Okay, gentlemen (and ladies), here are some of my plans.
Into Darkness is a campaign that will pick up where Apocalypse Rising leaves off. I have not yet read "Operation Klondike." Travis is bringing it to me at next weeks game. So I don't have any specifics yet on unit or logistical format. Suffice it to say the pc's are leaving with (or have grown up with) General Kerensky in the Exodus.
If you want to continue your Apocalypse Rising character, we can do that. Please remember, however, that there is 37 years between the Exodus and the beginning of Operation Klondike. Hat's character (Yamamori) is 34 years old as we land in Alaska next week (Banzai is 42). At the beginning of O.K., Yamamori will be 76. There is a longer life span in the inner sphere at this time, but there will be some degradation with age.
Due to our group splitting into 2 campaigns, I will allow each player to run 2 characters. The first should be a mechwarrior. The second can be a vehicle crew, an aerospace pilot, or a mechwarrior. Battle-Armored Elementals have not yet been created in the clans yet. Once I determine the unit involved, we can get to the matter of types of vehicles, mechs, etc.
I have decided to slightly tweak the character generation as follows:
6 5 5
5 5 4
5 4 3
4 3 2
3 2 1
2 1 1
1 1
800 500 200
neg trait xp limit = 200 xp
choosing ride as per AR plus add 50xp for hvy and 100xp for assault
The advanced (or "tiered") skills (ie computers or martial arts for example) will be as per AToW and kick in at level 4.