Okay, let's talk some IRL and logistics issues.
I believe everyone has generally gotten a handle on the rules and we have become successful as a unit.
I think pretty much everyone would agree that the clan invasion is a gigantic elephant in the room. We can play a year or two longer IRL before we get to the clans, or we can fast forward time a bit to get there and change our play style (primarily opponents). KESTREL will let us fast forward time and get to the invasion. Narratively, it puts us in a a gift wrapped position to start the clan invasion story arc.
A few adjustments to the KESTREL contract make it a bit better for us as players. If we take the contract, which, barring great outcry, we will, we renegotiated for 50% straight support, which means the unit will make more money (or more accurately, be paid for half of the overhead expenses), which will add up over 3 years. We will simultaneously reduce the advance pay in favor of higher monthly pay, so that lances with less wealth and well connected won't go broke. On contract, we will rotate training lances so that everyone gains XP. With 12 lances, each lance should get 3-6 training sessions in addition to other XP like annual increases and combat XP.