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Author Topic: Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049  (Read 627 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049
« on: January 14, 2019, 11:31:17 PM »



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Re: Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2019, 12:41:51 AM »

Both mechs are upgraded. Be aware of their capabilities.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2019, 01:45:00 AM »

Both mechs are upgraded. Be aware of their capabilities.

Scorpion -1O:  Replaces PPC with an ERPPC and swaps for DHS
Griffin: Swaps for 14 DHS, uses a LPL in the right arm, and an LRM-20 in the torso. XL engine.  One of those mind-numbingly bad refits.

The Fury

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2019, 04:56:47 PM »

Please generate mission. No rerolls.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2019, 09:09:50 PM »

Final Scenario



City Grid 1....Open Terrain 1
City Grid 2....Open Terrain 2

PC Deployment: Enter onto the board during your movement on Turn 1

OPFOR Deploy: Enter onto the board during your movement on Turn 1

Environmental Effects:
Light Rain has no effect on any deployed units in this mission.  Dismounted MechWarriors firing Small Arms are at a +1 penalty to hit.

Farm Silos: A face-down card with "explosive" or "non-explosive" should be randomly assigned to each silo (neither player should be aware of which type of card is assigned to any silo).  If a silo is struck with weapons fire (whether intentionally or not, using the Tactical Operations "missed shots" rules), roll 2d6 at the end of the weapons fire phase.  On an 8+, flip the card.  If the card revealed is "non-explosive", nothing happens.  If the card revealed is "explosive", the silo detonates as an improvised fuel-air explosive device**.  Each unit within the hex suffers 40 AE damage (groups of 5) and instantly adds +5 heat (or +1d6 additional damage) and is automatically knocked prone (or crashes and suffers an automatic motive critical hit, if a hover unit).  Each unit adjacent to the hex suffers 25 AE damage and must make a PSR at a +3 penalty or be knocked prone (hovers will crash instead, as described above).  Each unit 1 hex further out than that suffers 5 AE damage and Mech units only must make a PSR at no penalty.  As this is AE damage, it is doubled against any buildings in the affected area (ie, the buildings go away).

A silo destroyed by another silo does not cause a chain reaction (there's no thermal effect to ignite the grain).

**Warning: IRL math content: For an 18-meter tall grain silo to detonate, its stoichiometric ratio is approximately 15% fuel to air.  An 18-meter tall (3 levels) silo is generally 15 meters in diameter, producing a volume of 3180 cubic meters.  Therefore, ~477 cubic meters of grain is required to achieve a 15% fuel-air ratio.  Grain weighs about 550kg per cubic meter, which we'll just call 0.5 tons/cubic meter.  With ~477 m-3 of fuel, this results in about 235 tons of grain.  A grain explosion has roughly 1/3rd the yield of an equivalent mass of TNT, thus we should expect a perfect yield of approximately 78 tons of TNT, but in practice this never happens (the grain isn't perfectly distributed within the air of the silo) and for estimation purposes we usually assume this is halved.  A silo should therefore be equivalent of ~38 tons of TNT, or given the known yield of existing BattleTech thermobaric weapons (a "Large Thermobaric" is equivalent to a 10-ton device), therefore one should expect a silo explosion to have a roughly a 90/60/30/10 damage pattern, though not the resultant thermal effects.  However, we're rounding down from there to the listed effects for gameplay purposes.

Yes, obviously, this is the sort of math that I actually know about offhand.

Battlefield Support:
BSP are not used in this scenario.

PCs Victory Conditions:
1) Destroy (not cripple) at least 5 OPFOR units
2) Have at least 2 non-crippled Mechs by the end of the game.

OPFOR Victory Conditions:
1) Lose less than 5 units
2) Destroy or cripple 3 or more player Mechs

Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn.  Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environments MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).

***Captured Pirate MechWarriors recieve a -2 TN bonus to recruit.  Until they are recruited, Pirate MechWarriors have a small chance of attempting a breakout each month, which may result in injury or death to Lance Wingmen.  Pirate MechWarriors cannot be ransomed.***

***Pirates will attempt to capture ejected MechWarriors for ransom instead of shooting them..***


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Re: Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2019, 12:11:04 AM »

Interesting variation on whack a mole.

Black Omega

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2019, 07:23:27 AM »

I haven't seen some of those $5 words since college.  (^_^)b
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Ad Hoc

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2019, 07:33:49 AM »

Logan won. Destroyed 6 units and called victory. He didn't loose any of his. After action report to follow.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2019, 03:27:22 PM »

Waiting on AAR.

The Fury

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2019, 06:37:30 PM »

3/6/3049 Wolverine Mission Action report.
Wolverine Lance was sent to clean out any resistance in a town nearby. We ran into heavy resistance from several vehicles and 2 mechs. We entered from the West and enemy resistance approached from the East. We deployed in two groups of two units, LTSG Charikov in the Wolverine II and SGT Morley in the Wolverine as one, LTJG Adamson in the Griffon and SGT Chadwick in the Gladiator as the other. The enemies deployed in a similar fashion. LTJG Adamson and SGT Chadwick tried to flank from the South, but in the end, we were outflanked by hover tanks deployed more towards the Northern half of the battlefield.
The first weapons attack that did damage occurred 20 seconds into the encounter. We fired upon the pirates inflicting mild damage, and the enemies also fired, but hit each other instead of us. (Missed fire rules are fun.)

30 seconds into the encounter major damage was inflicted on one Pegasus hover tank and  SGT Morley’s Wolverine sustained a shoulder hit. Enemy friendly fire locked one of the Scorpion tanks turrets in the rear facing direction and two buildings were also destroyed by weapons fire.
40 seconds into the battle LTSG  Charikov destroyed 1 Pegasus Hover Tank while staying on top of the Scorpion Tanks. SGT Morley caused the Scorpion mech to fall and receive an ammo explosion, but SGT Morley lost control of his Wolverine  and fell taking heavy damage in return. The Wolverine lost its Large Laser while falling.

After 50 seconds LTSG Charikov destroyed one of the Scorpion tanks. The LTJG Adamson and SGT Chadwick inflicted decent damage on the enemy Griffon mech. The Wolverine lost the Medium Laser in its left arm due to weapons fire.

One minute passed, and SGT Morley then moved away from the center of the battle due to damage. LTSG Charikov killed the second Scorpion tank while LTJG Adamson and SGT Chadwick the immobilized the remaining Pegasus Hover Tank.
Enemy reinforcements arrived after 1 minute and 10 seconds. LTSG Charikov killed the Harasser tank, which was part of the reinforcements and LTJG Adamson, SGT Morley, and SGT Chadwick inflicted massive damage on the enemy Griffon, but failed to destroy it. SGT Chadwick killed the immobilized Pegasus with a kick. After that an offer was made for the pirates to leave and they took it.

Overall results:
Victory was achieved with overall mild damage taken.
LTSG Charikov acquired 4 vehicle kills.
LTJG Adamson inflicted heavy damage but acquired no kills.
SGT Morley acquired 1 mech kill.
SGT Chadwick acquired 1 vehicle kill.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2019, 06:40:53 PM by The Fury »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Solo Mission (Wolverine) - 3/6/3049
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2019, 08:27:42 PM »

Thank you!