The new unit needs a commander before your brave, selfless, and not-at-all overworked GM can actually do all of the important unit generation stuff. So here's how we're going to handle this. I need a player to volunteer for the Unit CO position. Your PC *WILL* be the Unit CO, until you step down or die. We will generate your PC knowing ahead of time that you'll be the CO. Even if someone else has better stats than you, you'll be the CO.
There will, 100%, be a safety value here, in the form of me. I will not allow for a totally hapless character to go into the position, so no, you guys won't be under the command of a blind, cowardly, penniless, deaf, quadriplegic with TDS and a Tactics score of -2. What I value more than stats is the desire for someone to step up and actually do the job. As a reminder, Unit CO does earn annual bonus XP to spend on Command Skills, so you won't have to totally tank your on-table performance to run the unit.
Speaking of running the unit, the size and scope of the unit has been scaled down significantly. In particular, there are no more than 12 Combat Vehicles, 6 Support Vees (the latter of which now include artillery), and 6 ASF, total, so the Unit CO is not going to get swamped by Unit upkeep. Particularly because the Company Commanders - not the Unit CO - will be responsible for day-today repair rolls on the Vees which are assigned to them. The thing I will be asking is for the Unit CO to set up a live Google Doc TO&E that people can update, instead of the Unit CO having an offline *.xlsx file they have to update and upload manually.
So, before we start and before I post up the rules doc, do I have any volunteers to step up? I know that at least 3 people who weren't Hat (who is not in the running, incidentally) had expressed interest in Unit Leadership roles. Now's your chance.