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Author Topic: Operation INVESTITURE - "9. Investiture"  (Read 601 times)


  • Carpe Petasus
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Operation INVESTITURE - "9. Investiture"
« on: January 11, 2022, 08:00:07 PM »

Manor House, Outskirts of Ceres City
November 16, 3053

The day dawns bright and clear, a good sign for the events ahead.  With the investiture planned for the afternoon, the morning was spent in final preparations including extensive security reviews of the grounds and individuals present.  People grab a light lunch to tide them over until the celebration after.  The ceremony is to take place in the receiving hall.  Centuries old, it was lovingly tended.  While it lacks the immediate impact that other halls achieve by being decorated with large quantities of precious metals and stone, it is impressive, nonetheless.  Intricate wood carvings and reliefs of various different woods and hues give texture and depth to the work.  Klaus recognizes many of the woods used based on his discussions and research and is pleased to spot others he would have to inquire about later.  Judicious use of jade within the wood carvings as well as use of marble and other stone gives the room a gravitas in excess of the materials used to create it.  All in all, it is a real testament to the skill of the artisans who created it.  Decorative wooden arches and intricate windows add to the ambiance with sunlight streaming through, and campaign banners decorating some walls.  Light is otherwise provided by green decorative lanterns that add some additional color to the room.  At the far end is a dais with just a couple of steps, upon which is a wooden throne done in the same style as the room, a pair of dragons intertwined and decorated with jade and bits of gold.  Based on the craftsmanship it appears to have been made at the same time as the hall.  The throne is reserved for Strategic Military Director Teng.

Hiro enters first in his dress uniform, an honor guard of the 4th with him.  He is followed by Kato in his dress uniform, his honor guard a mixture of Rangers and his new personal guard as Mandrinn.  As eight is considered a particularly lucky number within the culture and groups of eight equally so, there are eight Rangers and eight Atayde Guardsmen.  The Rangers include Lt. Colonel Benton Mudd, Captain Klaus Briesacher, Major Erik Kronwall Captain William Moon, Lieutenant Mary Johns a Midnight Tech and the last of Kato’s original lance, Major Amy Bray, Captain Andromeda Clark and Captain Carleen Fawkes.  The Atayde Guards are led by Captain Carey Fletcher, formerly of Midnight and seven other men and women Kato had handpicked.  Then comes Grandfather, Ion Rush and finally James Teng carrying a ceremonial staff, all with their respective guards.  The only one not in a dress uniform is Kasei Atayde who is dressed in formal robes.  Ion and Kasei are seated off to the side with an excellent and close view of the proceedings, sitting in front of Kato’s family present for the occasion.  The principles sit in the front, their honor guard with them and the security detail seated immediately behind the Rangers able to provide translations if desired.  All the Rangers are offered an earbud through which the ceremony will be translated from Mandarin into English.  Failing that a member of their detail will lean forward and quietly share the translation.

No program is provided though it’s known that Hiro’s investiture will be first, followed by Kato’s.  Striking the staff three times on the dais, Teng opens the ceremonies.

“Hiro Yamamori, Lieutenant Colonel of the 4th Tau Ceti Rangers.  Come forward.”

Hiro rises gracefully and comes to stand at the base of the dais in front of Teng.  Teng spends several minutes exhorting the skill, bravery and loyalty of Hiro and his service to both the 4th and to the Confederation.  Therefore, in thanks for his service, he is made Mandrinn of Shaanxi on Sian, transferred to the 2nd Battalion of the Red Lancers and confirmed as their commanding officer as Zhong-Shao (Lt. Colonel).  There is a brief moment when he’s named Mandrinn that the pride he clearly feels flickers but rapidly vanishes especially after being named to the Red Lancers.  He drops to a knee and swears once again his loyalty to the Capellan Confederation, House Liao and the Chancellor.  Rising, Teng congratulates him and the newly minted Mandrinn sits down.

“Kato Atayde, Colonel and commanding officer of the Numenorean Rangers.  Come forward.”

As did Hiro, he rises gracefully and comes to stand before him.  “You stand before me today to be invested as the Sheng Mandrinn of Ceres City and to be formally and publicly acknowledged as the heir to Shonso Kasei Atayde’s Shonsonate.  That time though, is not yet here.  Before that there is another matter which must be addressed first.”  Teng gestures for Kato to face the assembled, then shifts his attention to address them.

“The man who stands before you today has not taken a typical path to arrive here.  Named at birth as the heir to his grandfather’s legacy and Mandrinn title, his older brother heir to the family Shonsonate on Epsilon Eridani,” eyes flickering to Hiro for just a moment, “he was at the time on a familiar path.  That was before my predecessor Pavel Ridzik betrayed the Confederation, cut a deal with the Fox himself and set up his own realm, the Tikonov Free Republic.”  Individuals familiar with history will find that description accurate if overly simplified.  “Epsilon Eridani was one of those worlds.”

Teng is a skilled orator, pulling the assembled along with him.  “Kato’s parents were accepted as nobles and confirmed as Count and Countess after careful review and scrutiny.  Of course, this review and scrutiny came from MIIO, so that may explain a few things.  We can only hope that his parents are as faithful to the Confederation’s principles and philosophies now as they were then.”  There’s some minor chuckling in the audience at the dig taken against the vaunted intelligence service.

“Kato had been working towards his citizenship before Epsilon Eridani became part of the Tikonov Free Republic and later the Federated Commonwealth.  Despite being a young man of just 13 when he was ripped away from the Confederation and his response to the chaos that followed was to attend to his fellow citizens.  During the transition period, Kato worked diligently to ensure the people his family were responsible for were well taken care of and protected, including in assisting with resettling people who wished to remain within the Capellan Confederation.  For these efforts and others, and despite not still being a part of the Capellan Confederation, he petitioned and was granted citizenship.”

Some quiet murmuring follows the lengths he went through.  Teng picks up the story.  “As I mentioned, MIIO confirmed his parents in continuing their noble rank and spent time evaluating Kato and his remaining siblings as well.  In the end he was accepted and granted full citizenship and privileges within their realm, despite his refusal to renounce his Capellan citizenship.  He was offered enrollment and scholarships to Nagelring, NAIS College of Military Sciences as well as the Capellan War College.  Here he made the unusual choice to enroll on the NAIS College of Military Sciences.  A choice his detractors say demonstrates his perfidy.”

“Despite intelligence, talent and skill demonstrated during his training, he was denied a position in their officer candidate school because of his heritage.  Though not making officer while at the academy he distinguished himself and then acquitted himself well during the War of ’39 at Halstead Station.  With their RCT being hard pressed by two elite regiments of the 2nd Swords of Light, a company was cut off as his commanding general sounded the retreat.  Asked to go rescue them it was clear the General had written them off and if Kato wanted to go get himself killed, the General was happy to write him off as well.  Clearly, events unfolded differently.  He singlehandedly penetrated enemy lines, made contact with the cut off company and led them and their ‘Mechs through the field to safety just before the last of the dropships were taking off.  He was given a Silver Sunburst, sent to Albion and OCS and by the time of graduation had been promoted to Major.  Pettiness on the part of his former commanding general forced him to leave his service and join up with the Rangers.”

“In the Rangers he has risen through the ranks from a junior lieutenant to Colonel and commanding officer.  He has shared with the Confederation detailed information about the Clans including gun camera footage from Somerset, Sudeten and finally Tukayyid.  His unit was successful against the Clans when most were gutted or destroyed.  He has shared the tactics and strategies employed against them.”  Teng’s tenor and pacing picking up and driving to a conclusion.  “He is man of honor and great Spirit who fulfilled his contract to his former liege despite them trying to assassinate him.  Twice.  A man who does not abandon those under his command, but like the State looks out for the welfare of all of those under his care, even at great personal risk to himself.  His character and honor so admirable that even after renouncing being heir to the County on Epsilon Eridani and his Federated Commonwealth citizenship, the Archon Steiner herself publicly thanked him for his service and wished him well.”  Teng pauses to let that sink in.  Unseen to Kato as his back is to him, Teng reaches into a pocket and pulls out a box.  “For all this and more he is awarded the Confederation Master at Arms.”

Kato’s surprise was evident as he turned to face Teng who held the badge accorded with the title.  “Kato Atayde, the State recognizes your strategic skill, the breadth of your contributions to the Capellan military as a result of your service against the Clans, and your demonstrated mastery of the battlefield.  Congratulations.”  Hardy cheers erupt from those in attendance at the honor bestowed.

Teng moves on to Kato’s investiture as Mandrinn and once done and having accepted Kato’s oath of loyalty, gestures for Kasei and Ion to approach.  Kasei carries an ornate dao sword in sheath.  “I Sheng Shonso of Llagarres Kasei Atayde do name and acknowledge Kato Atayde my designated heir.  As a sign of that designation, I present him with the Atayde family dao, passed down through the generations and given by the first Chancellor Franco Liao to our ancestor just after his elevation from Duke in 2367 to the Chancellorship at the founding of the Confederation.  The blade has been impeccably maintained and carried into battle for nearly 700 years.  May it serve you well.*”

There is cheering again after his confirmation and presentation of the blade.  As Kasei turns to step away, Ion places a hand on his shoulder.  “Not so fast, my friend.”  Ion looks at Teng who nods and then Ion continues.  “Though your fighting days are long behind you, your promotion to Sheng Shonso was not just for past service rendered but in expectation of service still to come.  I am pleased to inform you that you are to fill the open seat in the House of Scions to serve the next 12 years as duty demands and share your wisdom with the Confederation.  Congratulations!”

Kasei’s usual unflappable demeanor is rocked by the revelation.  Before he can form a question, Ion beats him to it.  “I was given the honor of informing you by the Chancellor himself when he learned I would already be at an appropriate ceremony.”

Kasei’s response is a bow of humility and gratitude for the honor, first to Ion and then to Teng.  The cheering and excitement are loud, and it takes some time for things to calm down.  Once done, Teng closes the ceremony with another three strikes of his staff.  “Here we are done.  I believe a celebration feast has been prepared in honor of our three recipients.”

* [[--as a game effect, should you choose to carry the Dao in the cockpit, it will incur a +2 penalty to Kato’s ejection PSRs.  However, the link to the traditional Capellan past is inspiring to those under your command. As long as Kato is conscious on the battlefield, he may donate 1 point of Edge per battle to any Lance Leader of Capellan nationality, or any Midnight Lance member of any nationality. This may be performed at any time, and may be used for a reroll even in the event that Lancer Leader or Midnight Lance member has already spent Edge on that roll. It may only be “spent,” and may not be “burnt” to guarantee that person’s survival, however.]]

Confederation Master at Arms
« Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 09:47:44 PM by Hat »