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Author Topic: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050  (Read 4806 times)


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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2019, 12:38:43 PM »

I think Jon's argument is that light/weather can slow them down, which is excellent since the point isn't necessarily to kill stuff, but to keep it from getting off board too quickly.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2019, 02:03:11 PM »

I agree with Jon’s logic as long as we expect our primary means of preventing them from breaking through is slowing them down rather than shooting elements that get too far forward.

For darkness, many of the Clan mechs have search lights as I recall per the drawings.  Not sure how effective darkness would be. If it is Darkness Midnight’s available mechs including the LAM are piloted by folks with Blind Fighting.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2019, 02:53:01 PM »

My view on the Darkness/Weather question is to avoid a fair amount of it.  Pretty much anything which screws up movement will screw up to-hit modifiers as well.  And a penalty to hit will hurt us worse than it hurts them, since they're starting lower on the dice curve.  Weather penalizes the lesser-skilled MechWarriors, and we are the lesser-skilled MechWarriors.  Assuming a +2 weapons fire penalty, then moving our average TN to hit from a 7 to a 9 is way, WAY worse than their moving from a 5 to a 7.  And remember, the Clanners are much more adept at using Reckless Movement than we are due to their lower Piloting Rolls; even in Darkness they can still choose to move full speed and they've got a decent chance of pulling it off given all the 2 and 3-rated pilots.

If we want to slow them down, then we should be angling for Weather - specifically, trying to get Fog penalties.  Fog doesn't really affect weapons fire, but it WILL affect movement, and in theory, our movement matters less than their movement (objectives aside, we're already occupying a position whereas they have to attack it), so adding +1 MP per hex hurts them much more than it hurts us, and I don't THINK you can use Reckless Movement through Fog (IIRC that's a Darkness-only thing, but I could be wrong).

We also don't know where their Reinforcements are coming in, which means that if we get caught out of position to intercept them, their Reinforcement group(s) could get a clean run to our board edge if we can't reposition due to enviro conditions.


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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2019, 02:54:58 PM »

For reckless movement. Should add that in there.
Applies to: Mud, Deep Snow, Swamp, Fog, Full-Moon Night,
Moonless Night (see The Battlefield, pp. 59-65).


Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2019, 02:59:08 PM »

For reckless movement. Should add that in there.
Applies to: Mud, Deep Snow, Swamp, Fog, Full-Moon Night,
Moonless Night (see The Battlefield, pp. 59-65).

TacOps v3.0 errata (12-30-2017) adds the Pitch Black condition to the list of things you can use Reckless Movement on. 

(I have the errata on my phone.)


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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2019, 07:14:33 PM »

I guess the real question is one of strategy. Do you set up as close to the entry edge as possible to cut range modifiers or set up far back for response time? The Viper, Ice Ferret and Fire Moth from the initial group, and Viper from the second group are just going to say "Beep, beep!" as they blow by the firing line, pretty much regardless. The question is whether the 5/8 and 6/9 profile mechs can be stopped/slowed.

Honestly, I would strongly consider bringing the Long Tom or Sniper on board.Even if we are guaranteed to lose them, the damage they do may be worth it. Rob, did our combat engineers have time to prep any defense like minefields or revetments?

Also, question for Rob, how will/would the player lance forces be recovered? This has valiant sacrifice of rearguard forces written all over it... Rename Reaper Lance to Spartan Lance and it would be poetic. You could even argue Col Saltier has already played the part of Leonidas...

How about a forward defense line ~9-12 hexes from the edge with a maneuver lance or two at ~16 hexes back?  Then the heavies and assaults start in range on turn 1 and may actually get shots at reasonable modifiers. The maneuver lances would then be able to engage the speedsters. and try for flanking fire between the two groups on any mech trying to waltz by.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2019, 07:18:24 PM by Timberwolfd »


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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2019, 08:33:12 PM »

I think heavy fog or torrential downpour is the way to go.

Fog hinders less than the rest for weapon attacks. It still forces the heavy mp reduction to non jumpers with reckless movement

torrential downpour gets that muddy field going for the same affect plus possibly hit jumpers since its per hex entered plus possible bog downs I believe

Not sure on that last part but it maybe worth it

Also maybe worth trying to get better terrain maybe dense forest or mountains

Either will drop down sight lines so could be good and bad but should give some terrain that can be used to fight for us plus give firing pockets

If we manage to get a mountain top and they have to climb terrain all the better slope defense it is with fog or downpour they have to make more psr plus spend even more mp outside of jumpers unless its mud

Depending on the range it may be worth over whelming them or forcing a staggered defense to trade armor

Well local Co and reinforcement Lance's what you think

« Last Edit: April 02, 2019, 08:48:57 PM by Ice »
Die Clanner!!!!


  • Howe
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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2019, 09:07:12 PM »

Anything stung out too far on its own will get focus-fired down instead of bypassed. Just saying we don't want to put any groups too far from support,  better to have everyone forward and do a fighting/moonwalking retreat. Taking down as much in that first group as we can before reinforcements arrive will extend our survival times. 

Speaking of reinforcements,  do our own start on board?

Ad Hoc

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2019, 09:21:22 PM »

Bright and Freya lances get the call for reinforcements.

So Ice, Skarog, and Freya please put in your vote for if we should reroll weather. I already have Bright's vote.

I feel that weather could really hurt us because we do have a lot of ballistic and misile weapons in our force.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2019, 09:33:36 PM by Ad Hoc »


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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2019, 09:29:19 PM »

Anything stung out too far on its own will get focus-fired down instead of bypassed. Just saying we don't want to put any groups too far from support,  better to have everyone forward and do a fighting/moonwalking retreat. Taking down as much in that first group as we can before reinforcements arrive will extend our survival times.  

Speaking of reinforcements,  do our own start on board?

I agree just throwing options out there. I should clarify as far as the staggering I'm saying the slower units maybe 2 hex back so they get a small head start in the moon walk we need terrain though considering it could be a great idea or bad idea to stagger or load the line

All options to be discussed and considered more once map generates

I would say this could be compared to a certain unwinnable scenario at a unspecified war college

« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 07:07:52 AM by Ice »
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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2019, 07:17:28 AM »

They say the worst thing to do in combat is not make a decision so I guess im going to go with I will wait for Robs vote on this one

I'm inclined not to do any but if it's a must I would say go for fog as it hampers movement but doesnt hurt much of the target numbers except energy weapons which is most of my lance sadly but its  +1 instead of plus 2 for torrential downpour

We need to hit them to be able to prevent as much damage as possible which hitting them will force them to choose to push past us or stand and fight or get shot in the back
Die Clanner!!!!


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2019, 07:51:28 AM »

Rob’s point about to hit number margins make sense. I don’t recall fog coming up often on weather rerolls. With only three there’s certainly the chance we get moved to something we don’t like. If only one of the possible options is an improvement over where we’re at, I wouldn’t reroll unless there’s a strong likelihood we’ll get it.


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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2019, 08:34:25 AM »

Maybe a duel for Hegira represents a better strategy?


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2019, 09:18:20 AM »

Maybe a duel for Hegira represents a better strategy?

You can kind of view the battle with it being a delaying action as just that. While I like the idea of the duel from a story perspective, even in that I think it’s a bad idea. Which pilot in which mech is going to take on Star Colonel Nicolas Malthus in his Summoner Prime and expect to win? 

Our forces as a whole haven’t acquitted themselves well from an “honorable combat” perspective. We haven’t used damaging artillery which is a plus. Adding smoke changes the field of battle but still leaves it to the combatants present. Likewise no strafes. Our transgressions have been limited to combined fire.

Perhaps if Mike’s character or someone who will claim to lead the combined forces issues challenges and duels honorably through most of the battle, they could be in a position (if they’ve won a duel or 2 and are still around) to make that hegira request.  For a no win scenario that may be the best option to hope for.

Part of that may also be dependent on what we’ve learned from the aerospace pilot if anything.

Rob: what became of the pilot?  I didn’t see them mentioned in the final write up. 


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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2019, 11:31:38 AM »

Also what happened with salvage? I know the executioner and man o war were total losses. What about the warhawk, hellbringers and kit fox? Also, we should have salvage chances on at least 9 elementals.
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