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Author Topic: Skaraborg Lance Repairs, Maint & Customs  (Read 20779 times)


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Skaraborg Lance Repairs, Maint & Customs
« Reply #120 on: May 21, 2022, 12:40:19 AM »


SPT-N2 Spartan added

Bobrovosky removes the following Ammo from Spartan: SSRM2, AMS (Note this is not a customization, I'm emptying the bins)

Green technician Hartnell assigned to repair Awesome 8T Berthe

Repairing 8pt LT armor
Base TN9 (-1 ARM +1 CUS -2 facilities -3 quad time) TN4 8 repaired
spends one hour rearming an LRM bin
Regular technician Zumruda Best assigned
Repairing 8pt LT armor
Base TN7 (-1 ARM +1 CUS -2 facilities -3 quad time) TN2 3 repaired
spends one hour rearming an LRM bin

Bobrovosky reloads the remaining LRM15 bins

Awesome 8T Berthe returns to service same day


Awesome 8Q Kronwall 2 repairs to begin
Green tech Hartnell assigned CTR Armor
Based TN9 (-1 ARM +1 CUS +2 -2 FAC -3 quad time) TN 6 time 400-MIN 5 failed

Regular tech Zumruda Best to repair RL armor, 19 points
Base TN7 ((-1 ARM +1 CUS +2 -2 FAC -3 quad time) TN4 time 760 min (2 days) 9 passed

Regular tech Marion Marshall LL ARM 10 PT
Base TN7 (-1 ARM +1 CUS +2 -2 FAC -3 quad time) 400 MIN TN 4 7 repaired

Regular tech  Marion Marshall assigned to repair CTR armor
Based TN7 (-1 ARM +1 CUS +2 -2 FAC -3 quad time) TN 4 time 400-MIN 12 successful

Marion Marshall assigned to repair RTR 2 pts
Based TN9 (-1 ARM +1 CUS +2 -2 FAC -3 quad time) TN 4 time 80 5 passes

green tech Hartnell assigned to RA armor 10pt
Based TN9 (-1 ARM +1 CUS +2 -2 FAC -3 quad time) TN 6 time 400 min 4 fails


Regular Marshall assigned RA, armor 10pt
Based TN7 (-1 ARM +1 CUS +2 -2 FAC -3 quad time) TN 4 time 400-MIN 6 pass

Marshall reloads one ton of GR ammo


Awesome 9Q go into repairs

regular tech Marshall assigned to repair gyro
Base TN7 (+2 4 crit with 2 damage -2 FAC -3 quad time) TN 4 Time 600 min 6 (gyro repaired 6/4 EOD)

Green tech Hartnell assigned to CT IS repairs
Base TN9 (-2 FAC -3 quad time +3 damage) TN 7 1080 minutes (3 days) boxcars.  Seriously.

regular tech Best assigned to LA IS repairs
Base TN7 (+0 IS damage -2 FAC -1 double time) TN5 180 min roll 11 repaird

regular tech Best assigned RT IS repairs
Base TN7 (+0 IS damage -2 FAC -1 double time) TN5 180 min roll 12 repaired (okay then..)


Green  tech Hartnell assigned to 9Q Awesome LA ARm
26 pt
Base TN9 (-1 ARM -2 FAC -2 tripe time) TN3 760 min 5 successful END 6/6

Regular tech Best assigned to LT ARM (24 points)
Base TN7 (-1 ARM -2 FAC -1 double time) TN3 480 MIN 6

Regular tech Marshall assigned RT ARM (24 pt)
Base TN7 (-1 ARM -2 FAC -1 double time) TN3 480 MIN 6 8 repaired


REG Marshall CT ARM 31pt
Base TN7 (-1 ARM -2 FAC -2 trip time) 310 min TN4 rolled 7

Regular tech Marshall assigned CTR 2pt
Base TN7 (-1 ARM -2 FAC ) TN4 20 4 passed

Regular tech Marshall assigned RTR 4 pt
Base TN7 (-1 ARM -2 FAC -1 double time) TN3 80min 9 passed

Regular tech Best assigned LL ARM 20
Base TN7 (-1 ARM -2 FAC -1 double time) TN3 400 MIN 5 repaired

Veteran tech Vaslivesky assigned RL 15 PT
Base TN6 (-1 ARM -2 FAC) TN3 150 minute boxcars repaired

Veteran Tech Vaslivesky assigned RA 10PT
Base TN6 (-1 ARM -2 FAC) TN3 100 min MIN 8 repaired

Veteran Tech Nabalov assigned, LA DHS 2 1 Crit
Base TN6 (-2 FAC -3 quad time) TN3 480 7 repaired

Awesome Berth online 5/29
Shadow Hawk 5M online 5/29
Awesome Kronwall 2 returns to service 6/2
Awesome 9Q returns 6/6


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Skaraborg Lance Repairs, Maint & Customs
« Reply #121 on: July 21, 2022, 11:57:49 PM »

***This was discussed with the GM - this Customization is a Special Approval becuase of the timing it joined the unit***

Elite Tech Bobrovosky will attempt to customize the Spartan

AMS Ammo x1
SSRM2 x2
SSRM@ x2

ADD: 1.5T Armor

MOVE 3x MPL out of RA, move to RT

Going to roll first (obviously using quad time) and see if I need to figure it out.
Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Skaraborg Lance Repairs, Maint & Customs
« Reply #122 on: July 21, 2022, 11:58:00 PM »

Its fine.
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