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Author Topic: Operation THEMYSCIRA Unit Record September-April, 3044-45  (Read 3204 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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Operation THEMYSCIRA Unit Record September-April, 3044-45
« on: July 06, 2017, 11:28:24 PM »

Contract begins: 1 September, 3044
Location: Aspiropogos, Free Worlds Leage
Employer: Magistracy of Canopus
Opposing Forces: Free Worlds Leage 10th Marik Milita
Mission Type: Diversionary Raid

1 September, 3044
Sign Contract
Contract advance deposit.  Each PC receives $408,165 CB to their warehouse.  The unit receives $2,040,825 CB.
All lances deduct Monthly operating costs

1 October, 3044
All lances deduct Monthly operating costs

1 November, 3044
All lances deduct Monthly operating costs

1 December, 3044
All lances deduct Monthly operating costs
Unit assigns Andromeda Bouloukos (Admin/HR) to Kong Lance.  

1 January, 3045
All lances deduct Monthly operating costs

25 January, 3045
Arrive on-planet

Contract stipulations require at least 2 lances in Scout Role, at least 5 lances assigned to a combat role.

MAJ Fairchild assigns Dancer, Reaper, and Kong Lances to Scout Role
MAJ Fairchild assigns Dunedain, Crusher, and Bright Lances to Defend Role
MAJ Fairchild assigns Ice, and Fairchild Lances to Fight Role.
MAJ Fairchild assigns Motor Pool to Training Role

Unit assigns Stanislava Grebov (Admin/Command) to "Scout" Role.  +1 Initiative for Scout missions.
Unit assigns Anabel Kayabya (Admin/Command) to "Defend" Role.  +1 Initiative for Defend mission.
Unit assignment of Andromeda Bouloukos (Admin/HR) to Kong Lance has been in place for 30+ days.  Kong Lance Techs generate 510 minutes/day.

1 February, 3045
Unit receives contract payment of $6,318,797 CB.  Each PC adds $486,060 CB to their warehouse.  Unit adds $2,430,300 CB.  Unit cash balance at $6,008,777 CB.
All lances deduct Monthly operating costs

2 February, 3045
MISSION: Recon Raid (attacker).  Scout forces call up reinforcement as they move to contact defensive line, hoping to pull them out of position.
RESULT: Victory.  Contract completed with all optional bonuses.  Unit adds $98,124 CB from salvage sales

After-Action Report: Kong and Bright Lances deployed to the west of Lake Scythia and south of the water treatment facilities of the lake's northern edge, drawing the 10th Marik Milita defenders in their direction, with the intention of intercepting OPFOR reinforcements before they had time to mass.  Reaper Lance entered the battle area from the south and the battle devolved into two separate melees at the lake's northern edge and on the eastern edge of the treatment plant.  While a Marik Orion held up Reaper Lance's advance for a significant time, the engagement on the lakeshore provided sufficient cover for SGT Min Sun to slip along the lake's southern edge, perform several area scans, and recover back to friendly lines.  SGT Frank Gallegos was KIA during the battle, and LT Brightsword's Marauder was heavily damaged, but no other significant casualties were borne by the reconnitering force.  

11  February, 3045
MISSION: Stand Up (attacker).  Rangers have gotten the 10thMM's attention and the 2nd Battalion is detached to crush the Rangers and break through to their staging area.
RESULT: Victory.  Contract completed with all optional bonuses.  Each player adds $262,460 CB from salvage sales.  Unit adds $1,312,250 CB from salvage sales

After-Action Report: Fairchild, Ice, and Dunedain Lances are dispatched to hold the line against the 6th Marik Militia's Echo Company and a vehicular raiding force.  The battlefield is separated down the center by the Rappahanock River; the majority of combat will take place in the tight, wooded, hilly eastern half of the field, while to the west, Fairchild Lance holds back twice its number in light Mechs and vehicles from moving across the floodplain and turning the flank of the main engagement.  A sharp air engagement leaves the Rangers' Air Lance in control of the skies; air to ground attacks smash a Marik vehicle lance, but by the time they have a clear run of the skies the forces are too entertwined to allow for precision air support.  Reinforced after the initial contact by Dancer Lance, which flanked in from the far eastern quarter, putting pressure on Marik support forces, the battle on the eastern side of the river is relatively straightforward: two lances of Mechs move directly into the face of the Marik heavy lance - attacking in column - and engage each element in the column singly.  The conflict ends when the Marik forces quit the field, losing 9 of 12 committed Mech units, all of their vehicles and half their infantry, opposed to zero unit losses among the Rangers.  Dunedain Lance is badly shot up and would not be combat-ready again for the better part of a week, but the other participating formations are repaired quickly.  Several pilot prisoners are taken for ransom following the end of hostilities, and an effectively intact Orion is captured by the Rangers and added to unit rolls.

12  February, 3045
MISSION: Hide and Seek (attacker).  Rangers perform a bait & switch to lure the 2nd Battalion's command group to an isolated area and destroy them in detail.
RESULT: Victory.

After-Action Report: Crusher and Bright Lances are assigned to pin 10MM's 2Batt in place while Fairchild and Ice Lance perform a flanking maneuver to crush the command group.  Unfortunately, an avalanche blocks the overland route Crusher Lance was taking to the battle area, ensuring their absence from the battle.  Ice Lance, already on station, is detailed to replace Crusher Lance in the operation, but no other Ranger Lances are in position to make the FEBA in time, and so Fairchild Lance becomes the only reinforcing group, though Ranger air support is chopped from CAP duty and hastily rearmed for a ground attack role.  In a small stroke of luck, intelligence was incorrect and the 10th MM's command group is slightly understrength by a light lance, evening the odds slightly.  The OPFOR group essentially circles the wagon around a medium hilltop immediately to the east of the town of Crimson.   Bright and Ice Lances push toward the hilltop from the northeast, but an insufficiently-aggressive advance across the clear gap between an outlying storage depot and the hilltop stalls the assault.  6th MM medium units are dispatched to both flanks and do a good job tying down the cautious Ranger forces.  Fairchild Lance enters the battlefield from the north and engages the 2 Batt's Commander and bodyguard unit along the hilltop's left flank, indecisively.  10th MM reinforcement units; several Hetzers and a light lance, move into the area from the east, through Crimson, and SGT Montgomery provides a virtual clinic in aggressive spoiling moves, single-handedly holding up the advance of half the Mech lance and the entire Hetzer group.  Ranger Air support eventually cripples the hilltop defense and the 10th MM line collapses once MAJ Fairchild manages to exhort her subordinates into an all-out charge across no-man's land.  Victory belongs to the Rangers, but it is a pyrrhic victory; the 10th MM has traded a heavy lance and a trainee light lance, for severe damage to both Bright and Ice Lances.  Ice Lance in particular will be out of action for a minimum of a week, and potentially understrength for far longer due to lack of spares.  The strategic plan fails as well; MAJ Julien Robbie escapes the battlefield.  The only bright spot is that several advanced-tech designs were salvaged by the Rangers: a -3M Phoenix Hawk, a -5M Crusader, and to Ice Lance a -4G Hunchback and a -3R Stinger for the sales market.

12  February, 3045
Kong Lance is assigned to the Reserve Role, and will no longer be deployed until further notice.
Andromeda Bouloukos (Admin/HR) is reassigned away from Kong Lance.
Andromeda Bouloukos (Admin/HR) is assigned to Dancer Lance.  Will take effect on 12 March.

1 March
Unit receives contract payment of $6,318,797 CB.  Each PC adds $486,060 CB to their warehouse.  Unit adds $2,430,300 CB.  Unit cash balance at $9,313,563 CB.
All lances deduct Monthly operating costs

3 March
MISSION: Base Attack (Defender).  The 10th MM is mad.  Really mad.  Trying to headhunt their Battalion Commander pissed them right off, and now they're coming to kick you off their rock.
RESULT: Victory

After-Action Report: The 10th's attack on your base was doomed from the start.  Poor coordination between units delayed the attack until well after nightfall, and the resultant darkness limited the 10th's fast-assault capacity across the broken ground to such a degree that they never got near the critical structures.  While the base assault was a disaster for the 10th, it was a pyhrric victory for the Rangers as well.  Crusher Lance deployed aggressively to buy time for Fairchild and Dunedain Lances to mount up, and was isolated and all but destroyed in detail.  SGT Arlette Renaud was killed in the opening moments of the battle by a freak headshot, and SGT Elena Vann's Black Knight was dragged down by a swarm of Galleons and light Mechs, and finished off completely by the crushing firepower of the Saladin hovertanks of the 10th's mobile striking arm.  SGT Anastas Utkin had her Shadow Hawk picked apart and she shut down her Mech before it too was obliterated by the oncoming Saladins.  Only LT Breisacher's Catapult survived the battle intact, holding the center of the battle line virtually alone.  While the elements of Crusher fought their doomed battle against a reinforced company of the 6th Militia, Dunedain Lance deployed and took up the battle; its entry into the firefight obliterated the vehicluar reinforcements of the 10th at a stroke, and with the south flank secured spent the remainder of the battle hunting and killing the few remaining light Mechs of the assault force.  On the north flank, Fairchild Lance held against its opposite number; the Assault Lance commanded by local 10th Militia commanding officer.  In a drag-out fight, Fairchild Lance prevailed, at the cost of tremendous damage to MAJ Fairchild's Marauder, and the obliteration of SGT Leigh Montgomery's Javelin from a freak ammunition explosion.  SGT Montgomery survived, but in critical condition.  To add a final insult to the various injuries suffered by the command, once dawn broke and technicaly teams could more closely examine the battle site, absolutely nothing was recovered from the battlefield in salvageable condition.  Every single 10th Militia unit destroyed had been rendered into a pile of useless junk.

3 March
Elena Bianchette (Admin/HR) is assigned to Dunedain Lance.  Will take effect on 3 April.
Viviana Mondreiffe (Admin/HR) is assigned to Ice Lance.  Will take effect on 3 April.
ON1-K Orion (Unit Salvage) is assigned to Crusher Lance, effective immediately.

4 March
MISSION: Solo Extraction (Attacker).  A Ranger scout lance responds to cries for help on a civilian channel
RESULT: Victory

After-Action Report: Reaper Lance caught a request for assistance and extraction from sympathic civilians in a nearby sector who had been passing intelligence on FWL movements and whose location had been fixed by a 6th Militia security force.  The 6th Militia sent light vehicle units into the civilian hamlet to hunt down and capture the sympathizers, while a blocking force consisting of a battle lance and a demi-lance of vehicles tried to keep Reaper from responding.  Reaper Lance deployed in two sections, with the souther force reinforced by their Canopian Liasion.  Fighting became close-quarters almost immediately, the 6thMM Orion charged and severely damaged SGT Edmondson's Enforcer, and would itself fall seconds later as LT Wilhelm's Gladiator performed a death from above attack, crushing the Orion's cockpit.  The civilians fought back as best they could with their limited weaponry, the vehicular flamers on the cooling truck in particular proved effective in stalling the efforts of the vehicular 6thMM elements.  SGT Graves's Griffin suffered significant damage, and SGT Edmondson's Enforcer was completely destroyed, though he survived unharmed by taking cover in the wreckage.  The 6thMM force was completely wiped out, and as the Rangers maintained sole possession of the battlefield, they were able to quickly extract salvage from the battle; the enemy Orion and a severely-damaged Crusader were recovered, along with a hulked Packrat LRPV.  While one APC full of sympathizers was captured and escorted from the field under Marik control, the remaining civilians opened a nearby cache for the benefit of Reaper Lance; a small shipment of spare weapons (1 PPC and 3 Flamers) and $75,000 C-bills made for a pleasant bonus.  The peice de resistance, as it was, was a fully-loaded and functional KY2-D-01 Kyudo (Primitive) BattleMech, which was piloted back to bivouac by the dispossessed SGT Edmondson.

5 March
At LT Wilhelm's request, Reaper Lance is reassigned to the Training role and is unavilable for deployment or reinforcement duty until 5 April.

1 April
Unit receives contract payment of $6,318,797 CB.  Each PC adds $486,060 CB to their warehouse.  Unit adds $2,430,300 CB.  Unit cash balance at $11,642,885 CB.
All lances deduct Monthly operating costs

4 April
MISSION: Hide-and-Seek (Attacker).  The Rangers have a chance to trap MAJ Julien Robbie and break the back of the 6th Milita's resistance once and for all, allowing MOC forces onplanet a clean sweep for their mission.
RESULT: Victory

After-Action Report: Dunedain Lance baited MAJ Robbie's Bodyguard Lance into an isolated, lakefilled area.  Once she'd entered a pre-mined area LT Saltier sprang his trap, Crusher and Ice Lance descended upon the hapless group.  The 6th was no slouch and immediately tasked emergency artillery and air support to the area.  In a sharp battle in the sky, the Ranger's Stingrays drove off the Milita's air cover, and the artillery played little part in the battle save by detonating a few mines.  However, the 6th's ground chalk was strung out badly, and reinforcements to MAJ Robbie were cut off by the command element of Crusher Lance and Dancer Lance and, with the exception of a single spirited defense by a Gladiator pilot, annihilated without incident.  Her support forces obliterated or not useful, Robbie attempted to flee the area, and let the better part of a full Ranger company on a chase through the scattered woods before being cornered near a lake as the sheltering trees thinned out to a snow-covered plain.  She was forced to eject from her crippled Wolverine, but ejected into a nearby lake a drowned before Ranger resuce efforts could recover her.  The battle, while excellently-fought by the Rangers, was not without cost; SGT Aris Vincent, the newest member of Crusher Lance, was killed when the ammunition of his Centurion detonated and his auto-ejection system malfunctioned.  This battle, as planned, broke the back of the 6th's Milita's resistance to the Canopian extraction team, and the mission was accomplished ahead of schedule.  The extracted civilians gratefully donated what they could to the unit which had helped them escape their oppressors; an AM-PRM-RH7 Rockhound IndustrialMech was added to the roster, as well as a $150,000 CBill bonus from the Canopian CO.  On a side note: MAJ Sylvie Fairchild recieved notification from her family that we was needed at home due to her parent's severely-worsened medical condition, and thus resigned her command of the Numenorean Rangers.  After a brief discussion, LT Aaron Saltier was raised to the rank of Major and now commanded the unit.  Sylvie Fairchild bid her farewells and departed with the Canopian unit.  Most interestingly, unbeknowns to the remainder of the unit,  LT Saltier had found himself a wife during downtime between missions, and was married immediately following the change of command ceremony.

Unit recieves $6,421,000 for Transport Costs.  No further contract payments are due.   Each PC adds $102,000 CB to their warehouse for the sale of the Banshee/Stinger/Vedette.  Unit adds $510,000 CB for same.  Unit warehouse is currently at $18,623,863 CB

With contract completion, BLC payments are made for Crusher 2 (Centurion), Crusher 4 (Black Knight), Reaper 3 (Enforcer), Kong 2 (Hunchback), Kong 3 (Wasp), and Fairchild 4 (Javelin) in the amount of 40% of these units base value (DISCOUNTING THE VALUE OF ANY MODIFICATIONS), paid to the prior owner of the units.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 08:35:22 PM by Darrian Wolffe »