Marshall will attempt to install a new LA on the Thug.
Base TN7(+4 difficulty, -2 facility, -3 quad time) TN6. Rolls 8. Installed EOD 12/2
Nabakov will attempt to replace the foot acutator on the Thug
Base TN7(-2 actuator, -2 facility) TN3, 90 minutes. Rolls 5, installed.
Nabakov will attempt to replace the left LLA on the Thug
Base TN7(-2 actuator, -2 facility) TN3, 90 minutes. Rolls 3, installed. Barely.
Install SRM6 Inferno round, LT
60 minutes.
Repair RT IS, 90 mins
Base TN7(-2 Facility, +0 1/4th damage) TN5 = rolled 7
Repair LT IS, 90 mins
Base TN7(-2 Facility, +0 1/4th damage) TN5 = rolled 4. Requires vet tech.
Vaslivesky will attempt to repair the IS on the LT
Base TN7(-2 Facility, +0 1/4th damage - 1 Double time) TN4. 6, passed
Day finished.
Marshall will attempt to install actuators on the LA.
Base TN7(-2 actuator, -2 facility) TN3, 90 minutes
Upper, 11
lower, 11
Hand, 6
Install DHS
Base TN7(-1 heat sink, -2 facility) TN4, 90 minutes. Fails.
Nabakov will start rearmoring the Thug LA
Base TN7(-1 Arm, -2 facility) TN4 - Basically The Day. 10, passes
Vaslivesky will attempt to install the DHS
Base TN6(-1 heat sink, -2 facility) TN3, 90 minutes. rolls 3, passes
Marshall will attempt to rearmor the LT of the Thug
255 minutes
Base TN7(-1 Arm, -2 facility) TN4. Rolls 7. 17 points
LTR, 9 points
Base TN7(-1 Arm, -2 facility) TN4. Rolls 3
Nabakov will attempt to rearmor the CT of the Thug. 15 points
225 minutes
Base TN7(-1 Arm, -2 facility) TN4. Rolls 10.
Nabakov will attempt to rearmor the CTR of the Thug. 13 points
Base TN7(-1 Arm, -2 facility) TN4. Rolls 7
Vaslivesky will attempt to rearmor the LTR of the Thug, 9 points.
LTR, 9 points
Base TN6(-1 Arm, -2 facility) TN3. Rolls 6
Marshall will attempt to rearmor the LL of the Thug, 34 points.
Base TN7(-1 Arm, -2 facility) TN4. Rolls 9. 510 minutes.
Nabakov will attempt to rearmor the RT of the Thug.. 23 points
Base TN7(-1 Arm, -2 facility) TN4. Rolls 8. 345 minutes.
Nabakov will attempt to rearmor the RTR of the Thug. 9 points.
Base TN7(-1 Arm, -2 facility) TN4. Rolls 7. 130 minutes.
Nabakov will attempt to remove the ULL, LLA, FT from the LL of the PHX-1K Phawk
Base TN7(-2 actuator, -2 facility) TN3, 90 minutes
and removes a single heat sink from the leg, 120 minutes
Base TN7 (-2 facility) TN5, rolls 10. SHS removed
Bobrovosky will attempt to remove the LL from the Phawk - Base TN5, (-2 FAC, +4 blown off limb) TNT7. 200 minutes. Rolls a 7. Leg is empty with a blown hip, discarded.
Marshall will attempt to repair the IS of the LT
Base TN7(-2 fac, +3 damage, -3 quad time) TN5. Rolls a 6 basically 3 days. Available on 12/10
Vaslivesky will attempt to repair the IS on the CT.
base TN6(-2 facility, +0 for difficulty, -1 for double time) needs 3, 180 minutes rolled 8. succeeds
Vaslivesky will attempt to repair the IS on the RT.
base TN6(-2 facility, +0 for difficulty, -1 for double time) needs 3, 180 minutes rolled 4. succeeds
Vaslivesky will attempt to repair the engine,
base TN6(-2 facility, +0 for difficulty, -1 for double time), needs 3, 200 minutes. Rolls a 3. Whew
Vaslivesky will attempt to repair the gyro. 360 minutes
Base TN6(-2 fac, +2 difficulty, -3 quad time), TN3, rolls 8. Unavailable for a few days, obviously.
Nabakov will attempt to repair the Crabs engine.
Base TN7(-2 fac, +0 difficulty, -2 triple time) 300 minutes. Rolls 7, repaired
Parts arrived.
Nabakov will attempt to replace the ERPPC on the Thug
Base TN7(-2 Facility, +1 difficulty, -3 quad time) TN3. Rolls 6, installed 480 minutes
PHX-1 Phawk repair time.
Marshall will attempt to add the leg back to the Phawk.
Base TN7(-2 fac, +4 destroyed limb, -3 quad time) TN6. Rolls a 5.
Nabakov will attempt to armor the Thug RA. 26 points, 390 minutes
Base TN7(-2 FAC, -1 ARM) TN4 - 7. RA rearmored
Parts remaining parts arrived, added to inventory
Nabakov will attempt to armor the RL of the Thug. 22 points, 330 minutes
Base TN7(-2 FAC, -1 ARM) TN4 - 7. RL rearmored
Vaslivesky will attempt the install
Base TN6(-2 fac, +4 destroyed limb, -3 quad time) TN5. Rolls a snake eyes.
Marshall and Nabakov will begin rearmoring the Pixie.
Arms. Base TN7(-2 FAC, -1 ARM) TN4, both arms. 8, 10. 18 armor removed from inventory.
Side torsos - 9, 7. Side torosos rearmored.
Marshall and Nabakov break out their new arc welders and keep rearmoring.
Nabakov gets the CT, tn 4. 5 CT rearmored.
Marshall gets the RL. tn4. 5. RL rearmored - for ease of my mind, each will be at 23 points even though one was 22. Marshall had the trots.
rear torso armor.
TN4, 4 points each. 7 and 8.
Continuing the repairs on the armor.
Marshall gets HD, Nabakov gets CTR. 8 and 4. Done.
Bob tries it the leg now
Base TN5(-2 fac, +4 destroyed limb, -3 quad time) TN4. Rolls a 10. Installed, done 12/27
Marshall gets the rearmoring of the leg, 22 points. tn4, rolls 9 - 330 minutes.
Nabakov starts installing actuators.
Base TN7(-2 actuator, -2 facility) TN3, 90 minutes
Foot 10
and a SHS, TN 4, rolls a 5, installed.