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Author Topic: Operation HENOUSE Mission 4 - 12/25/3046 (formerly Mission 3)  (Read 4876 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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Operation HENOUSE Mission 4 - 12/25/3046 (formerly Mission 3)
« on: August 13, 2018, 05:28:30 PM »

« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 10:09:42 PM by Darrian Wolffe »


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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2018, 05:47:36 PM »

Dragon would still be down one medium by then.


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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2018, 05:50:20 PM »

Both Bright and Reaper lances have Ace Duels in the week before the mission, so they will need to think carefully about how they play and their repair resources heading into this game. Ice has an Ace Duel the day before, so he'll probably have that mech still in the repair bay for this mission.

Fight: (x1 minimum)

Scout (Not already involved)

Dancer was pretty shot up in Mission 1 but should be combat ready unless parts are not on hand for some repairs. Ice has an Ace Duel the day before the mission, but has the spare mechs to fight back to back fights. Freya and Dunedain have been twiddling their thumbs with great intensity. Wolverine may or may not need additional repair time after Mission 2 depending on damages and available parts for repairs. Generally, any of the above should work fine.

Dragon would still be down one medium by then.
Dragon wouldn't be a valid reinforcement lance. Dragon is assigned to Defend.

Dunedain Lance will definitely make itself available for the XP pinata beating.


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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2018, 05:56:56 PM »

Liaison Mech

Enemy Mechs
Phoenix Hawk

Enemy Vehicles
2x Goblin
2x Tokugawa
8x Vedette
2x Drillson
2x Saracen
2x Hetzer
4x Scorpion
2x Scorpion (SRM)
1x Schrek
1x Axel Mk 1
2x Pegasus
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 06:32:16 PM by Timberwolfd »


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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2018, 05:59:20 PM »

Hetzers and Axel mount AC/20s and the Schrek is an ogre. Otherwise this is death by being pecked to death by ducks. Very accurate ducks.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 06:07:21 PM by Timberwolfd »


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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2018, 06:01:50 PM »

I'll do the salvage in a bit. I have the mechs but I'm sure most of us do at this point.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2018, 06:07:35 PM »

2x Tokugawa twin AC/2 variant

Change these to T-150s, please (the AC/10 ICE version).  I'll fire up an image editor and change them for the final scenario, but the AC/2 version doesn't exist at this time.  The T-150 debued in 3046, the T-151 in 3049, and the fully modern Tokugawa in 3053.



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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2018, 06:21:41 PM »

Where do you find the T-150 at? Not on Sarna, nor SAW. Last vehicles I need to add to salvage sheet.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2018, 06:28:10 PM »

Where do you find the T-150 at? Not on Sarna, nor SAW. Last vehicles I need to add to salvage sheet.

Scroll down, or CTRL-F for "150".


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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2018, 06:30:22 PM »

Got it. Did not realize they had the same name. Thanks.


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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2018, 06:31:46 PM »

I think we can also just flat out reroll the weather. We don't want to try to track so many units with the crap that lightning and torrential downpour include.

Net Modifiers
Weapon Attacks +3
Missile Attacks +1

Mech PSRs +2
Vehicle DSRs +2
ASF Control Rolls +2

Mud +1 MP, +1 DSR
Water Depth 1+ +2 MP, +3 PSRs

Mud everywhere except Depth 1+ water, building, and road hexes
All Depth 1+ water hexes become torrents

Lightning Storm
If a scenario takes place under such conditions, modify movement and combat as follows. During the End Phase of every turn, roll 1D6. On a result of 1–4, nothing happens. On a result of 5–6, roll 1D6 again, dividing the result by 2 (round down, to a minimum of 1). This new result indicates the number of lightning bolts that have struck the ground. Finally, players should roll on the Lightning Bolt Table to determine the strength of each lightning bolt. Once the type of lightning bolt has been determined, using any manner that the players agree on, randomly determine the hexes where the lightning strikes. All units within that hex take damage. This damage is applied as a single Damage Value grouping from a single attack from a randomly determined direction, to a single location (for units with locations). For conventional infantry, the attack is resolved as though it originated from another infantry unit.
Terrain Factor: If players are using the Terrain Factor Rules (see p. 64), the damage from this attack is applied to all terrain conditions as appropriate; remember to scale damage for building hexes, as appropriate (see Scaled Damage, p. 126).
Moderate Rainfall: A lightning storm automatically includes all modifiers and effects of moderate rainfall (at left).
Moderate Gale: A lightning storm automatically includes all modifiers and effects of a Moderate Gale (see p. 61).
Prohibited Conditions: Cannot be used with Thin, Trace or Vacuum Atmospheric Pressures.

Lightning damage
1-3 :: 5 points single hex
4-5 :: 10 points single hex
6 :: 15 points center hex and 5 points surrounding hexes

Torrential Downpour
If a scenario takes place under such conditions, modify movement and combat as follows.
All Units: Apply a +2 to-hit modifier to all weapon attacks and a +2 modifier to all Piloting/Driving Skill and Control rolls.
Mud: A torrential downpour automatically includes all modifiers and effects of mud (see p. 50); mud occurs in every hex across the playing area except for water hexes of Depth 1+, standard roads and building hexes. Additionally, all Depth 0 water hexes become swamp hexes (see p. 51).
Torrent: A torrential downpour automatically includes all modifiers and effects of torrents (see p. 52) for any Depth 1 or deeper water hexes on the playing area.
Prohibited Conditions: Cannot be used with Thin, Trace or Vacuum Atmospheric Pressures.

Moderate Rainfall
If a scenario takes place under such conditions, modify movement and combat as follows.
All Units: Apply a +1 to-hit modifier to all weapon attacks.
Mud: Moderate rainfall automatically includes all modifiers and effects of mud (see p. 50) in any clear, Depth 0 water or dirt road hex on the playing area.
Prohibited Conditions: Cannot be used with Thin, Trace or Vacuum Atmospheric Pressures.

Moderate Gale
If a scenario takes place under such conditions, modify movement and combat as follows.
All Units: Apply a +1 to-hit modifier to all missile weapon attacks.
Airships: Apply a +2 modifier to all Control Rolls.
WiGE, VTOL: Apply a +1 modifier to all Piloting Skill Rolls.
Conventional Infantry: Apply –1 MP to both Ground and Jumping movement to all conventional infantry, to a minimum of 0; any units reduced to 0 MP can either move or make a weapon attack in a turn, but not both (see p. 213, TW).
Prohibited Conditions: Cannot be used with Vacuum Atmospheric Pressures.

A quick and easy way to apply mud to a playing area is to make any Depth 0 water hex mud. As always, though, players can choose to add mud however they wish. Apply a +1 MP cost to enter a mud hex, as well as a +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls made while in that hex. Units entering a hex containing the Mud terrain modification may also get stuck (see Bog Down Rules, p. 62)
’Mechs, Hover Vehicles and Mobile Structures: ’Mechs, Hover Vehicles and Mobile Structures ignore mud.
Non-DropShip Aerospace Units/VTOLs/WiGEs: These units only make a Bog Down Roll if they end their movement on the ground in such a hex; DropShips never get stuck in mud.
Spheroid Units: A landing Spheroid unit automatically converts any mud hexes it lands in into the hex’s underlying terrain: clear, rough and so on.
Prohibited Conditions: Cannot be used with Vacuum Atmospheric Pressures, or with Extreme Temperatures of –30 degrees Celsius and below.

For any water hex of Depth 1 or deeper that contains torrents, apply a +2 MP cost to enter that hex, as well as a +3 modifier to all Piloting Skill Rolls made while in that hex.
Water Flow: All the rules for water flow (below) also apply to water flow for torrents, with the following additions. A unit that fails a Piloting Skill Roll, in addition to falling, is displaced 3 hexes in the direction of the flow of water. Additionally, all Naval Vehicles on the surface of the water, in order not to be moved by water flow, must spend 3 MP at the end of their movement in order to “hold position” in the hex where they ended their movement. If the MP are not spent, the Naval Vehicle is displaced 3 hexes in the direction of the flow of water; if only 2 MP are spent at the end of the movement, then the Naval Vehicle is only displaced 1 hex; if only 1 MP is spent, then the Naval Vehicle is only displaced 2 hexes. As with failing a Piloting Skill Roll, a unit cannot be displaced into a Depth 0 water hex.
Prohibited Conditions: Cannot be used with Trace or Vacuum Atmospheric Pressures, or with Extreme Temperatures of –30 degrees Celsius and below.

Bog Down Rules
Some planetary conditions may actually stick a unit in place, as noted in the description of such conditions. Any time a unit enters a hex that may cause it to get stuck, the controlling player must make a Piloting/Driving Skill Roll. If the roll fails, the unit gets stuck in the hex and may not move for the rest of the turn; a ’Mech that fails this roll does not fall. The unit may torso twist or rotate its turret normally, but it may not change its facing. For any weapon or physical attacks made against a unit stuck in a hex, modify the to-hit number by –2. At the start of the next turn’s Movement Phase, the player controlling a stuck unit makes a Piloting/Driving Skill Roll. On a successful roll, the unit breaks away from the planetary condition in the hex and may move normally. If the roll fails, the unit remains stuck (but does not fall in the case of ’Mechs) and makes another Piloting/Driving Skill Roll at the start of the next Movement Phase. Jump-capable units that use Walking or Running movement to enter tundra, magma, deep snow or mud may get stuck, but such units can free themselves in subsequent Movement Phases by simply jumping out of the terrain.
Additional Modifiers: For tundra, magma crust, deep snow and mud hexes, apply a –1 modifier to the Piloting Skill Roll to determine whether a unit entering such terrain gets stuck. Apply the same modifier to Piloting Skill Rolls made to free a stuck unit.
Falling: If a ’Mech falls in such a hex (for example, if it is forced to make a Piloting Skill Roll after being displaced), it automatically becomes stuck and its movement ends. The ’Mech must make three successful Piloting Skill Rolls to be free of the hex; the first to free itself from a stuck prone position, the second to stand up and the third to free itself from the hex completely.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 07:02:56 PM by Timberwolfd »


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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2018, 06:50:12 PM »

Salvage sheet ready. Had to put it in SAW to get those numbers. Same with Axel.


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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2018, 07:25:31 PM »

How did this mission come to be, seeing as how this is 10 days out from mission 1?


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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2018, 07:30:08 PM »

How did this mission come to be, seeing as how this is 10 days out from mission 1?

missions are generated per week i thought
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Re: Operation HENOUSE Mission 3 - 11/27/3046
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2018, 07:56:35 PM »

They are. Rob probably advanced the week when he input the Mission 1 results. That then generated missions from 11/20-11/27 which flopped the 3 Ace Duels and Mission 3.
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