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Author Topic: Operation POKEY Unit Record; May-July, 3044  (Read 3470 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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Operation POKEY Unit Record; May-July, 3044
« on: March 22, 2017, 02:49:37 AM »

Contract begins: 24 May, 3044
Asta, Draconis Combine

1 May, 3044
Sign Contract

2 May, 3044
Contract advance deposit.  Each PC receives $168,575 CB to their warehouse.  The unit receives 842,875 CB.

24 May, 3044
Arrive on-planet

Contract stipulations require at least 2 lances in Scout Role, at least 5 lances assigned to a combat role.

MAJ Fairchild assigns Dancer and Reaper Lances to Scout Role
MAJ Fairchild assigns Dunedain and Crusher Lances to Defend Role
MAJ Fairchild assigns Ice, Kong, and Fairchild Lances to Fight Role.
MAJ Fairchild assigns Motor Pool to support Scout Forces (when in need of repair, each Scout unit may repair 1 unit at "maintenance facility" level)

Unit assigns Stanislava Grebov (Admin/Command) to "Scout" Role
Unit assigns Anabel Kayabya (Admin/Command) to "Defend" Role
Unit assigns Andromeda Bouloukos (Admin/HR) to Dancer Lance

1 June, 3044
All PCs receive Wealth and Well-connected bonuses.
All PCs subtract their operating costs from their available cash.
Unit receives contract payment of $1,888,114 CB.  Each PC adds $157,340 CB to their warehouse.  Unit adds $786,700 CB.  Unit cash balance at $2,723,144 CB.
Units, and Personnel market refresh.

5 June, 3044
MISSION: Hide & Seek (attacker).  Scout forces encounter two companies of Kurita militia tanks moving to cut off the unit by taking a nearby strongpoint.
RESULT: Victory.  Contract Score raised to 2.  $0 C-bills salvaged out of a current cap of $3,370,000 C-bills.

After-Action Report: Intel reported Drac armor moving into urban terrain (mining town) in Grid 01311424.  Dancer and Reaper lances dispatched to investigate and hold the terrain, with Fairchild and Dunedain lances on reserve standby.  Scout forces reported that enemy armor and light Mech support held the town on their arrival; House Command dictated a split approach, with Reaper approaching from the NE and Dancer approaching from the NW.  Reinforcement forces were dispatched from reserve.  OPFOR consisted of approx 2 companies of light and medium armor with a single light Mech lance in lager; long-range sensors detected OPFOR reinforcements in approximately company strength approaching.  Upon counter-detection, OPFOR began redeploying to the west against Dancer lance with a spoiling force held to the west to delay Reaper.  Action began approximately 1130 hours.  Friendly reinforcements were vectored in to the west to reinforce Reaper, while Fairchild 2 and 3 were vectored to the east to guard Reaper's back.  A close-range firefight to the west ensued, smashing approx 1 company of OPFOR armor at the cost of crippling Dunedain 2 and 3.  OPFOR survivors fell back into the SW corner of the town, where they were joined by reinforcing medium vehicle units.  To the east, a short lance of Scimitar hovertanks entered the FEBA as reinforcements, but House Liasion Sznack skillfully immobilized two of them in a close action along the hilly eastern road approach, and the third was eliminated by covering fire from Fairchild 2 and 3.  OPFOR in the town were forced into a close action with a central thrust from Fairchild 1 and lead elements of Dancer and Reaper Lances, while mobile elements of Dunedain, Reaper, and Fairchild lances completed a double pincer.  With OPFOR in an inferior position, terms were offered, and OPFOR was allowed to retreat from the field with all mobile elements.  Approximately 4 lances of vehicles and 1 lance of Mechs were destroyed or captured in this action, with light damage to friendly forces and crippling of Dunedain 3.  Field was completely clear of hostile forces by 1215 hours, and salvage teams arrived onsite by 1430 hours.

24 June
Admin bonuses to Dancer Lance now apply.

1 July, 3044
All PCs receive Wealth and Well-connected bonuses.
All PCs subtract their operating costs from their available cash.
Unit receives contract payment of $1,888,114 CB.  Each PC adds $157,340 CB to their warehouse.  Unit adds $786,700 CB.  Unit cash balance at $3,400,674 CB.
Units, and Personnel market refresh.
Mission Salvage Cap set to $3,370,000 C-bills.

11 July, 3044
MISSION: Base Attack (defender).  Draconis forces launch a dawn attack against primary cantonment with the aim of destroying supplies sufficient to drive us offworld.
RESULT: Victory.  Contract score raised to 4.  $8,482,985 C-bills salvaged out of a current cap of $8,679,985 C-bills.  $197,000 C-bills remaining under cap.

After-Action Report: Seismic sensors picked up large troop movement just south of cantonment; Drac forces apparently used cover of poor weather to confuse airborne recon and stole a march.  Crusher and Dunedain forces provided immediate defense, with allies liaison forces providing close support.  Reaper and Dancer lances RTB'd to provide additional backup once OPFOR strength confirmed at approximately battalion level.  Crusher lance held southeast defensive line, Dunedain held southwest.  Dunedain lance counter-attacked into scattered woods south of the cantonment to blunt enemy advance, but was swarmed by light Mech and medium vehicle forces, including many Hetzer tanks.  Dunedain took severe casualties; losing Dunedain 2 (Wyvern) and Dunedain 4 (Centurion) to complete destruction.  SGT Linda Barmel was KIA after ejection.  On the eastern flank, heavy OPFOR units (Thunderbolt, Hunchback, with Hetzer support) penetrated the cantonment after eliminating defensive installations; this thrust was destroyed after inflicting only light damage.  OPFOR landed an amphibious assault on western flank in double-lance strength, mixed medium vehicles and medium Mechs.  In great good fortune, Reaper Lance had entered the FEBA unknowingly in a perfect position to intercept this attack; likely aimed at the supply depots on the northwest side of the cantonment.  The Dunedain Lance survivors and Reaper Lance engaged and eliminated 75% of the amphibious assault force along the coastline; OPFOR survivors withdrew to the southwest and pose no further effective threat.  Approximately 3 lances of vehicles and 2 lances of Mechs were destroyed or captured.  Dunedain Lance is at less than 50% strength (2 Mechs destroyed and 1 Mech crippled) and will be offline for several weeks refitting salvaged OPFOR Mech units.

A BLC payout of approximately $1,392,500 is expected as a result of this mission.

12 July, 3044
MISSION: Extraction (attacker).  Intercept civilian VIP before he can be reached by Draconis escort forces
RESULT: Victory.  Contract completed with all optional bonuses.  Each PC adds $157,340 CB to their warehouse for monthly disbursion, plus $684,200 for shares of Longbow and Hetzer sales, plus 1 REPAIR PART to their warehouse.  Unit adds $786,700 CB.  Unit cash balance at $4,401,408 CB.

After-Action Report: Task Force consisting of Ice, Kong, and Fairchild Lances infiltrated town of Marsh Point 12 hours before anticipated action.  Reserve force consisted of Dancer Lance approx 1 km to the south in heavy cover.  Forces deployed on east side of town, along probable civilian axis of advance; OPFOR anticipated to enter FEBA from the west.  Civilian forces were detected at 1112 hours and task force moved to intercept.  A single decoy truck moved to the south of town, while primary extraction target and a medium BattleMech escort moved to the north.  Kong Lance taked to intercept civilians.  Drac forces moved en masse to the north side of town from the west, with heavy and assault units taking up elevated firing positions 300m to the town's northwest corner.  Civilians were engaged and destroyed quickly, but significant casualties were borne by Kong Lance; SGT Jammie Fisher and SGT Fu Junxia were KIA, and SGT Sun's Wasp was crippled.  Fairchild 4 (Javelin) was cored, but SGT Montgomery sheltered in the wreckage and was recovered unharmed.  A significant melee ensued to the north and northwest of town; Ice Lance, reinforced by Dancer Lance, were able to roll up the OPFOR flank from the south, and MAJ Fairchild led a charge into the ridgeline firing position.  In the waning of the engagement, a duel was fought between LT Iva Blunch and a Draconis MechWarrior later identifield as Chu-i Ito Tetsuhara, son of the Minobu Tetsuhara.  The duel was honorably conducted and ended inconclusively.  Once it became clear that the Drac force has passed well beyond its Combat Loss Grouping, an offer was transmitted to the Drac OiC which offered to allow the remaining uncrippled Drac Mechs and pilots to leave the battlefield.  A nigh-undamaged Longbow, a damaged Thunderbolt, a crippled Wolverine, and a smattering of medium armor was claimed as salvage, along with several prisoners to be ransomed.  Kong Lance reports >25% strength; it's sole surviving combat-capable unit is Kong 1 (Ostsol).  Fairchild Lance reported 75% strength with the total loss of Fairchild 4 but no meaningful damage among other lance meners.  Ice and Dancer report 100% combat readiness hours following the engagement.  

With contract completion, BLC payments are made for Dunedain 2 (Wyvern), Dunedain 4 (Centurion), Kong 2 (Hunchback), Kong 3 (Wolverine), and Fairchild 4 (Javelin) in the amount of 20% of these units base value, paid to the prior owner of the units.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 03:02:09 AM by Darrian Wolffe »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation POKEY Unit Record
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2017, 11:15:31 AM »

Updated record.  All PCs make sure you add the 1 June CBill disbursement to your warehouse.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation POKEY Unit Record
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2017, 03:47:41 PM »

Updated record.  Make sure you update your warehouses with the unit sale proceeds and the last (early) cash disbursement for the contract.  Remember that Wealth-based cash bonuses aren't added in yet; it's not August 1 yet.