Final ScenarioNORTH
MapsCoast 1................Battletech.............Coast 1
City Ruins.............Citytech..............Grasslands 2
Open Terrain 2.....Open Terrain 1.....Wide River
Added Water hexes are Depth 1.
DeploymentOPFOR Deploy: Deploy all Local Forces on the central Mapsheet. 3 LRM turrets must deploy on the "corners" of the central triangular building. Non-engineer Infantry Platoons may not deploy within a building or within 2 hexes of one. Behemoth Tank must deploy on the center mapsheet. Divide Mech forces into 3, 4-Mech lances. Each Lance deploys on a separate mapsheet. The lances on the east and west mapsheets must deploy within 3 hexes of Hex 0909. The lance on the center mapsheet must deploy on or adjacent to a pavement hex, outside of buildings.
PC Deployment: Deploy on the southern half of the southern three mapsheets (up to the fold). You may not deploy more than 5 Mechs into an 8-hex contiguous area.
PC Reinforcement Deploy: Enters from the Southern map edge as per initiative order (units may choose to use Jump MP to enter map). Reinforcements may delay their entry; each turn they delay their entry, they may enter up to 1/2 of a mapsheet's "height" from either East or West board edge. May delay a maximum of 4 turns. All reinforcement units must enter within 5 hexes of each other, with no unit passing beyond the "height" limitation.
OPFOR Reinforcement Deploy: Enter from the North board edge on your initiative count.
Environmental Effects: Light Urban: Each building scales down its "type" one level (a Hardened Building becomes Heavy; a Medium becomes Light, etc). Buildings may not be reduced below Light. Skidding, Bulding Damage, and Basement rolls are all in play.
Engineering Platoons: Each engineering platoon allows its player to select one of the following 3 options:
1) If deployed in the same hex or adjacent to a Draconis Mech unit, the Engineers can construct
breastworks for that mech. As long as that Mech stays stationary (not immobile), it receives a Partial Cover modifier and reduces damage as though it is in a Medium (CF 40) Building. Once the breastworks have taken 30 damage, it will no longer absorb damage or provide the partial cover modifier.
2) Engineers can deploy up to
3, 10-point minefields* (TN 8; no BSP cost) within 3 hexes of the engineers starting location. Hexes must be written down. Once the attack is made the minefield is revealed.
3) Engineers can deploy up to
1 Hidden Pit Trap* within 4 hexes of the engineers starting location. An enemy Mech which enters this hex is "hit" by this attack on a TN 7. Roll on the Basement Table, rerolling until you get a basement effect, add 1 level to the depth** of the "basement" (PCs cannot Edge the Basement table roll), and resolve the fall damage into the "basement" as normal. Hexes must be written down. Once the attack is made the Trap is revealed.
*this item is detectable with Beagle Probes and the Eagle Eyes SPA.
**Yes, this means it's possible to fall into a basement you can't get out of
Battlefield SupportRangers may choose up to any amount of BSP.
Draconis forces receive an allowance of 50% of the Ranger choices (there is a BSP floor they will not go below). Draconis Forces have received reinforcements as a result of recent successes, and will receive 2 randomized air attack choices and 2 artillery support options for no cost.
-Note that OPFOR air support can target PC Battlefield artillery support. This can be countered by Air Cover as per normal. The specific artillery vehicle targeted will be randomized.
PCs Victory Conditions:1) Destroy at least 7 Enemy Units (not counting Local Forces)
2) Destroy or cripple all enemy Mech units
3) Destroy 5 or more of the Local Forces Units
OPFOR Victory Conditions:1) Destroy or cripple least 4 PC units
2) Destroy at least one Lance Leader's Mech
3) Prevent more than 4 PC Mechs from ending the game within 5 hexes of Hex 0909 on the northern central map.
Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn. Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environments MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).
***Draconis Combine MechWarriors will fire on ejected MechWarriors whenever possible. Note this does not apply to vehicle crews.***