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Author Topic: OOC: Behind closed doors  (Read 462 times)


  • Carpe Petasus
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OOC: Behind closed doors
« on: November 27, 2019, 01:20:57 PM »

[OOC: This thread is locked as PCs are not aware of the details of the discussion.  It's a significant enough story point that it's shared for transparency.]

21 October, 3051
18:00 Cap Rouge Local

Colonel Kato Atayde ushered Major Maria Ramierz, the Magistracy liaison officer into his office.  "Major, thank you for coming.  Please have a seat."  She nodded and took the proffered chair opposite Atayde.  Once they were both seated, he began.  "We have a problem we need to solve and I need your assistance.  The Numenorean Rangers have been offered a contract by Comstar against the Clans.  Based on what's stated and implied, the operation is massive and strategically critical.  Normally contracts are reviewed by the various lance commanders to provide input and while I have the final decision, their voices carry significant weight.  In this case I've already accepted.  This decision is mine alone, so any response the Magistracy feels is needed, comes to me, are we clear?"

"You're not waiting to finish here, you're breaking your contract," she stated, anger rising.

"Yes, however I have no wish to damage relations between us and the Magistracy."

A raised eyebrow reflected her skepticism.  "Go on.  I'm sure you have something in mind."

Atayde nodded.  "Let me start by stating the contract guarantees no negative impact for breach.  No review board, no arbitration, no hit to our rating, nothing."


He raised his hand to fend off more outrage.  "While that's permitted, that's not how I operate nor how I feel an employer who's operated in good faith should be treated."

She was clearly unhappy with the news though perhaps slightly mollified by his comment.  Her silence an indication to continue.

"So, here's what I'm offering.  We will refund all moneys paid so far.  In addition we'll pay an extra 100,000 C-Bills for the inconvenience.  On top of that we'll share everything we know about the Clans - tactics, gun camera footage, bidding process, unit identification and capability.  We've fought them on two different planets and come out intact, the intelligence is significant.  I would think that fair value for the inconvenience of tracking down another unit to do the extraction job."

He gives her a moment to let the initial offer sink in.  "Now, in the interest of demonstrating our good faith and in building better relations I have one more gift to offer.  Part of the Clan forces include battle armor infantry.  That battle armor is far and away more advanced than the Star League's Power Armor program.  A direct shot from a PPC is NOT enough to kill one of them.  You don't have to take my word for it, you can look at the gun camera footage.  I have in my position detailed technical research on the Clan battle armor from NAIS based on examination of pristine fully functional battle armor suits, not blasted remains.  How I got it is not important.  A copy of that however, is yours.  So.  What do you think?"

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: OOC: Behind closed doors
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2019, 01:51:19 PM »


Maria takes a heavy breath, then shakes her head slightly. 

"I'll admit, I didn't see that coming.  If what you're saying is all true, there's some machinations going on at higher levels than I'm personally comfortable with crossing.  You're breaking a contract to go sign with ComStar, and the Dragoon-run MRBC is willing to overlook a breach on behalf of their prime competitor?  No, something fucky is going on at a high level."

Kato leans forward to interject, and she holds up a hand.

"Colonel, please.  Give me a moment."  A few heartbeats of silence as she ponders, and then continues.  "Colonel, your offer is more than fair.  In fact, it's downright in our favor.  Too much.  I'm not going to accept it.  I'm going to give you a counteroffer, that you're going to graciously accept, and then I'm going to walk out of here while you and yours pack up and get the hell offplanet before I can possibly hear back from my own chain of command."

"You're not going to pay a full refund, because that sort of thing is going to sound like I pushed for it, because no group of mercs would come up with that plan on their own, and I'd prefer not to get blamed for not stopping this whole mess.  I believe the Magistracy has paid the Rangers about 3.2 million thus far, yes?  You're going to increase that "inconvenience fee" to a healthy, say...1 million.  That's a level that's a serious payment, but it's a low enough number that normal mercs can spare it and might have come up with the idea on their own, without a liaison pushing them.

"Next, you're going to write down the contract offer and the stipulations from ComStar guaranteeing no MRBC reprisal for the contract breach, and you're going to make two copies of the information you have offered - both the tactical and technical datas.  One copy will be left in the hands of Comstar to be transmitted if necessary, and one copy will be delivered to my bivouac."  An eyebrow arches conspiratorially.  "The copy delivered to my bivouac will also have a marker enclosed with it for, oh, let's say an even 1 million C-bills there too; made out to me personally as insurance in case this blows up in my face.  I am going to be very surprised and upset to have discovered that the Numenorean Rangers have accepted the offer and have left the planet before I could contact my superiors and hear back from them, but upon reflection I will reluctantly endorse your decision given the clear collusion from the MRBC, the obvious gravity of the situation, and the clear value of the information you have left as recompense, and I will recommend to the Magestrix that, on balance, the situation still falls heavily in the Magistracy's favor and no official reprisal action against the Rangers be taken. 

"Now, Colonel, I believe that I'm overdue to hit my markers on that rear-area patrol that I'm completely sure your operations staff have logged in their planning files.  It's genuinely unfortunate that my Mech is going to experience an intermittent leg actuator fault that will delay my return until after you've abandoned the cantonment and are burning offplanet, isn't it?  There's just no opportunity for me to have stopped your completely outrageous breach of contract, when I'm a hundred klicks west, after all.  Do make sure the data and cash are left in my bivouac to help me correctly remember what all has transpired, will you?  I'd hate to forget and have to come to a different conclusion in my report."

With that, Maria stands, gives a tight smile, and sashays out of Kato's office.  The door closes, and only then does Kato allow himself to slump in the chair, and gives a grimace to match her smile to the empty room.  All right, here we go.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: OOC: Behind closed doors
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2019, 10:54:10 PM »

Kato reached under his desk and deactivated the recording device.  He had no idea how the meeting was going to go, and wanted to take appropriate precautions.  Ramirez's counter-proposal struck him as very Canopian.  It was a win-win for both sides, assuming she stuck to her half of the deal.  Revealing the details by themselves wouldn't harm her.  She'd likely be praised for her initiative and achievement.  Provided it stayed a win-win, he could certainly live with it.  To ensure that there were steps that needed to be taken.  A proper study of philosophy and history provided guidance.  Something the Confederation was strong in.  He popped the recording into a reader to ensure the fidelity of the signal, and fast forwarded through to random parts of it to confirm its completeness.  Satisfied, he made a copy and secured it, putting the other with the copy of data to be sent to Comstar.  Needing someone he trusted he hit the comms.

"Lassiter here," came the response.

"Miles, I need your assistance.  See me in my office."

"Yes sir."

Kato began prepping the copy of the Clan data and arranging the financial transactions per Major Ramirez's request.  As he was working, Sergeant Lassiter arrived.  "Come in."

Miles entered and saluted, which Kato returned.  "Close the door, please."

After Miles had done so, Kato collected the second set of data and bundled it up with the recording.  He marked the sealed packages.  "Take the first package and these instructions to the Comstar station," Kato told him, handing the package and instructions.  "Ensure that the instructions are opened, acknowledged and confirmed with proof of receipt."  Miles accepted the package and instructions.  "And the other?"

"The second package goes to Major Ramirez's bivouac.  Make sure it's somewhere she'll find, but not obvious.  You have two hours.  Don't be late."

Miles had known Kato long enough to understand the importance of the assignment as well as hear the stress on the return time.  Whatever the Colonel had planned it was important.

"Yes sir.  Anything else?"

"No, that's all.  Dismissed."

He picked up the Comstar offer again and shook his head.  The money was good assuming any part of the command survived to enjoy it.  Maria was right though.  Something big enough to get Comstar and the Wolf's Dragoons to collude should probably worry him.  And it did.  To a point.  Didn't mean it didn't need to be done.  He turned his attention to how he was going to brief the rest of the command.