Go ahead and generate the scenario.
Final Scenario

MapsRolling Hills 1........Open Terrain 2.......Rolling Hills 1
City Ruins.............CityTech...............Battletech
Open Terrain 1.......Desert 1..............Desert 2
DeploymentBase Turret Deployment: Up to two Base Turrets may be deployed in Hidden Deployment, anywhere within 5 hexes of, or on, a Pavement Hex, while staying on the central mapsheets. The remainder must be deployed on or adjacent to a building hex on the central mapsheet. A Base Turret which has not revealed itself prior to the End Phase of Turn 8 may not reveal for the remainder of the game, and will count as destroyed for Victory Purposes.
OPFOR Force 1 Deploy: Divide into Lances; deploy up to 1 Lance on the central Mapsheet, between 0 and 2 Lances on the northeast Mapsheet, between 0 and 2 Lances on the north central Mapsheet, and between 0 and 2 Lances on the northwestern Mapsheet. These Lances may not be deployed within 8 hexes of any member of another Force 1 Pirate Lance.
OPFOR Force 2 Deploy: Deploy all Vehicle Units in the central Pavement area on the City Ruins Map. All Force 2 Mech units enter the board on their initiative count on Turn 1 along the western edge of the City Ruins map, between but not on the northern and southern Pavement Hex clusters.
PC Deployment: Deploy on the southern half of the southern three mapsheets (up to the fold). You may not deploy more than 5 Mechs into an 8-hex contiguous area. Allied forces are spread as evenly as possible between players and are treated as Lance members for purposes of deployment.
PC Reinforcements: Enter up to the northmost corner-edge of any southern Mapsheet. Bonus: Reinforcements enter 1 turn earlier than normal, to a minimum of Turn 2.
Environmental Effects: None.
Battlefield SupportRanger Forces may choose up to 18 points of battlefield support.
Pirate Forces gain up to the Ranger BSP value -3, in artillery support only (minimum 6). Pirate Forces automatically gain x2 Light Air Cover for no cost (representing conventional VSTOL aircraft units) which cannot deal armor damage to attacking ASFs.
PCs Victory Conditions:1) Destroy all Base Turrets
2) Destroy or render incapable of spending MP at least 12 enemy units
3) Ensure that at least 2 Allies Mechs do not enter the Crippled State
Bonus Objective: each non-combat vehicle which is destroyed has a 50% chance to grant a Random Bonus
OPFOR Victory Conditions:1) Destroy at least 8 attacking Mechs
2) Destroy or render incapable of spending MP at least 1 Lance Leader mech
3) Destroy or Cripple at least 3 Allied Mechs
**Bonus objective: exit non-combat vehicle units from the northern board edge
Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn. Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environments MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).
***Captured Pirate MechWarriors recieve a -2 TN bonus to recruit. Until they are recruited, Pirate MechWarriors have a small chance of attempting a breakout each month, which may result in injury or death to Lance Wingmen. Pirate MechWarriors cannot be ransomed.***
***Pirates will attempt to capture ejected MechWarriors for ransom instead of shooting them..***