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Author Topic: 15 September, 3050  (Read 3565 times)


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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2019, 03:25:31 PM »

The way the previous thread about reading and halting everything made it seem like all factory usage past this point is neglected in some way.


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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2019, 03:41:35 PM »

The way the previous thread about reading and halting everything made it seem like all factory usage past this point is neglected in some way.
Most people consider minor details like planetary invasion an opportunity to reevaluate ones life choices. Also, if Hat was going to make a decision regarding our joining the defense, he needed to know our lances' status in the moment. I would also consider the wisdom of having a mech torn apart in 10,000 pieces on the factory floor when the green with envy turkeys want to steal your worlds and break your toys.


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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2019, 03:53:35 PM »

Fair enough

Ad Hoc

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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2019, 09:41:19 PM »

LTSG Wilhelm, "Reaper Lance is fully operational with all equipment and personnel, and is ready for immediate deployment or evac. But after what we saw last time we met these Falcons, I feel we need to give support to the Grey Death Legion and try to help the citizens of this planet."

LTSG Charikov, "Wolverine Lance is also fully operational with all equipment and personnel, and is ready for immediate deployment or evac. I also agree we should help defend this planet."

LTSG Brightsword, "I received a report from my mech techs this morning. The new Charger that is being refitted just needs the new additional armor installed and the refit would be complete tomorrow if it remained in factory. The mech is fully functional and can be immediately loaded onto our dropship and finished there after relocation. The remaining 6 mechs and all personnel of Bright Lance are ready for deployment or evac."


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2019, 12:28:19 AM »


Skaraborg lance reports ready to go - I wouldn't mind getting another crack at these critters.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2019, 09:12:58 PM »

Atayde nods in turn to each offer of support, making sure to make eye contact before doing so.  It's clear what the Rangers will do, not that he had any doubt.  He glances around to the other lance commanders to see if there are any additional comments at this time.

OOC: Expecting nothing that will change the decision, Kato quickly drafts and sends a reply.

A FLASH PRIORITY message is sent to the Gray Death Legion.

Attn: Colonel Grayson Death Carlyle, Commander, Gray Death Legion
Timestamp: 1036 hours


The Numenorean Rangers stand with you.  We faced Clan Jade Falcon’s 94th Striker Cluster commanded by Star Colonel Nicolai Malthus.  Our previous CO, Colonel Aaron Saltier, was gunned down by one of the armored infantry after being blown out of his mech.  We took losses, but made sure they paid for them.  We still owe them a debt though.

We appreciate the order of battle that you’ve sent and would be interested to get any intelligence you can provide.  We’re happy to share what we know including observed weapon capabilities, designs and armaments, tactics, etc.  I estimate their firepower equivalent to a Star League Royal Brigade, even though their numbers are closer to two regiments.

We’ll move our dropships to protect the population centers and will leave as soon as we have your coordinates.


Kato Yamamori Atayde
Colonel, Numenorean Rangers, Commanding
« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 09:26:22 PM by Hat »


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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2019, 11:39:43 PM »

Now for the real question. Hat did you do proper character generation on your ID code? Do your numbers indicate the proper homeworld, secto, MOS, etc.?


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2019, 11:56:17 PM »

Now for the real question. Hat did you do proper character generation on your ID code? Do your numbers indicate the proper homeworld, secto, MOS, etc.?

Alpha Complex, 7G, Red Clearance.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2019, 12:21:24 AM »

Now for the real question. Hat did you do proper character generation on your ID code? Do your numbers indicate the proper homeworld, secto, MOS, etc.?

ID code information is classified and above your paygrade.  However the DATE was properly generated and placed at the end of the message.  ;)


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2019, 12:42:34 AM »

(I just had a three hour bonus phone call from work caused by a lot of sheer idiocy)
September 5th 3050, Seduten

Kronwall wasn't sure how they managed to get it from the cargo bay of the Invictus over to a factory repair bay without anyone figuring out what they had, but he knew Bob and Vasi were known to pull off a few miracles in their day.  He made it a note to give them a bonus out of the slush fund once they got their repairs and refits done.

It was decided that the astechs couldn't be trusted to do the work, so Marshall, Vasliveski and Bobrovosky, combined with Oduya and Kronwall did most of the repairs themselves.  Nabakov and Calvert remained behind to supervise the astechs and pretend to be a half dozen senior techs at once, which somehow, also worked.

It was still in the mottled grey and blood red except in the areas where they had repaired the armor, and around the cockpit which it was in New Armor Primer(tm) - they hadn't had time to repaint it - nor the desire to since finding a spray booth large enough would be problematic for all parties involved.  Kronwall was sitting in the cockpit, noting it was fairly cramped by most standards - he settled a salvaged neruohelmet onto his head - wondering just where it came from and preferring to not ask questions he'd rather not know the answer.

"It came together nearly perfectly?" Kronwall was incredulous at this - the technology difference was causing merry hell for the technicians during the project planning.  At one point they nearly had their cover blown when the external speakers starting making falcon screeching noises.  

The solution was to shoot out the speakers.

Kronwall could see Bobrovosky and Oduya having an animated conversation in Russian, and Erik waiting on the results to be filtered through to him.

"Erik, they say its ready to go - they think the spirit of Aaron Saultier guided their hand in the ease of repairs."
Erik sat thinking back at the colonel and could possibly see that.  "What about that clanking and banging from the ankle where they lost a wrench?"
A momentary pause before a response "They also blame that on the late colonel"
Yeah that sounds about right
"Go ahead and start painting it as we had discussed"

15 Sept 3050.

Well crap.

The Falcons had found them again, and once again, it was time to make a stand.  This time.  Kronwall had hoped to show the Turkina off once the paint was finished, but there was no time.  Only the legs and part of the torso had been finished.  Knowing that Colonel Atayde  may be less likely to flay him as an example to others right before he was needed, it was time to show the Turkina off.

"Lieutenant, this better be really important..
Kronwall gulped.  "Colonel...we may have something that we didn't declare on the customs form.."  
"...Go on."

"You remember that thing called a Turkina I placed a melon ball into the cockpit?  Well, Its sitting about 4 blocks away...and its fully repaired and rearmored and ready to go."


"I took a prize Kato.  And somehow, despite all of the madness around this no one discovered it.  And its up and running.  I should probably show it to you."

A short walk later, where Kronwall was wondering if Atayde would beat him to death with a shoe during the entire trip, they reached the area where his lances assets were bivouaced.  The brand new Highlander, two Awesomes, a Phoenix Hawk with an axe on its left arm, a Thug that was mostly intact after it was used to donate parts to the Awesomes and a retrofitted Zeus.  And in the very back, was a Turkina.

Atayde inspected it, it was clearly only halfway painted, with only portions of the torso and one leg in the Rangers telltale blue and grey.  On one side of the torso near the cockpit glass the words "Somerset hämnande uggla" Kronwall spoke up, his voice still in the tone indicating he was probably going to have a black eye soon.  "It means Somerset Avenging Owl.  Apparently there are several species of terran owl that hunt falcons.  One of the techs thought it was appropriate."  On the other side of the cockpit Atayde noticed some more writing.  It was clearly in Kronwall and Oduyas handwriting.

Colonel Aaron Saultier, Sgt Natalie Boyle, Sgt Guimar Castro, Rafael Rodriguez
Douggie McDermott, Logano Madaleno,  Nicole Viohorev,  Elaine Sharpe,  Stanislava Grebov
Michael O'Gorman,  Elene Bianchette,  Desire Daniels,  Joanna Glauber,  Judy Kawano
Mike Tebbuit,  Lowell Metaxas,  Guiomar Castro,  Heather Armstrong

The roll of the dead from Somerset.  Getting onto a gantry to see the rest of the..acquisition, the top of the broad torso was still mostly grey, with some blue paint splashed on the top that was clearly still wet - and the words "not birb no shoot" was there to inform allied air forces that it was working for them and not the Jade Falcons.

" it actually ready to go?"
"It is"
"Go use it.  But we need to talk about this."
« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 09:26:03 PM by Hat »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2019, 01:33:46 AM »

GM: The above is confirmed and correct.  Yes, this means that one of your unit members unilaterally violated the contract with the Federated Commonwealth.  The relevant rolls are linked to below, note they were done, in public, 2 weeks ago.

To be clear, had Dan failed one of those rolls, you would have suffered a Major Contract Break (ie, -25 Dragoons Rating and a temporary blacklisting from AFFC contracts).  Had he failed a different roll, he would have had to go into combat with a Clan Jade Falcon recovery Star, using only what was left of those two Awesomes (ie, he dead).  Had he failed another roll, you all would have found out about it sooner to an...amusing (to me)...effect which would have ended in severe damage to your DropShip.  However, all three rolls were passed.  Your Unit CO will have something to say, but however this is handled in-character, I want it understood here and now that no player has "punishment" power over any other player, and I strongly recommend that this sort of action not become a habit.  His odds of passing all 3 rolls were not very good, after all.  If you have something to say in-character, say it in this thread.  If you have something to say OUT-of-character, PM me directly.


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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2019, 07:56:29 AM »

(ooc.  Holy hell did fortune favor the foolish here.  Had I been aware of the final Roll was so high a TN I would have left it there.)


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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2019, 08:03:41 AM »

(ooc.  Holy hell did fortune favor the foolish here.  Had I been aware of the final Roll was so high a TN I would have left it there.)
"Self destruct initiated."
*Brown pants moment*
*Bad reactor sounds*
"How long..."
*Panicked button slapping*
"Self destruct canceled"
*Minor heart attack*
*Camera pans to ghostly hand on a different console*


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2019, 08:53:05 PM »

Dan, please update the final bit of your IC stuff to the following:

"It's combat ready?"
"It is."
Atayde's voice is stern with a bit of an edge to it.  "You put the whole damn unit at stake with this stunt.  You owe the unit a debt," he pauses letting that sink in.  "Resourcefulness and decisiveness are strong traits in a warrior and a leader.  Being lucky helps too."  While he's clearly not happy, there's respect there.  "To be clear, we're not done.  Still, good hunting."

The Colonel looks up at the massive foreign war machine once more, then departs.


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: 15 September, 3050
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2019, 10:54:09 PM »

Dan, please update the final bit of your IC stuff to the following:

"It's combat ready?"
"It is."
Atayde's voice is stern with a bit of an edge to it.  "You put the whole damn unit at stake with this stunt.  You owe the unit a debt," he pauses letting that sink in.  "Resourcefulness and decisiveness are strong traits in a warrior and a leader.  Being lucky helps too."  While he's clearly not happy, there's respect there.  "To be clear, we're not done.  Still, good hunting."

The Colonel looks up at the massive foreign war machine once more, then departs.

I will later this weekend as mobile editing blows
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