Force Tracking
After each contract, players will receive another CBill disbursement (payout) to continue to buy parts for their warehouse. Players will receive 20,000 extra CB per point of Wealth Trait and/or 5,000 extra CB per point of Well-Connected Trait.
is the wording off on the rule doc and it will be per month not at end of contract?
Also for dependents when would they get factored in at this point may 2nd or june 1st?
from other thread
Wealth and Well-connected money comes in every month. This represents you profiting from your wealth and connections every month.
Campaign rules also say that you receive extra payout at the end of each contract. This might be a disbursement from the unit funds, the GM will have to tell us.
You need to add your dependent costs to your monthly operating costs. That updated value needs to be communicated to the GM.
At what point is there no longer 5k bv limit for the 4 man lance? Was that only during creation or did we for sure decide that we would keep it at 5k near indefinitly?
Also for the wing man pilots that have random things next to them on the TOE at what point do those count?
I have a first aid 10+ but another with tactics +2. Am I assuming these are pre bonus numbers like when we did our characters and only the thresholds from that table matter for them?
You should anticipate the 5k limit being in effect for quite awhile. Rob wants to prevent us from going absolutely custom crazy and/or driving 4 assault mechs each after a few contracts. It may eventually go up, something that is very likely to happen circa 3049. Think of it as unit flavor, our unit relies on more mobile forces and doesn't want to risk having mechs that are so customized we can't afford to repair them. That all gets covered by a bv limit of 5k.
Yes, you're right on the wingman bonuses. I think.