Ok, got it. Ok, up to 2 more rolls on weather still looking for wind to cause problems with missiles, the reinforcements transport and ideally visibility.
Sorry, was doing dinner.
4th reroll was clear weather down the board. 5th reroll was this. Now we have a problem. Because I don't think it's either reasonable to play this game, nor mathematically possible for your forces to even GET to the other side of the board at Walking-only MP (all other Mech movement modes are impossible due to Tornado, see chart on p36), at total of +3 MP to enter each hex due to Fog and Mud, AND where
every hex on the board which isn't a Depth 1+ water hex, or a building hex, or a road hex, also includes bogging down rules and requires a PSR thanks to Torrential Downpour.
Torrential Downpour is TacOps p59
Tornado F4+ is TacOps p62
Heavy Fog is TacOps p57
Bog Down rules is TacOps p62
Master Chart for weather/enviro conditions is TacOps p36
I would like to hear a very strong argument why this scenario shouldn't be automatically lost, please, as from a
practical standpoint the victory conditions are impossible to achieve in the time allowed for us to play the physical game.