As for examples of stuff in play:
1) The Runners Toolkit "Anatomy of a Run" is nice, as it has side by side of narration and dice. Its not super rules heavy but shows how hacking can be used in a pass by pass manner.
2) For a lot rules heavier This is a very detailed version of a hack, just know that simply because it claims to be RAW doesn't mean there aren't debatable actions in there (specifically the magic healing and how many hits to find the hidden node). It is also aware of ambiguities, and footnotes them well.
3) Floating around on dumpshock and likely on the official forums is the author of
Game, Set, Match showing a turn by turn what actions are being taken to hack or spoof a drone. My googlefo is weak right now, and i've spent too long to find other examples, but this peice was what helped me more than anything else to understand hacking actions.
KnightofArgh points are all valid, but i would like to add that if you have enough time to hack cyberware in combat, you should be dead. It takes forever to break into cyberware (at least 3 IPs on average from super optimized characters) and by the time that is done you can only shut the cyberware down by placing into diagnostic mode. So while it is something to do, its generally not that effective.