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Author Topic: Bolt Action Resources  (Read 5461 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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Bolt Action Resources
« on: September 02, 2016, 07:36:35 PM »

Bolt Action 1st edition rulebook (will be modified once 2e comes out)

Bolt Action Faction Guides (will be modified as new books for 2e come out)
-France and Allies:
-Great Britain:
-Imperial Japan:
-Italy and Misc Axis Powers:

Miniature Resources (VEHICLES ONLY)

Vehicle scale: official Warlord models are 1/56 scale, but some people use 1/48th.  Either is acceptable, and interesting, 1/48 is also technically a little bit small.  Here's an article showing a 1/48th scale tank next to some 28mm minis so you can see if 1/48 is right for you:

Osprey Guides
If you aren't familiar with Osprey Books, they're small (48-96 page) illustrated paperbacks, each dedicated to a VERY specific aspect of the history of warfare.  There's over 2,300 of far.  They are very accurate and very well-sourced, and they're a great resource for uniform or equipment questions you might have in regards to equipping or painting your minis.  The above link goes to a general folder, containing several sub-folders, each one being named after the specific line of Ospreys it contains.  The Combat, Elite, Men-at-Arms, Vanguard, and Warrior folders will likely be of the greatest interest.
Combat - a new series detailing the differences between soldiers in the field (US Marine vs Japanese infantryman)
Elite - details individual units or tactics (ie, the 82nd Airborne or the 1st Armored Divison)
Men-at-Arms - An illustrated reference on the history, organisation, uniforms, and equipment of the world's military forces, past and present.  These are amazing sources.
Warrior - focuses on the individual warrior of a specific period or culture, examining his experiences on the battlefield as well as his training, fighting methods and day to day living.
Vanguard - Vehicle-specific books (M24 Chaffee Light tank, or "British Tanks in North Africa 1940-42")

Code of Conduct
1.) Don't be a dick
2.) On list-building: Prioritize history first, fun for you and your opponent second, min-maxing third.
3.) Always try to source *why* you have a unit
4.) We are playing for fun, NOT competitively.  Remember that.
5.) Always be ready with an answer for your opponent's question, "how could I could have done better in that game" immediately following a game.
6.) Talk to your opponents and work things out like adults.  If you can't, then come to me, but make sure you've tried first.
7.) Try very hard to show up to each session with at least a few more painted models than last time.
8.) Don't be a dick

Game Plan
I'd like to have our first game before the end of 2016.  Look at the Bolt Action Ruleset (and the new one when it comes out), identify a faction you like (German Line infantry, Danes, British Home Guard, US Marines), and wrangle together something between 500-750 points worth of models.  Don't sweat having them all painted by game-on; we're all coming at this cold.  Ideally by next spring we're playing regular 1,000 point games, which most likely means you'll want 1,200-1,500 points of models available so you can cycle stuff in and out of your lists for variety.  I'm going to post my planned 1,000 point list as an example so you all can see about what the yardstick is for list-building.

I am ASKING that people don't indulge in vehicle spam.  I'm not requiring that at this time, because I want to see what happens with the new rules in September.  As a rule, think that open-topped transports (Jeeps, Bren Carriers, halftracks) are generally fine as long as they're matched up with infantry (3 german squads, 3 halftracks =  (^_^)b ).  Armored units, including armored cars and all tanks, should be limited to 1 of each per list please.  We can think about starting a Tank Wars game later, but FOR NOW, let's work it like this please.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 02:10:16 PM by Darrian Wolffe »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Bolt Action Resources
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2016, 08:02:32 PM »

For purposes of illustration, here's roughly what I'm looking at for a starter list:

1 Batt, Rifle Brigade + attachements
22nd Armored Brigade, 7th Armoured Division

HQ .........................93 points
2nd LT (50) Regular
+1 aide (10) Regular
Medic (23) Regular
+1 Aide (10) Regular

Light Mortar Team.....35 pts....Regular

Able Section..........123 points......Regular
NCO (50) Cpl
+4 OTOs (free)
+5 OTOs (50)
Bren Gun (20)

Baker Section..........123 points......Regular
NCO (50) Cpl
+4 OTOs (free)
+5 OTOs (50)
Bren Gun (20)

Charlie Section..........123 points......Regular
NCO (50) Cpl
+4 OTOs (free)
+5 OTOs (50)
Bren Gun (20)

Vickers MMG Team.....65 pts....Veteran

QF 6-pdr AT Gun....75 pts....Regular

Sniper Team.....50 pts.....Regular

No6 Commando Team.....95 pts.....Veteran
NCO (70)
+4 OTOs (free)
5 SMGs (15)
AT Grenades (10)

Bren Carrier for Commando Team....72pts....Veteran

1st Royal Tank Rgt. Mk VI Crusader III........145 pts.....Regular

Total: 994 pts


List-building process

The standard British Rifle platoon circa late 1942 consisted of 4 sections of 10 men (each led by a Corporal generally with a submachinegun) and with a single Bren Gun (LMG) in support, commanded by a Lance Corporal.  The platoon command consisted of an officer and 5 men, or an NCO (Platoon SGT) and 4 men (2 of whom manned a crew-served mortar or Boyes AT rifle).  Heavier weapons such as the Vickers machinegun and the 6-pdr AT gun were kept at the battalion level and doled out to companies and platoons on an ad hoc basis.  Likewise, each British Battalion had a section of 8 snipers, which were doled out in pairs to support units as needed.  Units outside the Infantry regiment were often attached for a single operation; having a tank platoon of 4 tanks attached to a company, each tank spearheading the way for a single rifle platoon and with 1 tank held as a reserve, was not at all uncommon; while massed tank attacks were the most *efficient* use of tanks, they had a hard time dealing with the dug-in AT weapons of Rommel's Germans and so required direct and immediate infantry support.

This list hits pretty much all of these points.  The HQ consists of an officer and 5 men (medic and assistant, a signaler to accompany the LT, and a 2-IN mortar with 2 crew).  Each rifle section is built "correctly", with the NCO carrying an SMG and with a Bren Gun in support.  Attachments from the Battalion level are within reason; a 6-pdr AT gun, Vickers team, and sniper team all being assigned to "this company",and then being used to support "this platoon" is all easily defensible.  Likewise the tank is obvious; though other British tanks are far more efficient in-game, the 1st RTR (part of the 22nd Armoured Brigade) was equipped with a mix of Crusaders and early Shermans at this time, and I'd rather use the Brit tank than the US one.  Preserving national pride and all that.  There are two potential "historical" issues with the list: the group has only 3 sections instead of 4, and there's an attached Commando team.  If I were to not use the tank, I'd add the 4th section back in, but I like having a LITTLE bit of armored support; combined-arms and all.  Whether to operate 3 sections at full-strength or operate 4 sections each at a reduced strength in the event of casualties were practices which varied from unit to unit and from CO to CO, and I have no record either way of what the Rifle Brigade actually did.  The No6 Commando DID operate in North Africa at this time, and did so both alone and in conjunction with regular forces, but i have no record of them working with the Rifle Brigade.  However, a half-dozen-ish grizzled commandos driving in from a flank, hopping out of a Bren carrier, and unloading Thompsons in the faces of the Jerries is SUCH an iconic British image (and it'll add some gameplay variety on the table) that I couldn't resist.


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Re: Bolt Action Resources
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2016, 11:36:08 PM »

Thanks for the example and resources. I don't know much about putting together any kind of realistic military unit, so I'm sure I'll be posting more questions later. It is funny that now that the decision has been made, there are so few posts. I think everyone is trying to figure out their lists now, lol.

If you spot any particularly good deals, let us know.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Bolt Action Resources
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2016, 01:04:10 AM »

Thanks for the example and resources. I don't know much about putting together any kind of realistic military unit, so I'm sure I'll be posting more questions later. It is funny that now that the decision has been made, there are so few posts. I think everyone is trying to figure out their lists now, lol.

It's actually fairly simple, and I'm more than happy to act as a resource.

So the first thing you're going to want to ask is, "what nation most interests me?"  A huge part of historicals is learning while you go.  I didn't know a damn thing about British infantry organization two months ago; I've been watching Sharpe's Rifles (a BBC movie series about a Napoleonic rifle unit starring Sean Bean) and thought it would be cool to play that unit in WW2.  So I researched the unit and found out that they changed their name from the 95th Rifles to the Rifle Brigade in 1816, and that individual battalions were detached to bolster various British Brigades during the outbreak of WW2.  The 1st Battalion was annihilated at Dunkirk, was reconstituted and posted to North Africa with the 22nd Armoured Brigade.  So that's how I chose what unit I'm playing; then there was a few days of research to learn how the unit was actually organized, and what other units were in the same local area at the time which I could pull attachments from (ie, the 1st Royal Tank Rgt was also part of the 22nd Armoured).

So, generally speaking, I've found the process works best like this:
1) What country most interests you?
2) Why, when, and where (ie, IMO the British in Europe 1940 and in 1944 are WAY less interesting than the Brits in the desert in 1941-42)?
3) There's a limited number of actual units during that "when" and "where".  Research them and see if any are especially interesting.
4) Once you have a unit or two which interest you, go look through the individual faction books for BA and see if there's a "theater list" for that "where and when".
5) Reconcile what the list lets you take with what the history said the unit actually had.
6) Now you know what to buy.

(Please do start a new thread, though, so we can help you out there and not clutter up *this* thread).


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Re: Bolt Action Resources
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2016, 01:06:10 PM »

has anyone noticed the costs are different in the main book from the individual hand books for veteran etc for the troops like airborne it states specifically veterans with the chart but in the break down above it it states all the names. im assuming we should be using the individual handbook instead.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 01:08:31 PM by Ice »
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Re: Bolt Action Resources
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2016, 01:50:44 PM »

There is a known misprint with vet prices in the 2nd ed book.  Many thing are missing 100 points of their costs, is the forum link.  Check there for price mistakes.