All right, so I want to start this topic again. It's been 8 months since I last brought it up, so we're due for another look.
No, the pandemic hasn't passed. Pretty functionally, in the foreseeable future, it's flatly not GOING to pass. In my opinion, we have a roughly 2-4-month window before we should expect another Corona surge as the South African and Brazil mutations spread to the US and overcome the ability of people to vaccinate (read: probably in July; I have zero faith that July 4th won't result in a massive surge).
For the sake of satisfaction in the group, I'd very much like to play the final two games on Tukayyid. There is a very high chance that this will be the functional end of the campaign and end of the Cincy BattleTech group playing in-person games as a whole, and I'd really like to go out on a good stopping point. Therefore, I'm asking if people are willing to take on two games in order to wrap everything up.
To be clear, I plan on moving ahead with the games if we end up with a total of 8 or more "yes" votes. I am tired of having this hanging over my head, and I want a resolution to this as much as anyone here. Waiting, "until the end of the pandemic" pretty clearly looks now like, "functionally never resume the game". If you are unwilling to take the chance on two more group meetings, I do understand, and sympathize, but I feel that I need to make this push now, while we have the opportunity to make it work in the most relative safety we have had in a year, and the most relative safety we're likely to have for at least another year if not longer.
The poll will run until Friday. Please vote ASAP.