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Author Topic: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050  (Read 4807 times)


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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #45 on: April 04, 2019, 05:14:29 PM »

Awesome Kronwall is 3/5/3, 2 PPC, GR, MASC and a searchlight.  DHS to suit.  The Thug is a stanrdard Royal Thug.  Awesome..someone 95% 9Q but instead of the ECM and SL it has two AMS and a ton of ammo.

I think the main thrust of that, Dan, was that you should post your loadouts in the custom thread immediately.  It's been up for a year and a half; you've had time.

Fuck me they aren't up there?  I'll do it tonight after i get done with work.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #46 on: April 05, 2019, 11:26:09 PM »

The stuff I need to do will go up Saturday night (scenario, Freya Lance medical, Ryan's Marauder, etc).


Also, and this is TOTALLY off-topic, I am looking at starting a private ARMA III Antistasi server for 1 or 2/week sessions.  Arma is a well-known military sim game (WAY WAY WAY more of a sim than Call of Duty or Battlefield are), which had a relatively high learning curve and a gigantic modding community.    Antistasi is a specific mod where Russian forces have invaded the Mediterranean island of Altis (which is a 2/3rds-scale map of a quite real island); players are resistance members who start with basically nothing but a truck and some bolt-action rifles, and have to drive the Russians off the island via asymmetric warfare,  acquiring better gear, winning hearts and minds, increasing the size of the resistance, and being nice enough to gain NATO intervention.  While the game is multiplayer, it is COOPERATIVE multiplayer - we're all on the same team, and won't have to deal with 12 year olds talking about sleeping with people's mum's (unless Ryan really gets into the smack talk).

Everyone in this group is invited to join once I get it up and running; I currently have most of my historical swordsmanship group interested, and about half of my ice hockey team.  It will require anyone who wants in to have purchased the game through Steam (currently $40; there should be a Steam Sale upcoming), and have a computer and a microphone (in-game radio comms are a thing, and if your character is close enough in the game to hear another player, you can just hear them talk).  The timeline here is to have started up the game by roughly mid-to-late May.  There will almost certainly be a small dues collection to pay for the server, but TBH given the number of people we have who are interested it's like $2/month per person, tops.

If you'd like to see some gameplay, along with some MASSIVE over-editing, I cannot recommend SovietWomble's Arma Bullshittery episodes enough.  They are compilations of selected highlights from his Twitch stream, and here is one where they play specifically the Antistasi mod...with a sadly typical but also hugely amusing ending:


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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #47 on: April 06, 2019, 12:24:43 AM »

Try g2a. Their prices tend to be cheaper. Also what kind of server will this be. Last time I played we were fishing. Is it going to be a fishing sim?

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #48 on: April 06, 2019, 12:46:40 AM »

Try g2a. Their prices tend to be cheaper.

The Antistasi mod is, AFAIK, only available through Steam Workshop


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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #49 on: April 06, 2019, 12:54:54 AM »

Try g2a. Their prices tend to be cheaper.

The Antistasi mod is, AFAIK, only available through Steam Workshop
G2a sells codes for steam. Or whatever service you are using and generally around 20-30% cheaper.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #50 on: April 06, 2019, 12:56:43 AM »

G2a sells codes for steam. Or whatever service you are using and generally around 20-30% cheaper.

Didn't realize.  Awesome to know - thanks!

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #51 on: April 06, 2019, 04:54:02 PM »

Final Scenario



Desert 3...........River Valley...Open Terr 1....Open Terr 2
Grasslands 1.....Lake Area.....Woodlands......Grasslands 3


Clan Deployment: After Ranger, 8th Arcturan, and 2nd Chausseurs deployment, Clan forces deploy within 3 hexes of the north edge of the map, on the central two mapsheets.  No more than 3 Mechs may deploy into a 5-hex area.

8th Arcturan Deployment: Deploy in either the purple-bordered area (not both).

2nd Chaussers Deployment: Deploy in the yellow-bordered area.  No more than 4 units may deploy into a single board "quarter" or within 8 hexes of any other 2nd Chausseurs Mech(s).

Ranger Deployment: Deploy in the blue-bordered area

Clan Reinforcements: PRIOR to the game, each reinforcement Star must choose one entry channel (described by the red lines along the north, northeast, and northwest edges of the map).  Two Stars in the same reinforcement group may not use the same entry channel.  The SECOND reinforcement group may extend the north-south red lines (along the sides of the map) by 5 hexes to the south.  All reinforcement units move onto the map as per normal rules.  Note that I have deliberately not posted the reinforcement turns.

Ranger Reinforcements: May choose to enter the board via the channels described by the blue lines on the south map edge.  All reinforcement units move onto the map as per normal rules.  Ranger forces need not choose their entry channel prior to the game.

Environmental Effects:

Battlefield Support
BSP costs are not used in this scenario.

Ranger forces have the following support available:
Long Tom HE (x4) (2 cannons - the 8th Arcuturan is notable for their several Fortress DropShips)
Light Air Cover (x2)
Heavy Air Cover (x4)
Light Bombing (x2)
Light Strike (x2)
Heavy Bombing (x4)
Strafe (x2)

Ranger forces may add up to two artillery fire missions per launcher (no more as they have to evac).  Each Ranger artillery piece gets 2 pre-sighted hexes.  Ranger forces may also employ a single air mission per ASF.  Any Ranger battlefield support unit which does not take part in the battle in a support role gains a "saving throw" against Clan breakthrough forces; if the unit would be destroyed, the unit instead takes no damage on a 4-6 on a d6.

Clan forces have the following support (all Clan ASF support have their TN reduced by 1 due to better skills - same rules as the Ranger ASFs):
Light Air Cover (x6)
Heavy Air Cover (x2)
Heavy Strike (x8) (Clan heavy strikes gain +1 damage grouping)
Light Strike (x2)
Strafe (x2)
Clan ASF units may attempt to attack Ranger or 8th Arcturan artillery positions (must choose between Ranger and Arcturan); this can be countered by Air Cover as per normal.  The specific artillery platform targeted will be randomized. A single 8th Arcturan artillery cannon will be silenced on a 2d6 roll of 7+ for a successful heavy attack (or strafe), or 8+ for a successful light attack (we aren't tracking them in that much detail).

PCs Victory Conditions:
1) Keep the Clan forces from breaking through for as long as possible

OPFOR Victory Conditions:
1)Break through the FedCom lines
Zellbringen is not in play during the scenario

Post-Battle Actions
Clan Mechs which break through the line will have a chance to cause randomly-determined casualties among Ranger units and personnel.  This chance is higher the earlier in the game they break through.  Edge can be burnt for the *person* to survive, but not equipment.  Or people without Edge.

Due to the large number of units in this game and expected end time, and the fact that people have been pointing out that the 1-turn delay makes the last 2-3 turns of the game academic when the goal is to exit the board (if you move adjacent to the board edge on the last turn of the game, it doesn't matter because you can't exit), we are going to change the way it works as a rules test.   Exiting the board is a special movement action, which costs 3 MP (including the entry into the first "virtual" off-board hex).  This will apply as long as the Mech in question has no leg actuator or gyro damage - including missing legs - and as long as the minimum movement rule is not required to exit the board.  Otherwise, a Mech must exit the board using the standard 1-turn delay rules.  This rule will henceforce apply to all games, unless there's a large outcry after this fight.  Additionally, this rule applies ONLY to units capable of spending BattleMech MP.  Vehicles and infantry must still delay as normal.

Abstract Emergency Evacuation Rules
Per exiting Mech or Elemental Point, TN8+ to cause casualties. (Mech of 30 tons or less gets a -1)
Turn 2-4 = +3 (die roll modifier)
Turn 5-6 = +2
Turn 7-8 = +1
Turn 9-10 = +0
Turn 11-12 = -1
Turn 13+ = -2

Roll 1d6 per Breakthrough Mech (An Elemental Point can only roll a 3-6; other results are lost)
1-2: Randomly determined Mech is destroyed and cannot be salvaged (not deployed in the scenario) (crew killed 1-2/6)
3: Randomly determined Combat Vee is destroyed and cannot be salvaged (not deployed in the scenario) (crew killed 1-3/6)
4: Randomly determined Support Vee is destroyed and cannot be salvaged (not deployed in the scenario) (crew killed 1-4/6)
5-6: Personnel casualties (1d6 random non-space personnel killed; 2d6 personnel if Elemental Squad with at least 3 suits remaining)

Casualty checks will be rolled after the game to see which Clan units did what damage.  Specific Units and crew casualties will be posted in this thread ASAP after the game once I can roll it out at home (we have something like 200-220 staff who can potentially be rolled for; I need AtB up for that).

***EXITING THE BATTLEFIELD (Vehicles and Infantry)***
Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn.  Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environments MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).  Enemy units can be at any range to attempt this exit option.  An enemy unit which pushes a unit off the board while it is attempting to exit will not destroy that unit; that unit will count as successfully exiting the board.

As long as the unit attempting to exit the battlefield is no actuator or gyro damage, and has no missing legs, and as long as Minimum Movement is not required to exit the board, a unit may declare as part of its movement that it will exit the board.  There can be no enemy units within 3 hexes of the hex the exiting unit wishes to leave the board through.  This action will cost 3 MP, including the entire entry cost of moving into the first "virtual" offboard hex.  A BattleMech which does not fulfill the requirements to use this rule to move offboard must use the "Exiting the Battlefield (Vehicles and Infantry) rules, located above.  An enemy unit which pushes a unit off the board while it is attempting to exit will not destroy that unit; that unit will count as successfully exiting the board.


***All Clan MechWarriors have auto-eject disabled.***

***Clan MechWarriors will not use melee attacks in any circumstances.  ***

***Pilot Execution***
Clan forces without a nearer active target may choose to execute any nearby helpless targets - if a Clan Warrior wishes to kill an Inner Sphere MechWarrior, roll 1d6; on a 1-3 he will perform a called shot against the head of an enemy disabled or shutdown Mech which is within 6 hexes.  Resolve the called shot normally (edge may be burnt to survive this attack as per the normal rules); this means that shut down or disabled Mechs must remain on the board.  A Clan Warrior may not make repeated attempts; fire once and move on.

***Rules for Enhanced Imaging***
-All PSRs receive a -1 modifier
-Firing through or into heavy woods only suffers a +1 modifier (LOS rules are unaffected).
-Firing through or into any number of light woods suffers only a single +1 modifier (LOS rules are unaffected).
-Darkness modifiers have no effect.
-Unit may aim its direct-fire weapons at a specific location as though it had a TComp; with a +6 modifier instead of a +3.
-The pilot suffers 1 point of damage each time it suffers 1+ points of IS damage, unless the controlling player rolls a 7+ on 2d6
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 02:47:08 PM by Darrian Wolffe »


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #52 on: April 06, 2019, 05:19:56 PM »

Rob, the note "Per exiting Mech or Elemental Point, TN8+ to cause casualties. (Mech of 30 tons or less gets a -1)" is the -1 applied to the roll or the TN?  Given the context I would expect the TN, but would prefer to confirm in advance.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #53 on: April 06, 2019, 05:26:10 PM »

Rob, the note "Per exiting Mech or Elemental Point, TN8+ to cause casualties. (Mech of 30 tons or less gets a -1)" is the -1 applied to the roll or the TN?  Given the context I would expect the TN, but would prefer to confirm in advance.

To the roll.  Being lighter makes it harder to kill stuff.  Units get bonuses to the roll for existing early (they have more time to kill something), while lighter units get a penalty to the roll since they carry fewer weapons.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #54 on: April 06, 2019, 05:36:12 PM »

For Clan reinforcements given the red line down the side, their first hex of movement could be the furthest southern map hex for the red line with the 1st reinforcement star and then extend the red line virtually down another 5 hexes into the southern outside quarter of the respective maps, correct?

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #55 on: April 06, 2019, 05:58:33 PM »

For Clan reinforcements given the red line down the side, their first hex of movement could be the furthest southern map hex for the red line with the 1st reinforcement star and then extend the red line virtually down another 5 hexes into the southern outside quarter of the respective maps, correct?

I'm sorry, I've read this thrice and I don't understand what you're asking.  This just sounds like it's repeating what I said in the deployment section, in slightly different verbiage.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #56 on: April 06, 2019, 06:08:37 PM »

For Clan reinforcements given the red line down the side, their first hex of movement could be the furthest southern map hex for the red line with the 1st reinforcement star and then extend the red line virtually down another 5 hexes into the southern outside quarter of the respective maps, correct?

I'm sorry, I've read this thrice and I don't understand what you're asking.  This just sounds like it's repeating what I said in the deployment section, in slightly different verbiage.

Just trying to make sure I understood it correctly.  Sounds like yes.

Black Omega

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #57 on: April 06, 2019, 09:40:06 PM » inbound.

Everyone else...minis?
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #58 on: April 06, 2019, 09:47:04 PM »

Everyone else...minis?

I'm pulling what I have available once Maria and I are done with dinner.  Give me a bit and I'll post up what I've got.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Operation KESTREL - Mission 5 - 5/11/3050
« Reply #59 on: April 06, 2019, 11:17:04 PM »

I'm pulling what I have available once Maria and I are done with dinner.  Give me a bit and I'll post up what I've got.

I have now pulled everything for the scenario.  I am personally short but 5 Mechs in total.


Reinforcement Binary 1
Mad Dog

Reinforcement Binary 2
Kit Fox

Additionally, if anyone WANTS to, they can bring one or more of the following Mechs in green, but these are not strictly required.  Don't worry about checking in, just bring them if you want and we'll swap out.
Executioner/Gladiator (x3)
Ice Ferret/Fenris
Fire Moth/ Dasher
Nova/Black Hawk
Uller/Kit Fox
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