The chaos campaign rules, as presented in Dawn of the Jihad, state that at the end of each scenario we may pay support points to improve the piloting and gunnery skills of each pilot by one. Even pilots who did not participate in the scenario are allowed to improve their skills (not participating in the scenario merely doubles the support point cost). In addition the support point cost of improving pilot skill is significantly less than the support point cost of repairs. This pretty much means that each side can pay approximately 50 Warchest Points at the end of each scenario to improve the experience level of their entire side by one. If this is how we're doing skill improvement, then our force of 4/5s with a handful of 3/4s are now a force of 3/4s with a handful of 2/3s and after the next game will be a force of 2/3s with a handful of 1/2s. As this, to me at least, seems to be extremely fast for skill improvement, I was wondering are we using the Chaos Campaign rules for determining when a pilot can advance or, like salvage and buying new units, the gm will tell us which pilots can advance after each scenario?