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Author Topic: Coreward Ho!  (Read 1734 times)


  • Unicorn Clan Triumphant
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Coreward Ho!
« on: November 03, 2013, 10:18:03 PM »

October 15, 3145
2nd Periphery March Guard Garrison, Redondo

The activity has not ceased since you arrived on Redondo.  The introductions, indoctrinations, and training have been grueling as you try to learn how to fight alongside your new found compatriots.   Your crew of volunteers that have formed into the 1st Allied Periphery combat group have been placed under Major James Swardlow, a lance leader and academy graduate from the 3rd NAIS Cadre.

News from the front has been slow in coming.  The courier JumpShips that normally would bring word of how the war is faring have been interrupted by the conflict, either pulled into the war effort or lost to the encroaching Combine forces.  What little you've heard has been bad.  The First Prince has fallen at Palyrma, along with a large portion of the standing forces along both the Capellan and Draconis March fronts, a salient has formed that is snaking its way to New Avalon, and both March capitals have fallen. On the bright side, you've seen the vetrans of the Islamabad PMM, Periphery March Guard, and Tau Ceti Lancers all preparing to go in following you, exploiting any holes generated.

After a short few weeks of training together, news comes that your JumpShip has arrived in orbit.  She is a reclaimed Magellan, christened the FSS Gorkha by the shipwrights on Panpour.  With her is the Orca, a old Triumph DropShip.  You navigate your machines from the March Guard facilities to the starport.  As the Orca is loaded, you have time to meet with the crew.  The Orca is captained by Noah Bright, a fairly by-the-book veteran of the strikes into the Republic, seems resigned to carting around kids and yokels for the foreseeable future.

You reach the Gorkha and settle in to your new home as best you can.  Every nook on both ships seems to be filled with provisions, and you are fairly certain you will never want to see an MRE again after this endevour ends.  The Gorkha gets underway from the recharge station, ponderously making way to the jump point.  A few hours later, reality blinks and the stars rearrange themselves.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 10:47:17 PM by Riegien »


  • Unicorn Clan Triumphant
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Re: Coreward Ho!
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2013, 10:46:16 PM »

October 30 3145
Minette Nadir Jump point

After several jumps, you arrive in Minette.  The ship moves off the jump point to the nearby recharging station, one of many that has been constructed to help facilitate the movement of news during the blackout.  The captain of the Gorkha, Johann Revil, summons the 1st's command staff to the bridge.

"Alright, we've just come on station here in Minette.  From here, there's a few options.  Since this is your show, Major, You get to figure out where we're going."  He leads you all to the nearby holotank, a relic of the former Blakist crew.  Pressing a few buttons, you're surrounded by a colorful display of the Federated Suns.

Toggling with the controls some, he brings the massive display into somewhat more of a focused region.  He highlights Minette, and draws out three routes  "There are three big options from here.  We can jump to Defiance, where we will be in a position to harrass the salient.  We can move coreward to Woodbine, thats the primary garrision near the Alliance border.  We could hopefully meet up with our allies in the Alliance and make headway there.  Or we can continue in past Defiance and support the Robinson Theater and the inside of the Snake push.  Unless you gentlemen have a better plan."

« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 11:01:12 PM by Riegien »


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Re: Coreward Ho!
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2013, 12:36:50 AM »

"Thank you Captain Revil.  Our orders are to be a harrisment force, and so we will go to Defiance and strike at the snake directly from there.  If I may have a full ship address please."

"Attention on Deck, this is Major Swardlow.  I wanted to take this moment to address you.  Now seems like a dark time, with our foes seeming to overcome us at ever turn.  Our troops fall back, our capital planets fall, and even the First Prince has gone missing.  We all know the graveness of the situation.

Soon, we will all go out and do something most just dream of.  We will strike back at our enemies, and we will make them pay.  We are the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns, and our tradition and fighting spirit are strong.  When the Blakest came to New Avalon and took much of our land and people away, it was the AFFS that met them and drove them back to destroy them on Terra.  When our own brothers were seduced by the Katherine, the AFFS were there when she was overthrown and our Civil War ended.  Victor led the AFFS to victory over the clans when they returned, and his father led us to victory many times over our foes both snake and cappie.  In fact, you must go all the way back to the Terrian Hegemony, before the founding of the legendary Star League, to find a foe who made us bend the knee.  And the same spirit that drove all of them to victory, I see it in all your eyes as I have trained and prepared with you.

Our orders are to go into the snake's den, and give them hell.  Therefore, we jump to Defiance, and from there to the world the snake thinks they have taken from us.  For we are bearers of the Suns light, and the Sun always rises again.  Prepare for jump.