.  Third and the strongest reason is that the end left a bad taste in some people's mouths.

That said and having been told more of these deadly missions are coming, don't necessarily expect the same next time.  I know we all play the game with different expectations and different things we look to get out of it.  Mech losses should probably be more common than they've gotten at least without folks actively withdrawing units from the field or at least from the fighting.  That's perhaps mitigated by being able to recover from 2 gyro or 3 engine hits.  Sometimes it happens by bad luck.  The culmination of a contract though, reaching that critical battle, should probably have more losses expected at least in equipment.    At the very least it should feel more dangerous.  It sounds like Rob will be ampping up the risk of loss.  If that's a problem, I'd talk to him.  I would hope it isn't.  I also take him at his word that the risk will be spread around, and the next really dangerous mission with destroyed mech expectations of 2 will hit other folks.

I'm in it for the story, the challenge and the fun of playing with the rest of you.  Despite all of Ryan's losses he enjoyed the game.  My first inclination is still going to be looking at managing the unit through in character eyes - and Kato is different than me.  That does not make me unwilling to take suggestions or find IC justifications if my initial plans don't sit well with folks.  That doesn't guarantee though I'll see it your way.  If you have concerns or issues with how I'm managing things, tell me.

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Re: Operation SOVNYA Mission 5 - 6-25-54
« Reply #37 on: June 21, 2022, 08:42:59 PM »

I appreciate the offer. The Guillotine is the only one I would potentially field. With that said, if someone else can use it more, I am also be totally willing to not take one from the unit and purchase the Griffin and Shadow Hawk from the current market.


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Re: Operation SOVNYA Mission 5 - 6-25-54
« Reply #38 on: June 21, 2022, 08:47:12 PM »

I greatly appreciate the offer and would be more than happy to take the catapult. After a few small modifications it would be perfect to field with my current lance.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Operation SOVNYA Mission 5 - 6-25-54
« Reply #39 on: June 21, 2022, 09:00:24 PM »

All right.  With input in the unit awards the following:

Guillotine GLT-4PDS - Reaper
CPLT-C1 Catapult - Bright
RFL-5M Rifleman - Ice
PLG-3Z Pillager - Phoenix

Please update the Google Doc for your change.
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