I am going to start the After Action Report some here.
"Dragon, at a disadvantage due to the terrain, coming in from the East, trying to rescue a lance in the middle of a fray as soon as possible. Lamar Leese in the Cicada was able to get past all 4 allies within a timely manner as soon as Draconis units were beginning to gain a foothold against them. Freeman and Leese were able to hold off fire from the opposing force long enough for the Davion units to retreat past Duckworth and Gato, who were holding down long range support. While trying to keep units at bay, the pilot in the Jagermech was able to destroy both saladins fast enough prior to them doing major harm to Gonzalo. During this time, a locust was trying to get past the force and got his leg blown off from the heavy strike that was sent after him. The spider was taunting the Davion pilots and was unable to be taken down during their escape, but was also unable to make any of the allies fall as well. Gato in the Vindicator was in a prime spot to attack all units, but was focused on and incurred heavy damage to where he was forced to retreat. During Gato's retreat, he ending up falling trying to get away in which he was taken down by his own inexperience jumping away, then shut down shortly after.
The spider and locust was able to get away, but the rest of the Draconis units were destroyed or crippled to the point of being unable to escape in the end. The Vindicator was the only casualty on the Numenorean side, while the Jagermech was the only crippled unit within the ally side, the mission was a success overall.