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Author Topic: 18 September, 3050  (Read 4099 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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18 September, 3050
« on: May 21, 2019, 02:35:42 AM »

15-17 September, 3050
Your memories of the rest of the day following the Battle of Braunfield are hazy, filled with running, shouting, explosions, and sharp short engagements as the Rangers and the surviving elements of the Gray Death Legion's 1st Battalion fell back to the regimental rally point near Holstan.  Behind you, immediate contact was broken as the Falcons turned and secured the major road interchanges of Braunfield and Pattersen.  As morning dawned on September 16th, it was clear that while the pursuit wasn't immediate, it would soon be forthcoming.  Carlyle reacted decisively by sending out nearly all his surviving infantry as scouts to give advance warning, and hoping to find useful supplies nearby.  Luckily, as the Mechs of the Legion and Rangers were frantically worked upon by their tech teams, the scouts reported back by noon that day that they had found an AgroMech repair facility.  Those frames were quickly "liberated" and brought back to the Legion cantonment, rigged with booby-traps, and taken north and west between the lines to act as delays and warning signals that the pursuit was restarted.

As it happened, the Techs barely got two days to work before scouts reported explosions to the north, and the cantonment was thrown into a flurry of activity as the chase was on.

18 September, 3050
Killiring Crossing, Sudeten

The Legion and Rangers withdrew mere hours ahead of the 124th Striker Cluster's vanguard.  For nearly 200 kilometers, Legion units would detach themselves and set up quick ambushes or traps to slow down or divert the pursuing Clanners.  Units would move out with two or three Mechs, and would come back alone, or not at all.  The Legion started the march with 19 operational Mechs, and by the evening of September 18th, were down to just ten.  Colonel Carlyle knew that the climactic engagement was going to happen as the column crossed the Killiring River; the friendly bank of the river would be back in range of friendly artillery, which would scrape the Falcons off the Legion's back.  He also knew that the Legion's 2nd Battalion was engaged elsewhere, ensuring that no widely-flanking force could endanger the FedCom supply stores the Legion would need if there was a future battle, and that the Pandora Militia was stationed securing the Ranger and Legion DropShips.  That left the remainder of the Numenorean Rangers as the sole unengaged force capable of helping the survivors of the Battle of Braunfield escape to friendly lines.

Using his authority as commander of Sudeten defense forces, Carlyle ordered the commandeering of a civilian-owned Mule-class DropShip.  He is requesting that two lances of fresh Ranger Forces be deployed via airdrop at the Killring River crossing to form a rearguard so that the combined Ranger and Legion forces can withdrawal across the river under the cover of FedCom artillery fire.

Final Scenario



Woodland New................Rolling Hills 1 New
Open Terrain 3 New.........Battletech
Desert 2........................Mountain Lake

Ranger Airdrop Lances: Prior to Turn 1, each lance must deploy within 6 hexes of Hex 0909 of one of the four northern Mapsheets using standard airdrop rules.  Only 1 lance may airdrop onto each mapsheet.

Ranger Convoy Mechs: Must deploy within the purple-bordered section of the map

Gray Death Convoy Mechs: Must deploy within the purple-bordered section of the map

Ranger Support Units: Must deploy within the orange-bordered section of the map

Gray Death Support Units: Must deploy within the orange-bordered section of the map

Falcon Alpha Talon 1: Enters within 3 hexes of the northeast or northwest (your choice; cannot be the same as Bravo Beak) map corner on Turn 1

Falcon Bravo Beak 3: Enters within 3 hexes of the northwest or northeast (your choice; cannot be the same as Alpha Talon) map corner on Turn 1

Falcon Delta Nova: Enters within 3 hexes of the north-south map centerline, on the north map edge, on Turn 3

Force Lists
Ranger Airdrop Lances:  Any two lances which the Ranger Commander wishes to deploy into the battle.  Grayson is requesting Skaraborg and Crusher, but this is not an order.

Ranger Convoy Mechs: Freya, Midnight, and Dancer Lance must each pick 2 surviving units to be included in the mission.  There is not a guarantee you will be able to run your unit, even if you pick a Lance Leader, due to player attendance issues.  These units are in whatever shape they are in after repairs are complete.  Based on attendance, I reserve the right to lessen this to 1 unit per lance on game day.

Gray Death Convoy Mechs: All GDL mechs are at half-ammo, and the Archer, Griffin, and Centurion have 2d6 groups of 5 damage each
Grayson Carlyle, MAD-3R Marauder (direct DHS swap, lose 1 DHS, add CASE on the AC/5 ammo and add 4 armor to each side torso).  2/3, Edge 5, Tactics +6, Lucky, 6th Sense, Tac Genuis, Combat Intuition
Lori Carlyle, SHD-5M Shadow Hawk, 3/3, Edge 2, Wpn Spec ML, Jumping Jack
Paul Hansen, ARC-2R Archer, 3/4
Miles Lewis, GRF-1N Griffin 3/4

Israel Curry, PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk, 3/2, Jumping Jack
Charles Lovell, CN9-A Centurion, 3/4
Rebekah Frye, HBK-4G Hunchback, 2/5, Marksman, Sniper
The heavily-damaged GDL Mechs are deleted from the scenario purely for attendance reasons.  Likewise, the above 3 Mechs may be removed for attendance reasons; if this happens damage to the Archer and Griffin will be removed.

Ranger Support Units: Freya, Midnight, Dancer, and Reaper Lances all must deploy 1 squad of foot Rifle Infantry (ie, your Techs); each squad is mounted in 1 (GDL-supplied) ICE Flatbed (Armor) truck, and receives 1 point of EDG, which can be burnt to automatically dismount from a destroyed vehicle in lieu of suffering casualties.  If a Lance deploys fewer than 7 Techs, casualties are "virtual" until the number of casualties exceeds 7-# of Techs.   The identity of Ranger Tech Teams in a truck is not public information (ie, the Clan players cannot "snipe" Ranger teams).

Gray Death Support Units:
-The GDL must deploy 4 squads of Foot Rifle infantry, each in an ICE Flatbed (Armor) truck.  To the Clan player perceptions, these are identical to Ranger Tech teams during gameplay.  
-The GDL deploys x2 Coolant Trucks (4/5)
-The GDL deploys x2 mobile field bases (4/5) ("Savior" from RS: 3145 Unabridged; delete cargo space, CASE, and armor, and replace with 5.5 tons of std armor in a 28/20/20 layout)
-The GDL deploys 1 Mechanized Laser Platoon (3/4), 1 Mechanized Rifle Platoon (4/4) (should be 3 MP)
-The GDL deploys x3 Harasser Missile Platforms (3/3 each)

Falcon Alpha Talon 1: Each unit has suffered 1d5 groups of 5 damage to its legs as a result of booby traps (cannot result in critical damage)
Star CPT Dreeson Pryde: Warhawk Custom (Warhawk D, replace ATM-9 with LRM-20 and 3 tons ammo); 1/2
Krista: Summoner A; 1/2
Polonar: Summoner Prime; 2/3
Shelgur: Executioner C; 2/3
Zena: Adder Prime; 2/3

Falcon Bravo Beak 3:  May be removed for attendance reasons
Star Commander Maria Roshak: Hellbringer F; 2/2
Pictan: Stormcrow Prime; 3/4
Squan: Nova Prime; 3/4
Ognar: Dragonfly D; 2/3
Wilma: Conjurer; 2/3

Falcon Delta Nova:
Star Captain Kiera Binetti: Kit Fox S; 1/1
Elemental SL: Danton
MechWarrior Essan: Kit Fox Prime; 2/3
Elemental SL:  Yaganz
MechWarrior Lron: Nova A; 1/2
Elemental SL: Belltra
MechWarrior Cessig: Adder D; 1/2
Elemental SL: Prentic
MechWarrior Galliard: Summoner Prime; 2/2
Elemental SL: Weddon

Environmental Conditions:
Weather: Clear, Sunny

Terrain: The river crosses the map as depicted.  Remember that wheeled and tracked vees can only move through Depth 0 water.  Additionally, each clear, level 0 hex which borders a water hex of any depth, anywhere on the map, is treated as "Mud" - it costs 1 extra MP to enter and requires a PSR when entering from all non-hover units, or that unit immediately "bogs down" and ends its movement there.  Jumping into a Mud Hex adds a +3 penalty to the PSR.  Freeing your unit requires a PSR at a +2 penalty, and you can only use Walking/Cruising MP to attempt it.  Infantry are not affected by Mud.

Falcon Forces have 6 Light and 2 Heavy Air Cover available to them.

Rangers have however much air power they wish to use, to a maximum of 2 sorties per ASF.  Additionally, the GDL air corps is contributing 2 light and 2 heavy bombing missions.

The southern HALF of the map is within range of FedCom Artillery.  Up to 2 Sniper Artillery shells may be targeted on the southern half of the map each turn, using BSP rules, starting as soon as 4 GRAY DEATH units have crossed the river.  FedCom Artillery will not fire at a hex within 4 hexes of a Gray Death unit, unless they are targeting a pre-sited hex, and will not fire at a hex which will result in damage to GDL units in any case.  Up to 4 hexes may be pre-sited prior to the battle.

Falcon Forces: Kill and destroy enemy units.
GDL/Ranger Forces: Escape across the river with as many units as possible.
**There are no VP tracked for this mission.  It's simply a matter of survival.

Falcon Forces will not generally fire across the river or pursue across the river, if there are units on the north side of the river to engage.  Falcon forces will prioritize enemy Mech forces for fire declaration, unless they are in close proximity to the vehicle units or have no other units at which to fire (no, they cannot sit on a hill at 25 hexes and snipe as many flatbeds as possible while ignoring the Mechs shooting at them).
« Last Edit: May 21, 2019, 02:37:14 AM by Darrian Wolffe »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2019, 04:35:01 AM »

Freya Lance will deploy:
LT Hartmann (Grasshopper)
SGT Montgomery (Javelin)

Outstanding damage on Grasshopper includes:
1 pt armor, LL
3 pts IS, RA
No UA, LA, or Hand Actuator, LA
No UA, LA, or Hand Actuator, RA
No DHS in slots Lower 2,3,4, LA
No ML in Slot Upper 1, RT
No SPL in Slot Upper 5, RT


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2019, 08:22:38 AM »

Skaraborg lance deployment depending on pending rules from GM as discussed before last game.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2019, 11:04:04 AM »

Midnight Deploys:
COL Atayde (Warhammer)
SGT Cochrane(Commando)

Outstanding Damage:
Warhammer - None
Commando - No Damage, short 4 rounds of SRM 4 ammo
« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 09:25:15 PM by Hat »


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2019, 11:14:44 AM »

Skaraborg lance deployment depending on pending rules from GM as discussed before last game.

One question for you Dan, what would you be looking to bring?  The Turkina even at the southernmost edge of our drop zone would take 7 turns walking backwards in a straight line to be able to cross the river.  I can consider calling up Skaraborg, I'm just concerned about your movement profile given the mission.  Rob's also said we'll have one more mission after this one which my guess is a final stand prior to being able to lift off planet which may fit your unit's profile better.

Of course if rules are not resolved it's a moot point.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2019, 12:57:17 PM »

Skaraborg lance deployment depending on pending rules from GM as discussed before last game.

The Turkina even at the southernmost edge of our drop zone would take 7 turns walking backwards in a straight line to be able to cross the river. 


3 turns of jumping.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2019, 01:07:24 PM »

Skaraborg lance deployment depending on pending rules from GM as discussed before last game.

The Turkina even at the southernmost edge of our drop zone would take 7 turns walking backwards in a straight line to be able to cross the river. 

3 turns of jumping.

It’s a 3/5/3 mech, correct?  21 hexes walking or jumping is still 7 turns. Am I missing something?


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2019, 01:09:12 PM »

Skaraborg lance deployment depending on pending rules from GM as discussed before last game.

One question for you Dan, what would you be looking to bring?  The Turkina even at the southernmost edge of our drop zone would take 7 turns walking backwards in a straight line to be able to cross the river.  I can consider calling up Skaraborg, I'm just concerned about your movement profile given the mission.  Rob's also said we'll have one more mission after this one which my guess is a final stand prior to being able to lift off planet which may fit your unit's profile better.

Of course if rules are not resolved it's a moot point.

I'm pretty universally 3/5 - one Awesome, the Highlander and the Turkina jump.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2019, 01:14:31 PM »

It’s a 3/5/3 mech, correct?  21 hexes walking or jumping is still 7 turns. Am I missing something?

Yes.  Reread the Airdrop Deployment Rules carefully.

Of course if rules are not resolved it's a moot point.

Maria and I are about to head out to do the voting/shopping trip for the day.  I'ma call you when I get back to confirm some stuff, and then I'll resolve the rules issue tonight.


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2019, 01:19:42 PM »

It’s a 3/5/3 mech, correct?  21 hexes walking or jumping is still 7 turns. Am I missing something?

Yes.  Reread the Airdrop Deployment Rules carefully.

Of course if rules are not resolved it's a moot point.

Maria and I are about to head out to do the voting/shopping trip for the day.  I'ma call you when I get back to confirm some stuff, and then I'll resolve the rules issue tonight.

Sounds good.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2019, 04:18:02 PM »

It’s a 3/5/3 mech, correct?  21 hexes walking or jumping is still 7 turns. Am I missing something?

Yes.  Reread the Airdrop Deployment Rules carefully.

I’ll have to find the rules, but you’re the expert.  Crusher was already part of my plan, so if Skaraborg is ready to go, happy to have him.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2019, 04:38:32 PM »

I’ll have to find the rules, but you’re the expert.  Crusher was already part of my plan, so if Skaraborg is ready to go, happy to have him.

Oh, for...

Ranger Airdrop Lances: Prior to Turn 1, each lance must deploy within 6 hexes of Hex 0909 of one of the four northern Mapsheets using standard airdrop rules.  Only 1 lance may airdrop onto each mapsheet.

Skaraborg is perfectly capable of airdropping onto the BattleTech or Open Terrain 3 map within 6 hexes of hex 0909, providing long-range fire, and then crossing the river in 3 turns of movement.

Aside from that, IIRC other lances you may want to consider are Phoenix and Dunedain and Ice.  With Mike and his kids being out in June, that take Bright and Wolverine out of the equation.

Ad Hoc

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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2019, 05:16:01 PM »

I know my techs are in then convoy but my lance wasn't mentioned in needing to have 2 mechs defending it. Was that intentional or an oops? If they need to be in I can print my 2 and give to Steve to take to game.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2019, 05:32:42 PM »

My apologies Rob.  Wasn’t trying to be dense.  Been distracted with traveling and should have paid more attention. Mea culpa.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: 18 September, 3050
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2019, 05:47:14 PM »

I know my techs are in then convoy but my lance wasn't mentioned in needing to have 2 mechs defending it. Was that intentional or an oops? If they need to be in I can print my 2 and give to Steve to take to game.

The 2 assigned player Mechs from last scenario are less "defending" the convoy than "trying to get away".  Basically, since you aren't going to be there, I didn't want to have to have more Mechs to track; the single convoy flatbed isn't the issue that 2 more Mechs would be.  Just assume that your Mechs were in the vanguard and crossed the river before the Falcons caught up.
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