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Author Topic: ComStar Contract  (Read 1445 times)

The Fury

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ComStar Contract
« on: November 26, 2019, 04:37:10 PM »

21 October, 3051
Major Charikov approaches Colonel Atayde with urgent news.
Charikov, "Sir, I must come clean with you. I am an agent sent from ComStar to keep an eye on the dealings and operations of this mercenary unit. I am being recalled to ComStar, and I was instructed to ask if this unit would come with me and aid ComStar. Here is the message I received, including the contract if you choose to help. We must have a response by 24 October."



  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2019, 11:43:29 PM »

Colonel Kato Yamamori Atayde listened to his 3IC’s top line summary reaching out to take the proffered materials.  His reaction wasn't one the good Major had prepped for - he laughed.  "Well. Comstar.  That's new."  He considered the young man in front of him.  "Understand Charikov that within this unit I expect we have MI4, Molehunters and Maskirovka all present in some capacity here, potentially more.  As heir to both a FedCom County and a Capellan Mandarin I have to assume I'm under constant surveillance and potential threat.  Have been for most of my life.  I just choose not to let that influence my decisions.  Comstar though?  That was low on my threat assessment."  The mirth fades as he stares briefly at Charikov impressing upon him that he didn't miss the seriousness of the revelation and looks at the materials.

If the fact that it's a verigraph surprised him, he didn't show it.  He took a few minutes to review it thoroughly then sat back and considered. Time stretched in silence well past the awkward pause.  Any attempt or hint of an interruption was stared down.  Coming to his decision he settled back.  "Ok, we're in.  You'll receive full pay for this contract per our agreement.  With that your position in this unit is terminated.  I won't accept any officer in this command not fully committed to it.  If you leave Comstar, truly leave Comstar, and want to come back, let us know.  Dismissed."

(If Charikov has anything to add or continue the discussion, we can insert it before the Dismissed.)
21 October, 3051
19:00 Cap Rouge Local

Colonel Atayde enters with Major Charikov and uncharacteristically skips the small talk and goes right to business.  "Ladies and Gentlemen. Let me speak my peace and then I'll happily entertain comments and questions.  As of just after 16:00 this afternoon, former Major Charikov revealed himself as Comstar Acolyte Charikov and presented us with a proposal.  The proposal was delivered via verigraph to accept a new contract from Comstar effective immediately which I have accepted."  He passes out copies to those present.  "If anyone feels the need to confirm the details against the verigraph, let me know.  As noted, we will get paid for the rest of the current contract.  Each lance should expect a payout of 10 million C-Bills upon completion of the contract plus the SLDF mech and additional salvage assuming we survive and are successful," he pauses momentarily to let the payout sink in.

"I never expected to be put in a position to breach a contract.  If you read between the lines, it's clear that this operation is massive in size and scope as well as viewed as critically important by Comstar, quite possibly a desperate gambit, though I've been assured this is not a suicide mission.  Consider the verigraph, mission type, location, payout, opposing forces and MRBC clauses plus what we know of the Clans.  This is an opportunity to make a difference against a foe that cost us the lives of two dozen of our brothers and sisters and countless others."

"Normally for a decision of this magnitude I would bring it to you for discussion and a vote.  I will certainly endeavor to smooth things over with our current employer, but there's a strong risk it will be insufficient or that my assessment proves wrong.  I will shoulder this decision and ensure the record shows it was mine alone.  Should you leave to seek employment elsewhere this choice shouldn't follow you."

"If you feel strongly that my judgement is in error, I offer you a vote for Leadership.  My acceptance of the contract with Comstar was predicated on my remaining as commanding officer.  So, that's where we stand.  The floor's now open."

[OOC: As an aside, the above is strictly story.  Rob talked to both Logan and I before this went up.  Logan will be able to bring his character back later should he choose.  No player has the right to bounce another player's character from the unit or prevent them from coming in.  While that should be obvious, I'm adding the note here to avoid any confusion in the future.]
« Last Edit: December 08, 2019, 02:47:25 PM by Hat »


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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2019, 02:04:18 AM »

Kronwall simply leans back in his chair "you know, they finally just got the Kapten bars right on the Turkina...."

"I don't know about anyone else here but I believe only Oduya and myself have lost our homeworlds to the clans.  A d quite frankly, we'd love to give them a good hard bloody nose.

I gladly go to this world, and devote my forces to drawing a line in tge sand that these clans shall not cross."
« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 12:46:17 PM by ItsTehPope »


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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2019, 08:48:06 AM »

Hitzig has not been part of this unit for long, while pondering in what might happen if we allow the clans to take over planets at the rate they are going.

"We are all affected by this invasion of these clans. If we can get an edge for our own unit going forward, then I will not oppose this contract. (whispers to self) even though we may be in a tough bind going forward with this."

"Lets go earn our bread"


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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2019, 10:17:06 AM »

Outside of the new contract, We should at least let Skaraborg do his solo if he is inclined to want to do it.

Black Omega

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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2019, 10:50:50 AM »

[OOC: Does this thread take place before or after the recon raid mission taking place the same day?]
« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 10:53:55 AM by Black Omega »
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."


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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2019, 11:08:59 AM »

Outside of the new contract, We should at least let Skaraborg do his solo if he is inclined to want to do it.

Ooc: I've been waiting on map generation.

Black Omega

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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2019, 11:10:21 AM »

Outside of the new contract, We should at least let Skaraborg do his solo if he is inclined to want to do it.

Ooc: I've been waiting on map generation.

you and me both
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2019, 11:12:37 AM »

OOC: This takes place after Mission 2 and the solos complete. Lance commanders are pulled in after the battle is over.   Skaraborg’s solo is the day before, so would have executed with the understanding that we’re still on task.


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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2019, 03:19:07 PM »

Moon leans forward "I'm in but one or two of my lance, I may have to convince one way or the other. Faith has been in contact with the Carlyles since the last run in with the clans and they refuse to disclose anything other than an extended mission into MOC space."

Leaning back again he continued

"Lynn on the other hand would make a good lance leader and we have had a couple discussions that carried over from Drakes time apparently. I agree she maybe a good candidate but I dont feel she is ready yet and neither did Drake from what I gather. She has had some discussion of getting her own lance with the Rough Riders, Hounds, Dragoons and a few others with some of them already giving standing offers. I feel her to much of an asset to let her go but not sure how long I can convince her to stay. As for the rest I will discuss this with them and confirm readiness after our next mission, unless we're not bothering with the next mission. Who knows we may end the contract early anyway." He stands up, checks the details of the contract one more time taking note of the rewards to hopefully sway at least one member to stay and walks out of the room.

   A few minutes later the overhead speakers barked a request for ICE lance to meet at their assembly area. After several minutes of briefing the crowd was met with mixed results, few whistles, stark looks, and one to hell with that  (which was met with a gaze of stow that crap now).

"Well everyone as we have no details as to what this entails I can not guarantee the safety of any person and if you wish to back out now or discuss in private or semi private stay behind for discussion. Faith and Lynn stick behind regardless."

The member who gave the to hell with that was forced to run around the mech bay for the next 3 hours and shall not be named after a good talking to.

Lynn and Faith both stuck around as requested

"Lynn firstly I have to discuss this with you. Your contract is not up yet but if you feel you must go considering what this entails I cant force it. I will even okay it but we need you in this lance to have a chance in hell. I would feel better if you stay. If any sustainable clan heavies come in I may be willing to depart with it to you and take the marauder back. The rewards are immense as are the risks. If you stay any tech I can get my hands on goes back to you all first, me second. Considering against clanners the Cataphract isnt fast enough that idea may very well be put into affect if you want it. I need an answer before we dust off for this though. We leave as soon as the CO decides."

Lynn saluted turned, walked away stopping shortly after. Turning back she said "Sir I will consider it and give an answer by tomorrow night."

He replied simply "Thank you, get some rest"

Turning back to Faith he says "Your turn"

She hesitated and said "I am not sure why you asked me to stay."

He replied "Have you accepted the MOC thing you mentioned? I need to know as to plan accordingly. Family is one thing but are we not considered family? I just want to know if we are losing you considering the impact you could have."

She simply said "Im undecided."
He continued leaning against the nearest gantry. "If your undecided once we leave whatever happens your probably stuck for the ride. Think on it give me an answer tomorrow. If there is any worth to saying it, we need all the bodies we can get but if establishing yourself for whatever reason in the family after all this time is more important than this payout then I cant stop you  It may be something that could change history staying or going so only you can decide."

He saluted then said "Dismissed"

She said "Fair enough I will think on it and thank you."

"Hopefully this job gets easier" he muttered to himself then started yelling at the techs to get back to doing their maintenance.

Die Clanner!!!!


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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2019, 06:17:39 PM »

To help avoid confusion, please see the OOC note I added to the bottom of my first post.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2019, 09:46:07 PM »

[OOC: As an aside, the above is strictly story.  Rob talked to both Logan and I before this went up.  Logan will be able to bring his character back later should he choose.  No player has the right to bounce another player's character from the unit or prevent them from coming in.  While that should be obvious, I'm adding the note here to avoid any confusion in the future.]

Seconding all of this.  If you have a question or concern, contact me, please.


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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2019, 09:12:44 PM »

Seeing no challenges or objections, the Colonel closes the meeting.  "All right.  We're agreed.  We lift off in one hour.  Dismissed."

Black Omega

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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2019, 09:16:54 PM »

Seeing no challenges or objections, the Colonel closes the meeting.  "All right.  We're agreed.  We lift off in one hour.  Dismissed."

[ooc: Unit XO has not commented due to timeline and contract event takes place after mission 2.  I will comment after completion (or not) of mission pending outcome.]
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: ComStar Contract
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2019, 10:55:59 PM »

Seeing no challenges or objections, the Colonel closes the meeting.  "All right.  We're agreed.  We lift off in one hour.  Dismissed."

[ooc: Unit XO has not commented due to timeline and contract event takes place after mission 2.  I will comment after completion (or not) of mission pending outcome.]

[OOC: Fair.  I'll revise as appropriate.  When Mission 2 takes place the only individual who knows about the new contract is Charikov and he wasn't sharing at that point.  This is the slight drawback to effectively running in two different time frames, though as Rob said when I talked to him, he wanted time for us to think about it and for him to prep as needed.]
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