Unit structure and TO&E updated in 1st post of the thread.
I've been slowly synching up AtB and the Unit Excel file at the top of the thread. Couple of questions:
1) You're 1 gunner short on the Marksman, according to AtB. Want to pull a general gunner from the motor pool?
2) You're 1 gunner short on the APC, according to the game rules. Want to pull a general gunner from the motor pool?
3) What happened to ASF pilot Beverly Yule? She doesn't appear on the Roll of Honor, and I can't find a record of her retirement. Not saying there *isn't* that record; I just can't find it.
Otherwise - allowing for the current marketplaces, everything checks out. Given the long delay in the campaign and the high level of turnover recently, that's tremendously fine work. I have two more things for you, Hat.
1) Can you please alphabetize by first name inside sections which aren't subdivided by Lances? For example, inside the Vehicle Crews or Administrator sections. Inside AtB, it alphabetizes whenever possible, so when I look at "all Admin/Command" personnel, the names in AtB would go "Anabel, Hector, Maria, Rolf", in that order, whereas they're currently "Anabel, Maria, Hector, Rolf" in the Excel file. Likewise, Vehicle crews get alphabetized *by vehicle* when you click on "Unit Assignment", and always list the DRIVER first, so the Partisan AD Tank, for example, lists Aidan Wright first (as the Driver), and then lists the gunners alphabetically (Cedric, Henry, Liza, Pierre, Rap), whereas the Excel document lists some vehicles with the Driver first (Partisan), others with the Driver last (Maxims), and never in any specific order.
2) You've done a goddamn fantastic job keeping up with this. Take +5 Command XP as a bonus and a thank you.