MECHANICS NOTE: Any action you take will be logged as taking 1 hour from the available time until the next scenario. Whether that's making a repair roll, talking to/interrogating people, or what-have-you. The only things that don't take time are clearly OOC actions,the process of hooking the Leopard up to the turret power grid (the Leopard crews are doing that), and anything else I denote as not taking time. Oh, as a reminder, you do have a reinforcement lance of 2 Warhammers, a T-bolt, and an Archer.
Here is a not-to-scale tactical map of your position:
First, I need people to post their approximate damage amounts from their record sheets. Add up the total number of armor boxes you've had destroyed. Next, it's a yes/no answer on whether you've suffered internal structure damage. Give a yes/no answer on whether you've suffered any gyro or engine hits. Give a total number of other critical damage slots you've suffered. Finally, add in any notes you feel describes the damage to your mech.
This is an OOC action.Examples
Callahan, Shadow Hawk -2Hb
-Armor Damage: 10 points
-No IS Damage
-No Engine/Gyro Hits
-No Misc Critical Hits
-Both Arms were completely destroyed (not figured in above totals)
Moon, Griffin -2N
-Armor Damage: 10 points
-No IS Damage
-No Engine/Gyro Hits
-No Misc Critical Hits
Next, prisoners. You've captured 3 squads of Techs (the 4th was machine-gunned down while they were making their way through the motor pool). They say they are planetary natives (in RWR jumpsuits). What are you going to do with them? If you'd like them to help you in any way, you'll need to convince them...and given the events of the battle, be convincing.
This is an IC actionYou've also captured a half-dozen RWR MechWarriors. Most are in very bad shape from the ejections (4+ pilot hits). There is a Lieutenant who is only lightly injured, and a Sergeant with moderate head trauma who are both awake. If you'd like to question them, you may do so.
This is an IC action................................................................
Taking stock of the situation, you have several buildings you can explore. Each building will take approximately an hour to look through. Simply let me know which building you are searching, and whether you are taking any specific actions (carrying any weapons, etc).
This is an IC action.................................................................
If you would like to take any other action not covered here, post it up (what you are doing and why) and I'll let you know. This can include almost anything - sleeping, maintaining sensor watch, improvising defensive positions, and so forth. More complex actions may take longer than 1 hour; you'll be appraised of that before committing to the action.
FINALLY, Mech repairs will be handled once I have everyone's damage tracks back in. As it stands now, it will require a single Technician/X roll to repair XXXXXXXX amount of "stuff" on your Mech (the amount may change depending on actions you take). One roll will take an IC hour to complete, so make sure to balance this against the amount of time you have available*.
*It would take that Spector approximately 2 hours to return to the tunnel entrances near you. Setting up for an attack against your position in sufficient strength to threaten you would take anywhere from 6-10 hours. Movement to contact your position would take anywhere from 4-8 hours. SLDF forces are dropping (in the face of heavy opposition) on the city in the south now, and have planned their movement past your position in approximately 12 hours, so if the RWR wanted to hit them in the flank, they couldn't attack in
less than 12 hours.
The Strategic Map of the area is below (you are the southern-most bridge on the right side):