Final ScenarioNORTH
MapsMilBase 2.....DropPort 2.......DropPort 2
Seaport.......DropPort 1........MilBase 1
MilBase 1.....DropPort 2.......DropPort 1
DeploymentBase Unit Deployment: Find the map fold lines. There is a 2x2 map area denoted in the center of the board via these fold lines. Non-DropShip Base Units must deploy anywhere within this area, on a building hex or not. DropShips must deploy, as centered as possible, on any crater hex on the center three maps.
Base Turret Deployment: Find the map fold lines. There is a 2x2 map area denoted in the center of the board via these fold lines. Turrets must deploy anywhere within this area, on a building hex or not.
Allied Deployment: Begin on the board anywhere within 10 hexes of the Western Board Edge
PC Deployment: Find the map fold lines. There is a 2x2 map area denoted in the center of the board via these fold lines. PC Lances must deploy anywhere within this area AFTER OPFOR Airdrop Mapsheets have been nominated. Each PC Lance must deploy within 6 hexes of ALL other members of that lance, and no lance may deploy within 10 hexes of another PC Lance.
PC Reinforcement Deployment: Enter along any map edge.
OPFOR Force 1 Deploy:: Enter on the West board edge on their initiative during Turn 1. Roll 1d6-2; that many units from this lance have each taken 1d6-1 groups of 5 damage from their airdrop. No member of this lance may enter more than 5 hexes away from where the first member of this lance to move onto the board entered.
OPFOR Force 2 Deploy: Divide the OPFOR Force 2 into lances of 4 Mechs each. After all PC base unit/turret deployment has completed, each lance must nominate a mapsheet it will airdrop onto. No more than 1 lance may drop onto any one mapsheet. OPFOR lances may airdrop onto any game board. On their initiative counts, each OPFOR unit will airdrop onto the mapsheet it selected, nominating its landing hex before it rolls for landing/scatter. Airdropped units do not become valid targets for weapons fire until Turn 1 of the game.
OPFOR Reinforcement Deploy: Divide the OPFOR Reinforcements into 4-unit platoons. Each platoon must enter the board within 3 hexes of all other members of its platoon. OPFOR Reinforcements enter the board anywhere along the western board edge on their initiative count.
Environmental Effects: Light Snow Flurries*: Includes the following environmental conditions:
1) -10 degrees C: no game effect
2) Moderate Snowfall: +1 modifier to all weapon attacks. Non-hover Ground Vehicles reduce their Cruising MP by 2. Apply Thin Snow beginning on Turn 10, Deep Snow beginning on Turn 20. Apply Ice to all Water Hexes beginning on Turn 20.
3) Light Gale: +1 to all Aerospace Control Rolls, including AirDrop Landing Rolls. Conventional Foot Infantry outside of a building suffer -1 to all ground MP (units reduced to 0 can either move or attack in a turn, not both).
This isn't in TacOps; only "Snow Flurries" are, so I'm extrapolating.
Battlefield SupportBSP are not used.
Each PC ASF may be assigned to either attack or air defense.
1) if Air defense, it may make up to 2 Light or Heavy Air Defense attempts, as per normal rules.
2) If air Attack, each fighter must be assigned to it's attack "type" (bombing, strafing, etc), and may make up to 2 attacks during the game.
Non-ASF support forces not already assigned to this scenario may not participate.
Pirate forces do have an unknown number of air units available, but no artillery.
PCs Victory Conditions:1) Destroy or Cripple at least 9 Pirate Mechs
2) Destroy or Cripple at least 6 Reinforcement units
3) Preserve at least 2 Allied Mechs and at least 1 Base Turret
OPFOR Victory Conditions:1) Destroy or cripple at least 3 Allied Mechs
2) Destroy at least 7 PC Mechs
3) Destroy all base Turrets and at least 4 Base Units
Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn. Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environments MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).
***Captured Pirate MechWarriors recieve a -2 TN bonus to recruit. Until they are recruited, Pirate MechWarriors have a small chance of attempting a breakout each month, which may result in injury or death to Lance Wingmen. Pirate MechWarriors cannot be ransomed.***
***Pirates will attempt to capture ejected MechWarriors for ransom instead of shooting them..***