MapsDesert 2
Grasslands 1
Open Terrain 2
Desert 2
DeploymentOPFOR Deploy: Deploy the 8 Mechs listed first on the image upthread within 5 hexes of the South board edge. If the CO is in those 8 Mechs, the CO may be switched for a mech from the last 8 units.
PC Deploy: Deploy all PC units after OPFOR Deployment, within 5 hexes of the South board edge.
OPFOR Reserve Deploy: After PC deployment, OPFOR Reserve Mechs may be deployed within 5 hexes of the South board edge.
OPFOR Reinforcement Deploy: Enters from Northern Board Edge (anywhere) as per initiative order (units may choose to use Jump MP to enter map).
PC Reinforcement Deploy: Enters from Southern Map Edge (anywhere) as per initiative order (units may choose to use Jump MP to enter map) *OR* may enter from a board edge no further north than the THIRD-NORTHERN-MOST PC unit(s), erring to the south. Reinforcements may not enter within 5 hexes of an enemy unit.
Environmental Effects: None.
Battlefield SupportDraconis forces receive an allowance of 110% of the Ranger choices (there is a BSP floor they will not go below). Draconis Forces have moved significant air assets into the area, and will receive at least 2 randomized air attack choices and at least 1 randomized air defense choice for no cost. Draconis Forces cannot deploy mines.
-Note that OPFOR air support can target PC Battlefield artillery support. This can be countered by Air Cover as per normal. The specific artillery vehicle targeted will be randomized.
PCs Victory Conditions:1) Destroy or render incapable of exiting the board at least 8 OPFOR units
2) Expand Objective 1 to *all* starting OPFOR units.
3) Exit at least 2 Mechs from the North edge of the board.
OPFOR Victory Conditions:1) Reach the northern board edge with at least 8 mobile units (reinforcements do not count)
2) Destroy at least one Lance Leader's Mech
3) Keep the PCs from exiting any Mechs from the northern board edge
Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn. Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environments MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).
***Draconis Combine MechWarriors will fire on ejected MechWarriors whenever possible***