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Author Topic: Sapphire Solo - Jazz Lance - 9/28/3060  (Read 2313 times)

Black Omega

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Re: Sapphire Solo - Jazz Lance - 9/28/3060
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2024, 04:01:08 PM »

Sapphire Solo Jazz 1 AAR
Intelligence reported that the Wolves were scouting a small town near the Rangers base with the intention of establishing a presence.  Orders were received to try to dislodge them.

Satellite data indicated 2 stars of mechs and one star of toads spread out across the eastern approaches to the town.  Jazz Lance and a Lyran Guards training cadre lance headed in from the west matching the clans spread formation with Jazz in the center and winged by 2 Lyrans on either side. 

As both sides converged [clans were closing faster than was comfortable] Jazz drifted NE to the NW corner of town while Lyran’s Enforcer and Ostsol headed straight E through the northern trees lines.  The Lyran Locust and LAM started south of Jazz in a feint then moved as Wolf forces got close.  The LAM’s pilot must have been a daredevil in a previous life as he made several close passes behind Wolf mechs and screamed down between 2 rows of apartment buildings to keep things interesting all over the battlefield.  It is unknown how much damage he did.  Gun camera footage will have to be examined for confirmation.  The Locust was surprisingly effective doing what Locusts do best: running like hell and getting mechs to chase it.  It had lost a arm but otherwise operational at the battle’s conclusion.

2nd line elements of the Wolves engaged the Enforcer and Ostsol in the northern woods where a cat and mouse game ensued.  The Wolf Wasp eventually made a mistake and was dropped by the Enforcer.  Most of the Wolf Omni’s engaged Jazz in the NW section of the town.  Jazz’s Berserker and Nightsky led the assault with Wolfhound taking long range shots of opportunity [Rng Mstr Long] and Jazz One in MadCat providing fire support.  Jazz’s Berserker attracted the most attention [go figure] while other units rotated fire as required.  Luck finally turned toward Jazz in the battle as a nearly undamaged Stormcrow received a 2nd LPL blast to the head from the Nightsky, killing the pilot and the pilot of the Pouncer that had been previously rescued by the Stormcrow.  A Wolf Fenris pilot also ejected when his SRM4 ammo bay was hit by fire from Jazz One’s MadCat.  Clan Elementals in the area were never a factor as the pace of movement in the battle was too fast and only one Wolf omni picked any of them up to get them closer to the battle.

Final recap:  Lyran training cadre forces performed well under extreme pressure, particularly Enforcer and Ostsol holding their ground in face of clan assault and LAM and Locust for pushing the speed of their machines to the limit.  Jazz personnel covered each other well and also didn’t panic in the face of superior numbers.  Sgt Luttazi achieved Ace ranking with her 5th mech kill.  Clan losses include: 2 Fenris, Pouncer, Stormcrow and Wasp.  Jazz:  No losses, heavy armor damage to Berserker.  Lyrans:  Heavy damage to Enforcer and Ostsol [not crippled], Loss of arm on Locust.  Head hit to Sgt Reese in Berserker [this is becoming a habit].  Clan Stormcrow and Pouncer salvaged.  Jazz’s intent is to scavange Pouncer and sell; and repair and keep Stormcrow, probably selling Cronus.

[ooc:  Battle lasted 8 turns and took just over 3 hours to play.  My thanks to ADHD, Harmacist and Deadly.  Playing with just 2 people would have taken all afternoon and evening.]
« Last Edit: June 09, 2024, 04:37:30 PM by Black Omega »
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