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Author Topic: 18 September, 3050  (Read 4112 times)


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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #75 on: June 10, 2019, 03:55:02 PM »

(Out of Game:  Rob is sick, so lets give him a few days before going further.)
Eh, we have a week or two before we need to get on the ball again for the next game anyway. Let him nurse his manflu.


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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #76 on: June 11, 2019, 01:36:52 PM »

It had been a long several hours after the Jade Falcon advance had been blunted - pilots recovered and repairs begun.  Kronwall had passed along an instruction from one of the unit logistics admins to Alakoz - "Please do not get brand new equipment destroyed in its first trip out" - Alakoz response, which was "Get bent, I was the one out here getting shot it" was sure to involve an HR admin in short order and several sessions of "How to not cause problems between departments - by Colonel Aaron Saultier, co-authored w/James Bean and John Walker."

Four technical teams from Skaraborg lance came to meet the convoy - they got the wounded out of cockpits and bought their 'Mechs home.  With Skaraborg being the only technical experts on Clan hardware on world, Bobrovosky and Vaslivesky went over the salvage to report it to the CO - Part of their punishment for Grant Theft Birb was salvage triage for the forseeable future.

On approach, a Wolverine with Crusher Lance insignia challenged them for proper identification - apparently obviously dead Clan 'Mechs were still a major threat that needed to be neutralized.  Even if one one of them was half a little thing being carried over a shoulder like a burlap sack.

At the gates, they were met by Grasshopper marked as Brights and a Highlander bearing Skaraborg colors "Must be Calvert" thought Kronwall, the only assault rated pilot the unit had available - and the kid from Somerset wasn't wasn't getting to use the Highlander any time soon anyway.  The Turkina was downchecked as one of the Gauss rifles had developed a fault and was being pulled for repairs.  Also, the diagnostic diplays were apparently in a dead, useless language and all the displays read "Bonjour!"

After verifiying that Oduyas Awesome was in its repair rack and was in good hands, and noting that the small suits of man sized armor were actually playing tic-tac-toe on the back armor plating of the Awesome - he was being flagged over by one of Bobrovoskys astechs - one, he noted, who actually spoke English, handing over a tablet with several technical specs on it, who promptly scurried away.  Flipping through the report, out slipped a "Oh holy shit." and proceeded to find the CO, who for once would hopefully be happy to see him for once, vs the usual thrown desk ornament.

"Kato - You didn't request this, but my techs were bored on the way back and decided to be useful for a change instead of finding ways to build myomer exoskeletons for squirrels."  The look on Katos face at that moment went to one that resembled when one had been hit in the back of the head with a shovel, but recovered about 15 seconds later.  "When we salvaged the Turkina, there was nothing left in the original warbook because the gauss round went through it.  The 'Mechs we bought back with us today, two of them had mostly intact data cores with them, and they've been extracted already.  I figured FedCom intel would probably want these.  If you're okay with it, I'd like to send a copy of this to the FRR as well."
« Last Edit: June 11, 2019, 02:01:19 PM by ItsTehPope »


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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #77 on: June 11, 2019, 05:46:49 PM »

At this point, what happened to our mechs that are still in factory at this time?


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #78 on: June 11, 2019, 08:07:50 PM »

Kato listens and nods at the intelligence being offered.  "Good call on that.  I'll make sure to give a copy to Carlyle as well as ensure the next FedCom rep we see gets it."  At the request to send it to the FRR, he nods.  "Still not sure exactly what we're dealing with and where these Jade Falcons come from, but this information should be disseminated.  I've got contacts in the CapCon I can reach out to.  Do you know of anyone who has contacts with the Leaguers?  I'd rather go through a personal channel if possible to make sure it gets to where it needs to go and that whoever it is gets credit for it.  Not sure about sending a copy to the Dracs.  I don't have any contacts there and I can't rule out their behind this.  Your thoughts?"

After wrapping up the discussion on intelligence dissemination, he indicates a new topic.  "One more thing you go.  Tell your techs to stop wasting time on the squirrels.  It'd be better invested in ferrets.  We can use more intelligence assets in the field," he deadpans.  "Anything else?"

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #79 on: June 11, 2019, 09:23:14 PM »

(Out of Game:  Rob is sick, so lets give him a few days before going further.)

OK, better enough to at least function now.  I hate this year.  I normally get sick 1 or 2 times a year, tops, and I think I've been sick like 5 times so far in 2019.

For the purposes of repair modifiers are all units deployed considered in the field for TN modifiers?

All units are recovered to maintenance facilities (DropShips). 

At this point, what happened to our mechs that are still in factory at this time?

Nothing.  The final Sudeten scenario will be on 3 October, so if your factory refits complete (or hit their minimum percentage) by then, great!  You get your roll and all.  If they don't, well...let me know if they don't.


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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #80 on: June 11, 2019, 09:29:27 PM »

I appreciate the clarification. Thank you. Dragon will have a full lance ready before then.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #81 on: June 11, 2019, 09:39:24 PM »

At this point, what happened to our mechs that are still in factory at this time?

Nothing.  The final Sudeten scenario will be on 3 October, so if your factory refits complete (or hit their minimum percentage) by then, great!  You get your roll and all.  If they don't, well...let me know if they don't.

Rob, Midnight's Panther would have started customization on Sept 2nd and gotten a roll on Sept 27th.  Does the old roll stand or do you want a new roll?

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #82 on: June 11, 2019, 10:37:30 PM »

Let it stand


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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #83 on: June 11, 2019, 11:06:46 PM »

Dragon lance did have a custom to Thunderbolt that was supposed to occur in Factory. But based on what you said before the game for 9/15, any pre roll days that would exceed the 15th would have the roll pretty much ignored and mech would revert to pre custom.
Either way the roll failed and custom would have completed by end of October.
I was trying to figure out what my options were, but was completely forgotten.


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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #84 on: June 11, 2019, 11:27:19 PM »

Dragon lance did have a custom to Thunderbolt that was supposed to occur in Factory. But based on what you said before the game for 9/15, any pre roll days that would exceed the 15th would have the roll pretty much ignored and mech would revert to pre custom.
Either way the roll failed and custom would have completed by end of October.
I was trying to figure out what my options were, but was completely forgotten.

As I understand it anything that made the roll on or before Sept 15 was "congrats! it's done."  After that it was questionable depending on the results of the missions.  What I understand Rob to be saying is that IF your customization would complete within the standard timeframe to be allowed to leave (i.e. 75% of time requiring a factory completed before or on Oct 3rd when we pull out), you are now allowed to process that customization and it will complete on whatever schedule it was supposed to be on.  Any customization that would not hit the 75% rule Oct 3rd, you need to tell him what's in works.

For reference I'll have to go back and review Phoenix.  It's been a while.


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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #85 on: June 11, 2019, 11:30:03 PM »

The Thunderbolt would have been fine initially had I not failed the roll. The failure is what puts me well over.
Initial roll started on 8/30, would have finished 9/30, ended up completing on 10/29 with admin being factored in.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #86 on: June 12, 2019, 07:16:36 AM »

The Thunderbolt would have been fine initially had I not failed the roll. The failure is what puts me well over.
Initial roll started on 8/30, would have finished 9/30, ended up completing on 10/29 with admin being factored in.

Ah... I understand now.  Yeah, my Panther's in a similar boat, though I'd forgotten to take into account the admin.

Panther customization starts on Sept 2nd
Panther takes 48.33 days
at 75% (36.25 days) Early Oct 8th
at 100% Early Oct 20th

With Admin factored in (510 vs 480 minutes)
Panther takes 45.5 days
at 75% (34.125 days) Mid Oct 6th
at 100% Mid Oct 17th

My guess is we lose our mechs being too far along in the process, but we'll see what Rob says.  Ryan's converting a Marauder over to a standard upgraded variant, but I'll need to check the dates to see if he even got to a roll.


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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #87 on: June 12, 2019, 07:41:46 AM »

Either way, Dragon will have a full lance available come the 3rd of October,
Shadow Hawk



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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #88 on: June 12, 2019, 04:48:40 PM »

Ok, the unit managed to acquire a new head for the Executioner (based on TN 14), which will put it in damaged rather than crippled state.  Still need to attach the head and strip out weapons, but estimated sale price is 14MM (assuming an MoS of 5 on 2d6+7, TN: 7).

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #89 on: June 13, 2019, 08:31:52 PM »

I'm leaving for Origins, well, now, and I'll be back super-early Saturday morning.  I'll have the various questions answered and the next scenario up by end of day Saturday (this scenario took some serious thought as to how to pull off). 
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