Final Scenario


MapsDesert 2............Scattered Woods
Open Terrain 1....Battletech
Desert 2...........Grasslands 1
DeploymentClan Deployment: Clan Forces will airdrop (using standard rules) into the purple-bordered area. No more than 2 Points worth of force may deploy into any single map "quarter" (1 Mech = 1 Point, 5 Elementals = 1 Point). Elemental Points will begin the game "riding" the Mech which appears directly above them in the force listing.
Allied Convoy Deployment: All units listed under Allied Convoy must deploy within 2 hexes to either side of the centerline of the map (not counting the centerline hexrow), within the Yellow-bordered area.
2nd Chaussers and Ranger Deployment: These units may deploy anywhere within the Yellow-bordered area. However, at least 3 Mech Units must deploy into each "rear quarter" of the Yellow-bordered area, within 2 hexes north and 3 hexes east/west of the extreme deployment corner (ie, behind and to the sides of the convoy, the way troops are *supposed* to guard a convoy perimeter).
Environmental Effects: None.
Battlefield SupportRanger forces may choose up to 24 points of battlefield support, selecting only from air support or artillery support options.
Clan Forces have 2 Light and 1 Heavy Air Cover at no cost. For each 4 points of Battlefield support selected by the Rangers (or portion thereof), Clan forces will receive 2 Light or 1 Heavy Strike attack (each 4-point qualifier is determined randomly; all Heavy Strikes use the "16+ damage grouping" rule). These offensive air assets will become eligible for attacks only after Zellbringen has been breached. As they cannot use most of the available selections, Clan forces DO NOT follow the OPFOR BSP Percentage rules found on page 22 of the campaign ruleset.
PCs Victory Conditions:1) Ensure that at least 3 convoy units survive the scenario (in any non-immobile condition).
OPFOR Victory Conditions:1) Destroy all convoy units
Federated Commonwealth Engagement Conditions:1) Federated Commonwealth vehicle units will go out of their way to combine fire on Clan targets; engaging 3 or 4 on 1 whenever possible. Vehicle units which combine fire on Clan forces DO NOT COUNT towards Zellbringen breaches.
Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn. Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environments MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).
***If the player force wishes to declare /defeat, it must move at least 2/3rds of its current strength off the board before doing so. Non-Clan units may only exit the board via the North map edge.
***Vehicle crews will abandon their unit if it has no weapons capable of dealing 5+ damage (as long as it started the scenario with said weapons), and the APC and Coolant Truck crews will abandon their vehicles if the vees are rendered immobile***
***All Clan MechWarriors have auto-eject disabled.***
***Clan MechWarriors will prioritize Mech targets over vehicular targets, as long as the Mech target is at an equal or closer distance. Additionally, Clan MechWarriors will not declare duels against LESS THAN 2 vehicle units at one time, unless there are an odd number of vehicles available (no, a single vee on the board isn't safe from being declared a zell target).***
***Clan units may not declare zell targets during the turn in which they land on the board***.
***Clan MechWarriors will not use melee attacks in any circumstances. Clan MechWarriors will not combine fire on a target unless zellbringen has been breached. The following conditions will breach zellbringen sufficiently to qualify:
1) A Clan Unit has been crippled or destroyed using a melee attack
2) The third instance (in this game) of the Inner Sphere units combining fire on a single Clan target
3) The first use of an area-effect attack against Clan forces, whether or not the attack hits (including artillery or aerospace bombing)
Once Zellbringen has been breached, on the following turn, the Clan forces will combine fire to the best of their ability. Additionally, once Zell has been breached, Clan forces without a nearer active target may choose to execute any nearby helpless targets - if a Clan Warrior wishes to kill an Inner Sphere MechWarrior, roll 1d6; on a 1-3 he will perform a called shot against the head of an enemy disabled or shutdown Mech which is within 6 hexes. Resolve the called shot normally (edge may be burnt to survive this attack as per the normal rules); this means that shut down or disabled Mechs must remain on the board. A Clan Warrior may not make repeated attempts; fire once and move on.
***Rules for Enhanced Imaging***
-All PSRs receive a -1 modifier
-Firing through or into heavy woods only suffers a +1 modifier (LOS rules are unaffected).
-Firing through or into any number of light woods suffers only a single +1 modifier (LOS rules are unaffected).
-Darkness modifiers have no effect.
-Unit may aim its direct-fire weapons at a specific location as though it had a TComp; with a +6 modifier instead of a +3.
-The pilot suffers 1 point of damage each time it suffers 1+ points of IS damage, unless the controlling player rolls a 7+ on 2d6