Maps:Woodlands.................Open Terrain 2 New
Classic BattleTech........Rolling Hills 1
DeploymentPrimary OPFOR: Deploys first, anywhere desired within 6 hexes (inclusive) of the center of the board.
Ranger Forces: Enters anywhere desired along the western map edge.
Environmental ConditionsLight Rain: as per TacOps Expanded Conditions Table, pg 36.
Tainted World: Any water hexes are considered to be a Class 1 Hazardous Liquid. Each submerged location on a Mech or vehicle suffers 1d6/2 damage whenever a unit enters a hex containing a Hazardous Liquid, or begins the Ground Movement Phase in such a hex. Breach checks are still required; this liquid deals 2 pilot hits/round to a MechWarrior with a Breached Head Location, but does not provoke a consciousness check. Battle Armor takes 1d6/2 damage per trooper per hex entered or per round (as above), but does not require a Breach check. Conventional infantry takes double damage. Finally, Hazardous Liquid mixing and Water Flow rules are NOT in play, as all the liquid on the board is identical.
Battlefield Supportnone
Victory ConditionsRangers1) Destroy or render incapable of spending MP at least 4 units from the Primary OPFOR.
2) Move one or more units to within 3 hexes (inclusive) of the northeastern and southeastern board corners, spending 1 full turn stationary, then return to within 2 hexes (inclusive) of the western board edge. Both corners must be scouted and the "information" from that corner returned to the western board edge to count as a scoring unit.
OPFOR1) Destroy, cripple, or render incapable of spending MP, at least 2 Ranger units and the liaison unit.
2) Prevent the recon unit(s) from returning to their safe zone
1) Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn. Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environmental MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it). Convoy units may only exit from the southern board edge.
2) OPFOR MechWarriors will attempt to capture any ejected Ranger MechWarriors in this scenario, unless a Ranger BattleMech target in LOF is equally as close (or closer) than the ejected MechWarrior, or the Ranger BattleMech target is within 8 hexes and subject to a valid LOF in any case. OPFOR MechWarriors will attempt to kill any ejected liaison pilots in this scenario; as long as no Ranger units are a valid target within LOF and within 8 hexes of the firing Draconis unit. KIA liaisons can have contract implications later in the Contract.