Final Scenario

MapsBattletech.............Open Terr 2
Heavy Woods 1.....Woodlands
DeploymentPC Deployment: Deploy 2 units within 8 hexes of the south board edge before the OPFOR deploys. After the OPFOR deploys, deploy your second two units anywhere on the southern two mapsheets.
OPFOR Deploy: Deploy any 2 units on the northeastern mapsheet between 8 and 10 hexes from the north board edge and no closer than 8 hexes from the other forward-deployed OPFOR pair. Deploy any 2 units on the northwestern mapsheet between 8 and 10 hexes from the north board edge and no closer than 8 hexes from the other forward-deployed OPFOR pair. Deploy any 2 units on the northeastern mapsheet along the north board edge. Deploy any 2 units on the northwestern mapsheet along the north board edge.
Environmental Effects: Light Rain: No effect on units deployed in this scenario.
Battlefield SupportBSP are not used in this scenario.
PCs Victory Conditions:1) Destroy or Cripple at least 3 Pirate Mechs
2) Have at least 3 non-destroyed Mechs by the end of the scenario.
OPFOR Victory Conditions:1) Destroy or Cripple at least 2 PC Mechs
2) Have at least 5 non-destroyed Mechs by the end of the scenario.
Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn. Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environments MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).
***Captured Pirate MechWarriors recieve a -2 TN bonus to recruit. Until they are recruited, Pirate MechWarriors have a small chance of attempting a breakout each month, which may result in injury or death to Lance Wingmen. Pirate MechWarriors cannot be ransomed.***
***Pirates will attempt to capture ejected MechWarriors for ransom instead of shooting them..***