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Author Topic: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051  (Read 628 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« on: July 20, 2019, 01:15:31 PM »


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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2019, 01:44:54 PM »

Reroll terrain please.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2019, 01:54:44 PM »

Reroll terrain please.


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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2019, 02:01:55 PM »

Reroll terrain again.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2019, 02:34:39 PM »

Reroll terrain again.


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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2019, 02:37:36 PM »

Reroll terrain again.


Let's try it one more time. Reroll terrain. Then generate senario please.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2019, 05:08:16 PM »

Reroll terrain again.


Let's try it one more time. Reroll terrain. Then generate senario please.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 05:10:44 PM by Darrian Wolffe »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2019, 05:24:52 PM »

Final Scenario



Lakes (new)......Open Terrain #3
Large Lakes 1....Large Lakes 2

Rangers: Deploy on the east side of the map, up to 5 hexes from the map edge, into any legal hex.

MOC: Deploy between 3 and 5 units onto the total area of the Level 2 hill on the Large Lakes 2 map.  Deploy between 3 and 5 units onto the hill on the extreme northeast corner of the game board.  Deploy the remaining forces within 2 hexes - or on top of - the hill just to the *west* of the 2-hex lake on the Open Terrain 3 map.

Environmental Conditions:
Full Moon Night: Apply a +2 to-hit modifier to weapon attacks (searchlights have their usual effects; Ostroc, Shad, and Guillotine all have searchlights).  Any weapon attacks against a target which has a heat level of 20+ gains a -1 to hit bonus.

Light Gale: Ejected pilots can move or fire each turn, not both.

Battlefield Support:

Ranger Victory Conditions:
1) Destroy or render incapable of spending MP at least 3 enemy units
2) Ensure that at least 2 of your units (including the liaison) are capable of spending MP at the end of the scenario
Rangers may declare victory if they have taken less than 3 casualties and caused 4 or more casualties.

MOC Victory Conditions
1) Destroy or render incapable of spending MP at least 2 Ranger Units
2) Take less than 3 casualties.

Misc Rules
1) Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn.  Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environments MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).

2)The MOC forces will attempt to capture ejected MechWarriors for ransom instead of shooting them.  

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2019, 08:18:41 AM »

SPA and scenario data PM sent

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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2019, 07:47:52 PM »

Unfortunately I don't have the Lakes(new) or Open Terrain 3 maps. I have Open Terrain 1&2 and the 3 Grasslands maps. Can we substitute something else for those 2 maps?

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2019, 11:21:38 PM »

Unfortunately I don't have the Lakes(new) or Open Terrain 3 maps. I have Open Terrain 1&2 and the 3 Grasslands maps. Can we substitute something else for those 2 maps?

Substitute Large Lakes 2 for Lakes (new), using the same orientation as the Large Lakes 2 map shown.

For Open Terrain 3 substitution, use Open Terrain 1, and place a 4 hex Depth 1 lake at roughly the same location shown on the Open Terrain 3 map.  Additionally, all Woods hexes are considered to be on Level 1 hills, and each hex AROUND each Woods hex is also a Level 1 hill.

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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2019, 06:18:58 PM »

After Action Report 6/12/3051 Reaper Lance
Reaper lance was on patrol when it encountered MOC forces. The MOC forces where deployed in 3 groups to East of us. As moved into the area heading straight in the 3 groups converged into 1 group and moved towards us a rapid pace. The force consisted of 4 mechs and 8 vehicles. LTJG Edmondson in the Orion, SGT Brooks in the Shadow Hawk, and Liaison Virula in a Blackjack moved to the South as the engaged using the hills for some cover to minimize incoming fire.  Meanwhile LTSG Wilhelm in the Gladiator and SGT Graves in the Griffin moved to the North East trying to flank the MOC forces. During this action 2 Hetzers were able to connect with AC 20 rounds on SGT Graves Griffin taking it’s Right leg off. LTSG Wilhelm was able to maneuver it a position that made the MOC forces to pause and give SGT Graves to stand the Griffin back up. The flaking action paid of in the in end limiting the MOC forces maneuvering room and allowed for cross from Reaper Lance. LTJG was successful at using his 2 LB 10x’s to eliminate searchlights on mechs, immobilize 2 Hetzers, and hit the Guillotine in the head enough to cause the pilot to pass out and be killed from the fall. LTSG Wilhelm shot the both arms and 1 leg of the Stinger. Then not long after hit the cockpit of the Shadow Hawk with a well placed PPC killing the pilot. He also put several SRM’s into the head of the Ostroc throughout the battle causing injuries to it’s pilot who also was killed by a final injury from falling. SGT Brooks was able to give a lot of support fire and was successful in destroying a Vedette tank. Our Liaison did his part in helping and eliminated a Vedette tank as well. After both the commanders were killed the remaining 4 active tanks requested to be allowed to leave the field and take the rest of the MOC survivors with them.

Salvageable Mechs and vehicles
2 Hetzers
Shadow Hawk
Total CB 17,306,480.
50% available for unit salvage is 8,653,240 CB.
Reaper Lance claims Guillotine 6,152,583 CB (I don’t know if the rest can be add to the Units totals for the contract).


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Re: LIBER Solo Mission (Reaper) - Probe - 6/12/3051
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2019, 09:00:40 PM »

Good job winning this. You forgot to post Wolverines post action report.
Also he mentioned this before,
3. Salvage for solo missions is still limited to contract percentages.
This was misplayed several times during the last contract, and I let it go because I didn't find out about it until it was well after the fact.  This came about as an understandable miscommunication. 

To whit, when I said, "you get all the salvage during a solo mission", I didn't mean you get 100% salvage regardless of the contract salvage percentage.  What I meant was that you get the RIGHTS to as much salvage as the contract percentage allows - the Unit CO doesn't get to step in and say that X Mech is actually going to Y Lance.  So the person who played the Solo Mission is the only person who can receive salvage from a Solo Mission...but they still have to turn in the remainder beyond the contract percentage.  If I have a Solo Mission and kill 4 Wasp -1As, and I have 25% salvage rights, I get to keep one of those Wasps, not all 4.