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Author Topic: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046  (Read 3113 times)


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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2018, 07:25:59 PM »

All but the panther and charger can go internal on one kick. A chance to kick off the leg either way.


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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2018, 10:23:07 PM »

So the STG-3R only has 9 total armor and structure in the legs, kick away! Same with the Wasp-1A. That gives you three targets you can kick down in a single hit except for the Clint.
Everything else will require at least some extra damage to the leg for your mechs to kick off. The Panthers and Charger are the only ones that can take 2 kicks without losing the leg.

Certainly if things get in that close I'll be happy to do that.  The Charger's the only mech I really want to avoid getting into physical range especially as it may be spec'd for melee with only 5 small lasers.  Ideally I'll be able to sit at range 7 from targets and whittle things down with me being in short range with the ER LLs and their weapons generally being in long range or out of range.  The Hussar and the Panthers are the exception having weapons with with a range longer than 9.
Honestly, it's more about damage output. Get adjacent to a bug while shooting at a Panther and kick the bug. You only have to win initiative a couple of times to brutalize that force.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2018, 10:28:42 PM »

So the STG-3R only has 9 total armor and structure in the legs, kick away! Same with the Wasp-1A. That gives you three targets you can kick down in a single hit except for the Clint.
Everything else will require at least some extra damage to the leg for your mechs to kick off. The Panthers and Charger are the only ones that can take 2 kicks without losing the leg.

Certainly if things get in that close I'll be happy to do that.  The Charger's the only mech I really want to avoid getting into physical range especially as it may be spec'd for melee with only 5 small lasers.  Ideally I'll be able to sit at range 7 from targets and whittle things down with me being in short range with the ER LLs and their weapons generally being in long range or out of range.  The Hussar and the Panthers are the exception having weapons with with a range longer than 9.
Honestly, it's more about damage output. Get adjacent to a bug while shooting at a Panther and kick the bug. You only have to win initiative a couple of times to brutalize that force.
I should be well positioned to win initiative, so that should help.  Out of curiosity, do you get the admin bonus on solo missions?

No matter what happens it should be fun.  One other thing I'm not clear on, it says player starts at the center, but victory conditions requires getting off the "far board edge."  Do all of them count as they'll be equidistant?  When both player and opfor start in "center" how does that placement work?


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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #33 on: October 10, 2018, 11:25:22 PM »

To keep it from being buried, please use the last roll on light please.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2018, 01:40:39 AM »

To keep it from being buried, please use the last roll on light please.

Sorry for delay.  I've been face-down in the minis for the game on the 20th most of the day.

Last light roll is Daylight, sorry.

I should be well positioned to win initiative, so that should help.  Out of curiosity, do you get the admin bonus on solo missions?

No, as it's not a Fight, Scout, or Defend mission.

No matter what happens it should be fun.  One other thing I'm not clear on, it says player starts at the center, but victory conditions requires getting off the "far board edge."  Do all of them count as they'll be equidistant?  When both player and opfor start in "center" how does that placement work?

Once I've got the final scenario up, you'll see how it works.  Depending on how long these minis take to finish up, the scenario should be up Friday night or Saturday.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2018, 08:09:42 AM »

No worries on the timing. There’d been a fair number of comments since I asked for the final roll and just wanted to make it easier on you. I didn’t expect the admin would apply but wanted to confirm. As for it still being daylight I expect it’s less than a 1 in 6 chance of darkness.


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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #36 on: October 11, 2018, 08:34:32 AM »

There are 3 darkness conditions. dusk/dawn, full moon, and moonless night as per BMM. I believe there are a few more in TO with the same effects as those previously listed. AtB may have the rolls as time of day using 1d10/12. 

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #37 on: October 11, 2018, 11:26:53 AM »

There are 3 darkness conditions. dusk/dawn, full moon, and moonless night as per BMM. I believe there are a few more in TO with the same effects as those previously listed. AtB may have the rolls as time of day using 1d10/12. 

FWIW, AtB looks to have a roughly 50% chance of having daylight on any given light roll.  Dusk/Dawn is the next most common, and then Pitch Black, Full Moon Night, and Moonless Night are roughly evenly common.

My postulation is that the roll is a d10, which would produce something very similar to
1. Pitch Black
2. Full Moon Night
3. Moonless Night
4. Dusk/Dawn
5. Dusk/Dawn
6. Daylight
7-10. Daylight.

A d12 with the extra results being Daylight, or one extra being Daylight and one extra being Dusk/Dawn would also roughly equal what I've seen.  Can't really get more precise than that.  Doubly so because some planets will force modifiers to environmental or atmospheric or light conditions.


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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #38 on: October 11, 2018, 12:43:29 PM »

Well, 25 to 30% is better than I expected. Certainly something to keep in mind for the future. Thanks.


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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #39 on: October 12, 2018, 02:49:40 PM »

Looking forward to playing this, hopefully  before the end of the month.


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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2018, 05:39:24 PM »

Will there be space and time to potentially play this on Saturday after the large scale battle is over?  This needs to be resolved before November 10th, preferably with at least a few days for me to sort out what Mechs Midnight will be able to field as part of the player lances.

If Saturday doesn't work, would next Wednesday?  If neither of those two days are going to work I can maybe make something work the week of Nov 5th, though I work the polls on election day and Nicole is traveling for work that week.


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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #41 on: October 16, 2018, 06:15:50 PM »

We can set up a couple of tables and play between rounds, during lunch, etc. Since a lot of the LSG stuff will go into the trash afterword anyway, clean up will be easier than setup.


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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #42 on: October 16, 2018, 06:18:52 PM »

If anything, Nov 5th may work at my place, will figure out if my regular kitchen table can support a 2x2 map. I will let you know when I get around to putting the legs on the table sometime next week.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #43 on: October 16, 2018, 06:28:54 PM »

Saturday would be ideal at this point. Once Rob generates the final scenario we can look at who can bring the maps and units.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Solo Mission - Recon Ambush (Midnight) - 12/20/3046
« Reply #44 on: October 18, 2018, 01:21:35 AM »

Final Scenario



City Ruins.......Woodlands
Desert 2........City Ruins

PC Deployment: Deploy within 5 hexes of map center
OPFOR Deploy: Deploy up to 8 units within 2 hexes of of the north-south centerlines of the eastern or western maps, after PC deployment.  Up to 4 units may be deployed within 5 hexes of a north-south board edge using Hidden Unit rules, after PC deployment.  Hidden units which don't reveal at least 3 turns prior to the end of the game do not count as a visible enemy unit for purposes of victory conditions.

Environmental Effects:

None which affect deployed units.

Generic Town: Any buildings rated at higher than 40 CF are instead reduced to 55 CF.

Ambush: During the first turn of the game, after fire declaration and before attack resolution, PC units must make a WIL test with a TN 13 (roll 2d6, add your WIL score, meet or beat TN) to fire weapons or make melee attacks.  Wingmen have a fixed WIL score of 4.

Battlefield Support

PCs Victory Conditions:
1) Cripple or destroy at least 6 enemy units
2) Cripple or destroy at least 10 enemy units
3) Exit at least 2 non-crippled units off a north or south board edge.
4) Destroy all visible enemy units (also counts as #3 being completed).   Will generate 1d2+1 Random Bonus Rolls if completed.

OPFOR Victory Conditions:
1) Destroy or cripple at least 3 PC units
2) Destroy at least one Lance Leader's Mech
3) Prevent 3 or more PC Mechs from exiting map

Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn.  Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environments MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).

***Draconis Combine MechWarriors will fire on ejected MechWarriors whenever possible. ***
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