Warriors of the Watch,
You all have performed admirably during the brief campaign to smash the Dark Caste on Barcella. The facilities taken near the south pole of that planet have raised some troubling questions about the nature of highly-placed members of the Clan Councils, and foreshadow dark times ahead. The Watch must stand ready to defend the Way of the Clans from all threats, external or otherwise. I remind you all again of your oaths binding yourselves and your forces to the Watch first and foremost, above even your ties to your home Clan. We know not who equipped these bandit surats, but it was clearly forces from an existing Homeworld Clan, which in turn means that a Homeworld Clan was responsible for the attempted recovery of atomic devices. Remember your oath!
All involved commands will undergo a short period of rest and refit. This period will have the following game effects:
ALL commands will reset their WCP counters to a total of 700, plus three times your Avatar's Logistics bonus, plus an amount equal to (35,000-your force BV)/25. The latter BV-related value has a minimum of 0 (it cannot COST you BV). No, 35k is not a typo.
In addition, each command may select ONE of the following effects to apply immediately to their force (this will take place *after* the above WCP reset, for BV purposes). No command is forced to take any of the following options.
1) You may directly swap up to two points for two new points of the same type and mass.
2) You may swap up to two non-infantry points for two new points of a different, non-aerospace type. These new points must be a lighter mass category than the ones they replace (ie, you can swap 1 Heavy Mech point for a Medium or Light Vehicle Point).
3) You may reduce the mass of one Mech point by one category to completely replace a second Mech point (of any mass ) with a vehicle point of a mass category equal to that of the point replaced. (ie, Rob replaces his Stormcrow [Medium] with a Fire Falcon [light], and then replaces his Hellbringer [Heavy] with a pair of Athena Combat Vehicles [Heavy])
4) You may reduce the mass of two Mech points by one category to completely replace a third Mech point (of any mass) with a Light or Medium Aerospace Fighter point. (ie, Rob replaces his Stormcrow [Medium] with a Fire Falcon [light], and then replaces his Hellbringer [Heavy] with a Stormcrow [Medium]. He then replaces his Summoner with a pair of Batu ASFs [Light])**
5) You may reduce the mass of one Assault and one Heavy Mech point by one category each to replace a third Mech point (of Heavy or Assault Mass) with a Heavy Aerospace Fighter Point. (ie, Rob replaces his Dire Wolf [Assault] with a Timber Wolf {Heavy] and his Summoner [Heavy] with a Stormcrow [Medium]. He then replaces his Gargoyle [Assault] with a pair of Scytha ASFs [Heavy]).**
6) You may directly replace one ProtoMech or Battle Armor Point with a Light Mech or Vehicle Point.
7) You may directly swap up to 6 points as you see fit between your various Stars (swapping Point 3, Star 1 and Point 4, Star 2, would be moving TWO points)
8.) You may add a single point of edge to any two units. This point will refill automatically every mission. This may not be given to your Avatar.
I thought I posted this two weeks ago. Sorry, folks.
**There is a limit of 1 ASF point per force (see Master Rules Thread and Changelog as well).