Pros: Regular opponents in A rated equipment, short contract
Cons: everything else
Verdict: PASS
Pros: 50% salvage, short/medium contract, pirate hunting has lots of side missions, No Return is near Sarna/St. Ives, 50% BLC
Cons: 45% transportation basically pays the bills and not much more
Verdict: acceptable with renegotiation of transport terms and command rights, could be a good pay off
Pros: Pretty good contract with decent transport salvage and BLC
Cons: Against FS (roleplay)
Verdict: Traitorous
Also, what does a relief duty mission look like?
Pros: B rated equipment opponent with 60% salvage
Cons: House Command, pitiful BLC, (In Clan Wolf Invasion Corridor)
Verdict: Negotiable
Metagame: Hell no! A 3 year garrison contract in the future Jade Falcon Occupation Zone with a 146 day transit time puts us there in mid/late 3050...
Other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?
Pros: High transport, salvage, decent BLC and Independent command
Cons: location, location, location. (Also note that we get transportation payments at the end of the contract, not up front.)
Verdict: Take it anyway?