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Author Topic: Dragon Character Creation  (Read 4889 times)


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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #60 on: August 31, 2018, 04:38:10 PM »

Right now, I am willing to hinder my pilot since he is forced to have 5 edge anyway. Starting XP will be enough to get me to 4/5 or even bring tactics up to 4 and be 3 points above Jon in terms of rating. That includes my SOC and CHA at 7 plus brave.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #61 on: August 31, 2018, 04:59:00 PM »

Right now, I am willing to hinder my pilot since he is forced to have 5 edge anyway. Starting XP will be enough to get me to 4/5 or even bring tactics up to 4 and be 3 points above Jon in terms of rating. That includes my SOC and CHA at 7 plus brave.

Paul, while I appreciate your enthusiasm, take a moment and breathe.  :)  I understand you're interested in the CO position.  You have to build and be happy with your character whether you're the CO or not.  Mechanically Jon's character seems at least at a good level for CO, so I'd use that as a baseline.  Going above what he's got is nice, but really is gravy.    Even losing a point or two off the Dragoon Rating wouldn't really hurt much if it came down to it.  Beyond the strict point total for the Dragoon Rating, what impact do your choices make?  For example, given a choice between having Brave as a Trait and an extra point of say Negotiation what fits your character best or feels like it's more beneficial for the unit?  They both add a single point to the DR so no difference there, but the choice has other consequences.  Strategy controls the number of reinforcement lances that can be brought in.  At some point we'll hit a number that effectively makes that next point irrelevant.  Are we ever going to bring in 4 reinforcement lances on top of whatever's assigned to the mission?  I'm thinking 3 is probably the most we'll ever do, though I could be wrong.  But if it's 3, does a 4 strategy help you?  Is it worth it to have a 3 point higher DR for the unit at the cost of having a far poorer Piloting and Gunnery than you're going to be happy with?

Unless the group's preference is really a coin flip between candidates, an extra point of Dragoon Rating or two, isn't going to be the deciding factor.  Ultimately, my recommendation is build a character that you're extremely happy to play and go from there.


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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #62 on: August 31, 2018, 05:02:50 PM »

True, but having admin/bureaucracy at 2 will have the potential of kicking 2 PC lances out of the unit. I would much rather avoid all that. Having a 4 strategy would just practically get me in turn 3 or 2 with how my lance is currently designed and will be once he joins.


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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #63 on: August 31, 2018, 05:36:03 PM »

Having Tactics to 4 might be better then, just to have more people with a high initiative roll.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #64 on: August 31, 2018, 05:45:40 PM »

<snip>The higher of Bureaucracy or Administration, times 3, plus three, is the total number of lances the unit can have.  So right now the overall unit cap is 12 lances but again, we haven't run into that so it hasn't mattered.

That's an interesting fact.  I just searched the rules and didn't see it there.  Did I miss it?


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #65 on: August 31, 2018, 05:49:48 PM »

True, but having admin/bureaucracy at 2 will have the potential of kicking 2 PC lances out of the unit. I would much rather avoid all that. Having a 4 strategy would just practically get me in turn 3 or 2 with how my lance is currently designed and will be once he joins.

Agreed.  That wouldn't be good.  I'd need to commit to investing at least 21 XP to bump Bureaucracy to a 3 or 35 XP to get Admin there.  I've got 4 XP at the moment.  I'm willing to do so though I'd want to understand the feasibility of getting at least 17 XP before Jon leaves to see if it's even feasible.

Based on current PCs, the only character that could maintain the entire unit at its current size is Steve's as he's got a Bureaucracy of 4+.


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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #66 on: August 31, 2018, 06:01:46 PM »

You have a Natural Aptitude, which should reduce the cost of skills/attributes by a decent amount.


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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #67 on: August 31, 2018, 06:24:49 PM »

So what I am thinking of at the moment is this:

Admin (6)+2
Negotiation (12)+3 (maybe higher, since this can help with contracts)
Scrounge (12)+3 ( for buying purposes)
First Aid (6) +2
Rifles (6) +2
Bureaucracy (12) +3 (can increase this instead if we get more players between now and end of contract)
Strategy (12) +3 (help with reinforcements and get my lance on board faster)
Tactics/Mech  (12) +3 (for initiative rolls)
Career/Soldier (12) +3  
Leadership (6) +2
Gunnery (Nat Apt) (15) +4
Piloting (12) +3

Any suggestions to changes would be appreciated.
Altered some. More manageable. All the important stuff is still high, while making my gun/pilot one better.
Miscalculated Career/Soldier. Initial calculation correct, mispelled soldier in some parts when trying to CTRL+F words. Adjusted on prior posts. Done adjusted based on added and loss points.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2018, 09:36:33 PM by deadlyfire2345 »


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #68 on: August 31, 2018, 07:14:48 PM »

Paul, as a CO build, it looks fine. Very balanced. I’d suggest bumping your pilot to a +3, rather than Tactics to a +4, though you can look at the costs to increase and decide if the delay in purchasing is worth the frustration of a lower value.

The question to ask in my opinion is: if the character isn’t the CO and is just a lance leader, will you be happy playing it or wish the character was different?  If happy, then I think you’re good. If not, find the tweaks that balance the two options. That’s my suggestion.


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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #69 on: August 31, 2018, 07:22:34 PM »

I could reduce Rifles back down to +1, and remove natural aptitude and make tactics a +3 with enough points to increase piloting to a +3 as well. Since I tend not to have ammo explosions, may as well work with it low.


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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #70 on: August 31, 2018, 08:13:31 PM »

Vehicle (6)
Own Vehicle
Wealth (7)
Well-Equipped (4)
Well-Connected/LAAF (2)
Good Reputation (2;Lyran Alliance)
Rank (6)
Contact (2; Estate Generals Representative)
Fast Learner
Nat Apt/Gunnery
Quirk/Hatred of Draconis Combine
Enemy (1): Dedrickson's Devils

1 points open

STR: 5
BOD: 5
DEX: 5
RFL: 4
INT: 5
WIL: 6
CHA: 7
EDG: 5
SOC: 5
Total: 49 (1 open)
Administration +2
Negotiation +3
Scrounge +3
First Aid +2
Rifles +2
Bureaucracy/Lyran Alliance +3
Strategy +3
Tactics/Mech +3
Leadership +2
Gunnery +4
Piloting +3

Mech (Heavy): Lancelot LNC25-02 Quirks: Anti-Aircraft Targeting, Narrow/Low Profile, Bad Reputation (bleh). Base model.
Buy SPA 20XP: Environment Spec (INT 5): Mountain
Free SPA (if applicable): Environment Spec (INT 5): Forest

This setup allows me to use every allocated point and have a fairly balanced leader to start.
If there are many alterations, I am still in though regarding what I want.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2018, 09:37:17 PM by deadlyfire2345 »


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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #71 on: August 31, 2018, 08:27:45 PM »

Looking at Sarna, it appears that Tamar was attacked around 3022 by Draconis Combine.
Knowing this Could I change my Streetwise/Clan to Streetwise/Draconis Combine, would I also change my quirk/hatred of clans to quirk/Hatred of Draconis Combine?

This would work within the timeline since my character ended at 27 (meaning birth would put him around 3019).

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #72 on: August 31, 2018, 08:35:08 PM »

<snip>The higher of Bureaucracy or Administration, times 3, plus three, is the total number of lances the unit can have.  So right now the overall unit cap is 12 lances but again, we haven't run into that so it hasn't mattered.

That's an interesting fact.  I just searched the rules and didn't see it there.  Did I miss it?

It wasn't enabled when I wrote the rules 2 years ago.  It's an option in the program.  Like random events and a bunch of other niche stuff, it was enabled at the end of the last contract (2 years in-game after we started), to give people a chance to get into the game, get used to how stuff works, and so forth.

Knowing this Could I change my Streetwise/Clan to Streetwise/Draconis Combine, would I also change my quirk/hatred of clans to quirk/Hatred of Draconis Combine?

This would be why I suggested changing time-relevant triggers to the Combine in a post yesterday.

The question to ask in my opinion is: if the character isn’t the CO and is just a lance leader, will you be happy playing it or wish the character was different?  If happy, then I think you’re good. If not, find the tweaks that balance the two options. That’s my suggestion.

This is hugely relevant.  Paul, assume that you AREN'T going to be the CO, and build the character from there.  Then you'll know if you'll be happier playing this new PC.

FYI, I'm away from home over the holiday weekend (till Tuesday evening).  I'll be able to check in from my phone, but I won't have rules and so forth with me, so try to keep the panic to a minimum.


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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #73 on: August 31, 2018, 08:54:11 PM »

I am not going to panic. Not like we have a few months IRL to finalize this. just wish rolls were better, but I will make do. I just like to be punctual. I will look around to see what possibilities I can do and work with it.



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Re: Dragon Character Creation
« Reply #74 on: September 02, 2018, 02:50:59 PM »

Either way, got two mechs I would like for you to paint for me (Panther and Dragon).
Will bring mechs and money on Sat.
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