EDG +1 (8 remain)
8 You're great at the 'Mech sims, but all that playing rots your brain [Natural
Aptitude/Piloting/'Mech, Slow Learner, Piloting/'Mech +1, Tactics/'Mech +1]
2 rolls this time
Paramilitary School:
Time: +2 years
Attribute Minimums: WIL 3, SOC 2
Skills: Choose two: Arts/Any +3, Interest/Any +3 Language/Any +3, Leadership +3, Protocol/Military
+3, Running +2, Tracking +2
Fields: Basic Training (only 2 points per skill)
Rolled 2d10 : 3, 7, total 10
Time: 2 years
Attribute Minimums: INT 5, WIL 4, SOC 3, EDG 4, No Attribute less than 3
Attribute Thresholds: WIL +1, RFL +1, INT +1, BOD –1 (before annexation, SOC +1)
Traits: Promotion, Well-Equipped (2), Commission (Rank 1)
Skills: Academic/Capellan History +2, Academic/Capellan Philosophies +2, Blades +1, Perception +1,
Academic/Any +2, Computers +1, Language/Any +1, Leadership +1, Strategy +2, Tactics/Any +1
(before annexation, drop Academic/Capellan History and Philosophies; add Bureaucracy/St. Ives +2)
Fields: Basic Training and Officer Training
Events: Apply a -1 to all Events rolls for this path unless the character has Fast Learner, which
negates penalty. Slow Learners gain an additional -1 to rolls. On the Academy Events table, a result of
16 must be substituted for immediate entry into the mandatory Special Training Subpath below.
Next Path: Advanced Individual Training Subpath (mandatory part of this path)
Based on how I do this, I have fast learner by this point, so fun stuff)
Rolled 2d10-2 : 10, 10 - 2, total 18