Bonus #2] Parts are always helpful. Dancer techs will inspect weapons for serviceability and function. 6000 pound crate of "Dress Glove, White, Left" will also be examined to see if anything interesting is hidden within.
There is a single white dress glove for someone's right hand. Also, whomever got ordered to do a detailed sort through that crate is torqued off (no in-game effect).
Bonus #3] Dancer One will exercise option to recruit Ms. White. Please generate character. Do standard recruitment costs apply?
Recruitment costs do NOT apply to lance members not acquired through the Personnel Marketplace.
Animal Mimicry has no in-game effect in this campaign. I just thought it was funny that it generated on a Tech, so I let it ride; you may use your imagination and/or RP skills to decide how and why you discover Ms. White has the ability to preternaturally mimic animal sounds, movement, and/or postures.
Bonus #4] Dancer One will exercise option to apprentice Mr. Seaverson. Please generate character.
Please make sure you make a note concerning Mr. Seaverson's status. He carries no rank and draws no salary until his training time is up, and will then need to be promoted to officer rank and draw a salary as normal. You will need to remind me when this occurs. Until that occurs, again, he will cost you $1000/month in upkeep and training costs.