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Author Topic: Ikarus Solo - Fury Lance - 9/3/3061  (Read 1271 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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Ikarus Solo - Fury Lance - 9/3/3061
« on: December 15, 2024, 10:58:38 PM »

EDIT: Year corrected
« Last Edit: December 15, 2024, 11:14:26 PM by Darrian Wolffe »


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Re: Ikarus Solo - Fury Lance - 9/3/3060
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2024, 11:09:28 PM »

Hey look an ace duel


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Re: Ikarus Solo - Fury Lance - 9/3/3061
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2024, 09:30:15 AM »

I am off work for the next 10 days. I bid to be your opponent

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Ikarus Solo - Fury Lance - 9/3/3061
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2024, 08:35:28 AM »



River Valley
Large Lakes 1

Falcon Primary OPFOR: Enter the board on the East board edge on their initiative on Turn 1. Tactics bonuses apply on the Turn 1 init roll.

Ranger Forces:  Enter the board on the West board edge on their initiative on Turn 1.  Tactics bonuses apply on the Turn 1 init roll.

Environmental Conditions
Storm: All Direct-fire Ballistic Weapons suffer a +2 to-hit penalty.  All Missile Weapons suffer a +3 to-hit penalty.  All PSRs suffer a +3 penalty.

Light Rain: Infantry may only move or fire, not both.

Battlefield Support

Victory Conditions
1) Render the enemy unit incapable of spending MP, or remove them from the circle of equals.

1) Render the enemy unit incapable of spending MP, or remove them from the circle of equals.

1) Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn.  Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environmental MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it). 

2) OPFOR MechWarriors will ignore any ejected Ranger or Allied MechWarriors in this scenario. 

3) This is a formal duel and zellbringen applies.  The circle of equals is defined as the 2 mapsheets which make up the battlefield.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Ikarus Solo - Fury Lance - 9/3/3061
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2024, 08:53:37 AM »

I guess I don't actually need to bother PMing Dan the SPAs for the OPFOR pilot.

Roberta Hazen has:
Tactics +4
Tac Genius
Human TRO
« Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 07:52:32 PM by Darrian Wolffe »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Ikarus Solo - Fury Lance - 9/3/3061
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2025, 12:42:36 AM »

Solo Mission: Fury - Ace Duel
Result: Victory - no effect on contract score
After-Action Report: Newly-assigned LT SG Elsa Ward found herself called out, by name, by an aggressive Jade Falcon Bloodnamed pilot. Even though she now served with the Numenorean Rangers, and not Clan Wolf, she still felt honor-bound to accept the challenge for a duel.  A quick radio conversation settled the boundaries of an impromptu Circle of Equals; an idyllic valley, with a large lake under the shadow of a forested hill. She wasn't sure if accepting such a duel was inside the approved rules of engagement for her new command, but she figured she'd win the duel first and bother informing HQ about it afterwards, couched by the good news of her inevitable victory.  She was only fighting a Jade Falcon, after all.

The enemy Night Gyr made a conventional entry onto the battlefield, utilizing the only cover available, taking up a forward-slope position inside a small copse of trees.  It's centralized position gave away nothing of its pilot's plans, and so Elsa jumped forward to a sheltered position, using a tall hill to block mutual line of fire.  With the heavy storm battering the area, along with both Mechs, she didn't want to enter into a general medium-range engagement.  The enemy Mech carried greater throw-weight (though the wind gusts would make the enemy's ballistic-heavy armament less accurate), more structure, and more armor, and she would lose a straight shootout.  She needed to hold the range open where her long-range lasers could pick apart the enemy, or else take her chances with a point-blank fight.

The Night Gyr committed to its left, moving along the lake edge, and thusly Elsa shifted her Viper to the left, holding open the distance and jetting from cover to cover where the woods grew denser.  Autocannon and Gauss Rifle fire rained about her, mixing with the falling raindrops, but only a single autocannon burst made significant contact with her Mech.  Her return laser fire hit more often than not, all but stripping the Night Gyr's left leg of protection.  Both Mechs wavered in the gusting wind, but neither Mech overbalanced and fell to the earth.  The Falcon pilot was canny and cautious, holding open the range and not committing to a charge into close range.  Both Mechs sparred back and forth, but Elsa drove the pace of the battle, closing and running her Mech warm while firing her three primary lasers, before falling back into denser woods to cool off.  The Night Gyr maintained its own discipline, raining down ballistic ammunition to the limit of its loaders, but always holding the range open and never letting Elsa exploit her jump capability to close for a decisive salvo.  Elsa kept trying to put more fire into the Night Gyr's damaged leg, but was stymied by the enemy's repeated lucky breaks that always put the leg out of reach at a critical moment.

Then the Night Gyr planted itself on top of a hill in heavy woods and took careful aim.  Not wanting to be in the enemy Mech's short range, Elsa jumped backwards, out of cover, to open the range.  She sensed that the Night Gyr was going to fire this salvo, and then close in, and she wanted to be near the hill overlooking the valley for that phase of the engagement.  Unfortunately, her Viper couldn't quite jump far enough, and she was left out in the open.  The Night Gyr's salvo rocked her Viper, driving deep into the Mech's right arm internals, and practically stripping away all the armor from the entirety of the Viper's torso. Her Mech would be unable to repel further firepower of that magnitude, and she needed to end the fight quickly. 

Her instincts proved correct, however, and the Night Gyr closed forward, leaping into a forest nearby.  Elsa briefly considered breaking contact behind the hill - however dishonorable that might be - when in a flash of inspiration she saw the possibility.  She jumped *forward*, into close range.  Through the trees, she could barely see her enemy, but she knew where the Night Gyr had to be; and through all of the trees, and the raised terrain she sheltered behind, she was betting the Night Gyr could barely see her, either.  And then, there it was: the Night Gyr, shifting around to get a good line of fire, exposed its damaged leg.  Elsa let fly with every forward-facing weapon on her Mech, and damned the heat that slammed into her as if hitting a wall.  The heavy laser in her Mechs right arm flashed a purple beam that would have taken the Night Gyr's head off, were it not for a falling tree, snapped off at that moment by the storm, which took the blow, vaporizing with a sharp crack of superheated steam.  The overheat alarm warbled in her cockpit, and she barely overrode it in time before a safety-mandated shutdown, but it was enough.  The Night Gyr was down, missing a leg, with engine coolant leaking from both side torsos, and the enemy pilot slowly climbing from the cockpit ladder of her shut-down machine.  Elsa flicked on the searchlight and pinned the enemy MechWarrior in its glare, and over the loudspeaker gave the enemy MechWarrior notice: "I take you prisoner in the name of the Numenorean Rangers."

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Ikarus Solo - Fury Lance - 9/3/3061
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2025, 12:56:48 AM »

Turn 1

Turn 3

Turn 5

Turn 8

Turn 9


Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Ikarus Solo - Fury Lance - 9/3/3061
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2025, 01:03:00 AM »
