So Xander and I submitted a question to Xotl regarding the difference in wording between TW/TacOps, and BMM, regarding engine explosions. Xanders demo agent went ahead and put the same question (I was the one who wrote the examples in his post) onto the official forums.
You all should read this:
I ran into something odd trying to use the hyperlink. Anyone checking this out may need to copy paste it.
PROBLEM FIXED - RobIn the interest of saving some time as far as implications/getting it in the rules thread.
Main Points/Implications
-Any torso in which engine slots exist, upon torso destruction all engine slots are considered to have been hit as the result of a critical.
--Torso destruction results in automatic crits to engine slots only. (not ammo)
---This excludes crits that have already been crit. (no double crits)
Threshold criteria is still 4 engine hits in the same phase to force an engine explosion check.
-All CT cored mechs automatically get an explosion check.
--This means that any pilot is probably dead at that point considering the explosion radius. Be prepared for higher pilot turnover as we have transitioned to using the engine explosions.
-XL engines are not a sure save anymore and usage should be thought about accordingly.
--XL engines drastically increase chances of explosion checks depending on game era with this.
-Side note- Yay mech bricks now have something to fear as well as worries about significant overkill in confined spaces.
Per the post
If using this optional rule, when four or more fusion engine slots of a ’Mech are destroyed / critically hit in the same phase, roll 2D6. - Reference to explosion checks
On another note as it has come up in the last couple games.
Location destruction grants an additional critical chance to said location. This matters for basically only the ammo, explosive components.