Ice, when I calculated out the cost of a new 50-ton mech head I came out with 511,250 for the complete new head. You are missing the cost for the "head" itself in your final numbers, also my calculations show each sensor (and you need 2 of them) is 100,000. Life support costs 50k each (you need 2). So from what I see you are missing quite a bit in your calculation.
Now for a question, and one that only exists because lawyer mode was turned on. Darrian, when do you make the CHA oll to see if any captives are recruitable? While the rules appear in the post mission sections, the line "a failed roll means you must hold them prisoner or ransom them back" implies that A) you can ransom people before the end of the mission and B) therefore you would roll for recruit-ability after the mission the captive was taken. I assume I'm in that special place lawyers go which is just a step away from insanity, but can you grant some clarity?
thats why i posted i felt like something seemed off
ssw shows the cost of the cockpit as 350 k (SSW through a wrench and caused a bit of confusion, how accurate is the costs on ssw?)
also what is the true time to reload/remove ammo
cockpit is 200k
each sensor is 100k = so thats another 200k
lifesupport is 50k =so thats another 100k
these all were in line with what i originally had for my numbers as well before looking at ssw
(not sure how you got 11250 for the head cost itself though)
BMR formula for replacement of destroyed sections pg90- (2400*(mech tonnage)50)/10 = 12k (unless we decided on something else and i have forgotten by this point)
this includes the cost of IS but not armor, cockpit etc with a head section though they have to be purchased and factored when buying a head at same time apparently since the head already will contain all of it
10000*.5625(total armor on head 9/16 of ton = .5625)= 5625 (unless this is wrong as well)
total of 17625+500k=517625 for total replacement
also since i already have 2 life support parts already are they used first or must i purchase another set(this also is regarding armor points since i already have a bunch of armor as is)
also are we considered to have a maintenance facility right now?