Final ScenarioNORTH
MapsCity Ruins.......Woodlands
Desert 2........City Ruins
DeploymentPC Deployment: Deploy within 5 hexes of map center
OPFOR Deploy: Deploy up to 8 units within 2 hexes of of the north-south centerlines of the eastern or western maps, after PC deployment. Up to 4 units may be deployed within 5 hexes of a north-south board edge using Hidden Unit rules, after PC deployment. Hidden units which don't reveal at least 3 turns prior to the end of the game do not count as a visible enemy unit for purposes of victory conditions.
Environmental Effects: None which affect deployed units.
Generic Town: Any buildings rated at higher than 40 CF are instead reduced to 55 CF.
Ambush: During the first turn of the game, after fire declaration and before attack resolution, PC units must make a WIL test with a TN 13 (roll 2d6, add your WIL score, meet or beat TN) to fire weapons or make melee attacks. Wingmen have a fixed WIL score of 4.
Battlefield SupportNone.
PCs Victory Conditions:1) Cripple or destroy at least 6 enemy units
2) Cripple or destroy at least 10 enemy units
3) Exit at least 2 non-crippled units off a north or south board edge.
4) Destroy all visible enemy units (also counts as #3 being completed). Will generate 1d2+1 Random Bonus Rolls if completed.
OPFOR Victory Conditions:1) Destroy or cripple at least 3 PC units
2) Destroy at least one Lance Leader's Mech
3) Prevent 3 or more PC Mechs from exiting map
Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn. Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environments MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).
***Draconis Combine MechWarriors will fire on ejected MechWarriors whenever possible. ***